On the Media

News #57News Commentary #12

The Peabody Award-winning On the Media podcast is your guide to examining how the media sausage is made. Hosts Brooke Gladstone and Micah Loewinger examine threats to free speech and government transparency, cast a skeptical eye on media coverage of the week’s big stories and unravel hidden political narratives in everything we read, watch and hear.

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Recent Reviews
  • angrylf
    Lost its edge
    This used to be an interesting program but it has become just a bunch of woke blather. Misinformation Is presented as fact rather than risk causing offense. So typical of NPR to fire Garfield who did good, confrontational interviews and keep Gladstone who is a phony, megaphone for progressive nonsense.
  • d-town laxer
    2025 Programing
    After Trump was elected I listened to your “morning after” podcast where you candidly discussed how this new regime might impact your coverage. I found your programs following the election fantastic from crypto contrarian to the librarian spies and many in between. Thank you! Keep up the great work. We now just need to figure out how to speak to a broader audience!
  • Jenjen_rn
    Great podcast if you hate God, America and truth. If you’re woke and just want someone to fuel that ideology with un-based vitriol this podcast is for you
  • JMLLA12
    Epitome of liberal smugness (I am a liberal)
    The hosts / guests of this show desperately need to learn that they don’t know what they don’t know. They are frequently and confidently wrong - but gloss over their previous bad takes in order to hurl more shots at other commentators. There is a “right” and a “wrong” way to talk about the news and only they know the difference. If history proves them wrong? Pretend like it didn’t happen. Case in point: their discussion of Biden’s age in the spring of 2024. I would have a lot more respect for their analyses if they could recognize when they were previously wrong and learn from it. I would have even more respect if they could show some humility and recognize the fact that no one knows what take will fix our broken institutions. It would create better debates and they would spend less time with mud on their faces.
  • Ytzpaul
    Authoritarianism in Politics and big Tech AI
    First, the first two weeks of Trump’s implementation of Project 2025… And two the section on impact of DeepSeek AI … very interesting with quality guests.
  • Iswoon
    ED Z.!
    Love the show…always have I, since I can recall. It puts our (my) world back on axis weekly, with mid-week nosh, as well. Ed Zitron, recently, a new voice, real energy & intellect. Great Guest, Grazie!
  • chicka-doodle-doo
    Great show, but …
    … I can’t listen to the disgusting voice of you-know-who. Can you bleep it out?
  • BCguy94
    Critical reporting
    I really appreciate the thorough reporting on the stories they do, especially in an era of declining trust in the media.
  • To T or not to Tee
    Fantastic podcast!
    Balanced presentation & great content! Thanks so much for all your thoughtful work!
  • EJames9029
    Defund NPR
    The episode about public broadcasting being in danger was so biased that it provided a perfect encapsulation of why public broadcasting SHOULD be defunded. Chef’s kiss.
  • darcwood
    Public Broadcasting is in Danger
    I was an ardent fan and supporter of NPR for over 30 years. At some point during the COVID lockdowns, I just found I couldn’t abide listening anymore. I didn’t think it was because it was too woke, because I considered myself to be a woke progressive leftist. But it was the tone—and the tone policing. The virtue signaling. And the fact that I had serious questions about COVID and the transing of children (as I am from the Question Authority generation) and there was NEVER any attempt to explore divergent views on these issues and others. Anybody who had questions was brainwashed by right wing misinformation, even though I never consume right wing news. I just had common sense questions, many of which have been born out. My point is that I was very dismayed by Brook’s contemptuous tone toward Mike Gonzales. I don’t agree with Gonzales on CPB funding, but as do agree with some of his points, and I do not need Brooke or anyone at NPR to tell me how I should interpret information. And this is why I finally stopped listening to NPR. The insidious contemptuous tone.
  • lordgehrksherk
    Off track for 8 years
    What do you care? If one is still anticipating this show, that person has no sense of taste, mood or dignity. There was a time in which this program meant something. A time in which it adhered to its title. A time in which an examination of popular media was the sole theme. That time is long gone. If one tried, for the past 800-some dismal broadcasts, to convince themself it’s possible for the program to return to its function, that person is sorely mistaken. The drivel I for one have endured… Just go back for any length of time. Listen to this nonsense for as long as you can bear it. It’s sheer pablum. It signifies less than nothing. No sound, no fury. Shame on NPR for allowing a good vehicle to become so wearisome.
  • Concerned Citizen 5500
    A cool refreshing reality oasis in a desert of hot air and spin.
    This show is very badly-needed analysis of how current events are reported and by whom and why and to what ends and how it calcifies into the Dominant Narrative over time. This show is basically an anti-calcification agent against propaganda. For those who don’t just consume the information as it’s fed to us, but consider the framing and the competing agendas, OTM is one of the few sources of support for doing so. I love this show so much and particularly Brook Gladstone. I listen to every single episode and could listen to BG’s voice all day.
  • midwestBlue
    june 21, 2024 epi
    This epi with guest author, Cory Doctorow, is a must listen!! Learn something, you will be glad that you did. He lays out monopolies with digital platforms and more. like i said it is a must to listen to and Brooke is an excellent interviewer. On the Media, factual news!
  • No DRM
    They’re doing an okay job.
  • ASBehn
    Excellent factual interesting reporting and analysis.
    On the Media does absolutely excellent reporting and fact checking and sharing. This is one of my favorite podcasts. On the Media poses excellent questions, and talks with a variety of people. In addition, it’s fantastic that they are evaluating how the media landscape is changing and how traditional media can adapt. Now, Imagine if people were so sick of social media we just shut it all off. Would that not be marvelous? To Not be constantly manipulated by a series of algorithms? That is the future of media I want.
  • BryanM47
    The host is just to whiny for me.
  • RokitanskyAschoff
    Media bias on display (ironically)
    If you have no problem with stories tainted by far left bias, then you will find no issue with this program. As a longtime listener it has declined significantly since the departure of Bob Garfield. A major turning point for me was post Oct. 7 the shows progressive bona tides shown through in that they succumbed to the left’s irresistible demonization of all things Israel rather than doing deep reporting on facts and truth. The program’s depictions of unrwa are so thoroughly false and easily debunked by facts as to be comical - the program appears to have even committed journalistic malpractice in that they let serious accusations of Hillel Neuer, a credible and knowledgeable expert on unrwa, go unchallenged and did not even solicit comment from him. Is that even legal? Are there not journalistic standards anymore. This program is emblematic of the dramatic decline in NPR listernerahip - the public can see through the bias and aren’t buying in anymore.
  • SDhltnt
    Your story seems strange to an observer
    Feels strange for the purveyor of everything the “blind corporate destroyer of our species and planet” selling something that no one seems to even see the dots that should be visible But your funding ???
    Father Coughlin was not on the Right
    Poorly done. Labeling coughlin as being from the right illustrates your bias. He held disgusting views on Jews. His other views were heterodox but leaned left.
  • wilhelmina a.
    Great show—pronounce antisemitic correctly pls
    Why do so many people pronounce antisemitic “anti-si-metic”? Please encourage reporter Katie Thornton and others to use the correct pronunciation: "an-tē-sə-ˈmi-tik"
  • Mazocar
    This show was mildly interesting when the hosts had a moment when they nearly understood why their medium was dying. Alas, that moment was fleeting and quickly lost.
  • yimbyDawler
    The most necessary and critical podcast for out modern times
    I’m an avid OTM listener because they offer the kind of inside out critiques that help us understand nuances and narrative that shape our world and thinking. In a world losing out on journalism in every corner, this kind of analysis is precious and rare. I am a better critical thinker because of OTM. Thank you and please share this with others and donate to keep this kind of show going long into the future.
  • walker449
    Love this show!!
    I’ve listened to it for years. It is more important now then ever. I learn so much and I love how it is balanced and fresh. High marks! Thanks for all you do. From New Hampshire
  • Winston2356
    Fragile yet sanctimonious
    20 years ago, one of my go to radio programs. Biased, but there was depth. Anyway, I gave up on them a long time ago when they gave up on ethics. But now they’re just so fragile. I listened to some of the post election shows. The hand wringing, long sighs, a little crying I think. When did these hard nosed journalists become such snowflakes. And fragility aside, how can they be so incapable of seeing republicans as anything but easily manipulated morons or pure devils. But, maybe the worst is how they can simply not report the facts correctly; this is journalism 101. Or more likely, I’m naive. I suspect they know how complex the issues are but realize it doesn’t help their team to report them. So, they’re just Breitbart for the left.
  • DvtedFan
    How am I feeling?
    Stunned, horrified, terrified, hopeless, disbelieving, etc. We must, must, leave our liberal bubble, understand that we don’t understand the country we really live, engage, investigate, be genuinely curious about the people who voted for Trump et al. The tragic fact is that those who want to deport every immigrant and buy cheaper eggs don't understand that tariffs and deporting essential workers will INCREASE the price of eggs and everything else. We talk about “toxic masculinity” but men who voted for trump feel emasculated by women having rights, a higher rates of college education, careers, financial independence. If we don’t leave our own media bubble, we don’t stand a chance of restoring everything we value. We MUST resist and we MUST be willing to study and implement the other side’s tactics.
  • sunflour
    Vital Resource
    I didn’t realize I was not contributing to this podcast, but now I will find a way to do just that. An incredible team with clarity, a lack of chaotic dramatization, well rounded, and down to earth. Thank you to the team!
  • Crprtr
    I’ll tell you exactly what it is
    What is the movie wrong? Both sidesing. People who saw both parties is exactly the same because that’s what is out there so then after that, they went on personality and misogyny and they think he’s more funny.
  • alfonina
    The day after
    Dear on The Media hosts , With so much sadness I appreciate your honest show ! There is not much to add to this election despoilment but the most pailful reality of a country so full of Des inform people that you can’t be serious about any future ,it is so unsettled I am very disappointed and worried but also aware that so many people don’t care or understand their own country and the effect of this election result for the country and the rest of the world . Wishing you the best on this journey. Sincerely, Miriam MV California
  • Uralriver
    The Day After, Brings Unbearable Sadness…
    Disappointment and Fear. The worst is yet to come.
  • LongtimeOTMlistener
    More focus on Gaza needed
    For five years I never missed a show. However, it now seems like OTM goes out of its way to avoid covering media complicity in Apaetheid Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Sometimes it’s easier to cover what is unimportant. I am pretty sure Bob Garfield would not be discussing fluff when the crime of crimes is being committed with the support of western media. No topic is more important for a program with OTM’s mission. OTM has become a textbook example of media complicity in genocide.
  • Spud City Reviewer
    I miss Bob.
    That is all.
  • Dysfunctional Shopper
    Once Great But No Longer
    I used to love this show! Key words there “used to”. Sadly the show lacks the effort it used to have. There seems to be very little new content. Every “new” show is just replays of old segments with very little actual new content. Since they kicked Bob off the show, it’s like they’re just phoning it in. I’m sure he was a pain in the back side to work with but without him the show appears to have completely lost its way. The replay segments they do play are not any of the segments with Bob. It’s almost like they need someone with a lot of fiery passion to make the show work. Very disappointing
  • K. Dubois
    Thank you for your integrity
    To Brooke and Micah and the whole OTR team: I appreciate your excellence and integrity. Thank you (on this occasion) for your 9/4/24 episode about the change you’re making re ads. That you confronted the issue with listeners directly — and analyzed and commented on all the factors about adopting host-read ads — comes as no surprise because that’s who you are and that’s how you roll. Thank you. p.s. I’m heading to WNYC to make a donation now :)
  • alalrian
    Brooke Gladstone is a gem
    Always engaging, critical takes on contemporary media.
  • Thackmaster
    Useful media analysis
    Noticed a barrage of haters in the reviews, which surprised me given the centrist-left views that tend to be represented in this show. Generally, OTM is a solid source of media analysis. I once heard Brooke talk about the process of recording and editing episodes, which sounds like a lot of work. Much respect for this amazing show!!
  • andrewcayer
    Congrats Micah!
    Hi, long time listener, first time reviewer. This show keeps me grounded and sane even when it helps me realize how insane the world around us is sometimes. Brooke and Micah (and team) do a wonderful job putting all the pieces into place.
  • MissGinger13
    Stop it
    Stop giving air to Ezra Kline. He is a detriment to America and his voice only supports anti democratic people and causes.
  • countcurls
    Listen to something else.
    Overproduced partisan pandering for smug progressives who can’t help but misrepresent conservatives in order to maintain the illusion that only stupid and evil people disagree with a socialist,multicultural, and “queer” future for American and the world. Do yourself a favor and look at a screensaver for half an hour instead of listening to this trash. You might come out of the experience with a good idea, something I can’t promise if you listen to this peabrain award winner.
  • JACP61
    Useful insights in an era of shocking news.
  • acausal_cause
    i listen every week. great show
  • Tellonecone
    #1 podcast
    True journalism. The stories you want/need to hear. Clear & in depth. Almost always a subject you should know about. Although some news I do not want to hear.
  • JuanFloyd87
    Amazing Insights !! 😎🙌🏻
    Great podcast!
  • nojbav
    Most insightful podcast
    This podcast is so thoughtful. Helps historically contextualize current events. Fantastic journalism and intelligent guests. I always look forward to listening.
  • Love B&T
    One of my all-time favorites
    These journalists cover things that affect us all and are very underreported. It’s done in depth and in a very accessible way. Priceless.
  • Fttfyyyyruyyrtyydtytyyjtgfgu
    Insightful and intelligent
    Clear discussion of some of the most pressing issues facing our nation presented in a lively and engaging fashion. I look forward to every episode.
  • askepticisneverfooled
    Essential listening
    Every episode is packed with valuable insight. I listen to every one as soon as it drops.
  • RicoDCloz
    Exposes the core
    I can’t find a podcast or program that does a better job of exposing the core of important issues for America.
  • mad overlord
    Ms. Gladstone is a talented and captivating storyteller. This team puts together an excellent podcast series.
  • Vinkylu70
    Over 125 Palestinian Journalist Dead
    When are you going to cover the incredible number of journalists in Palestine that have been murdered? It’s unprecedented in any war in decades and there is evidence they are being targeted. Israel has not only shut down Al Jazeera but they have attached and burdened the building. This is news worthy.
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