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BTMiller89These Ladies Are So FunnyI haven’t even seen most of the movies that they talk about, but even when I come in knowing nothing about the movie it’s still so much fun to hear them discuss and joke about it.
Vaneesa C.HilariousListening non stop
BBourgeois91Just listenSo much fun to listen to. It’s great to see the messiness of popular media finally taken to task. Pick your favorite (or least favorite) item on this overflowing list of winners. You won’t be disappointed.
BekmitchI love it and I love itI have been listening to this show for about a year now and consistently laugh out loud several times an episode. I had not heard of the hosts before but have grown to adore them both on their own as well as a pair. I love that they can disagree and still support one another’s points of view. I love that they come to each discussion with so much joy. I love that they are both so eloquent and provide a thoughtful analysis of each film. Thank you IHIBILI! Great stuff!
ScooterBoots97I JUST LOVE itI’ve recently discovered the “I Hate It But I Love It” and am sooo happy I did. I love the banter back and forth between hosts Jocelyn and Kat, they’re a perfect match and just build off each other. I also love their silly and quirky interpretations to plot points of the films they talk about, I take public transit to work and I have keep from giggling to myself and looking crazy when I listen to their podcast. SUBSCRIBED!!
ThatGirlGeorgeGreat Banter and an Enviable FriendshipI stumbled on this show after searching for a podcast that covered Baz Lurman’s The Great Gatsby. Leading me to this gem of a podcast is the best thing that movie did (the only good thing?) but I digress! The hosts have such adorable, fun banter, and I love learning about behind-the-scenes production gossip and pop culture along the way! Also, I love how there’s a show theme song each episode. It makes me laugh so much each time and I just never know what to expect.
LylaH91LOL but for RealI love this podcast so much. It reminds me of a friendship I have, which also started when we bonded over tv and movies. Jocelyn and Kat bring insights I wouldn’t have seen and humor that makes me literally laugh out loud (only a problem when I’m in public and trying not to look crazy). If you’re looking for something interesting and fun (can be hard to find), this is definitely one to try.
SpiderPool279ILIBILI (I Love It But I Love It)This podcast is so much fun! Jocelyn and Kat are amazing engaging, and their friendship is so fun that it almost feels like the podcast is just an excuse to listen to two friends talk. Other reviews have stated they tend to critique more than they praise, but I personally that is because it is easy to get people to understand what is good about a good movie, but if you state what is bad, you are also kind of implying everything but the bad stuff is good. If that makes sense? I am slowly making my way through the back catalog, and I have noticed sometimes they bend or break the premise of the show, but as I stated, I’m here more the friendship than the reviews. Amazing job, Kat and Jocelyn! Anyway this podcast is great! (Also, I came here to leave a review after joining the patreon. Definitely recommend)
encyclopedia greenILIBILII love listening to Jocelyn and Kat! They’re so insightful and then I make a weird noise in my cube in the office because I’m trying not to laugh but can’t hold it in!
WhoseThatGuy252My new favorite duo?!I found this podcast looking for a show that reviewed the absolutely bonkers movie, “The Bodyguard.” In this episode, I was treated to one of the greatest cold opens ever with a Whitney Houston joke that had me DYING laughing. I immediately knew I found my people! They proceeded to delight me by sharing similar tastes to mine and being absolutely hilarious. I can’t wait to go through the backlog and listen to all the new episodes. What a great podcast!!!
DarthMar10Absolutely terribleI started listening to this and unfortunately decided to listen to the counte of monte cristo episode, within minutes it turned in to a hatefest of jim cavaziel and an undertone of hate towards God and Christians… i honestly was disgusted. Its possible to review movies without spreading hate.
podfan1975Hysterical!I found this podcast as I was searching for someone to make fun of Stayin’ Alive, and now I am down the rabbit hole of binging your episodes. I love the rapport you have with each other, and I can’t wait to find more movies and shows to love to hate!
Franchtoast17Binge WorthyBeen bingeing this podcast for weeks and I can’t get enough! The hilarious banter and genuine laughter are incredible. Revisiting the guilty pleasures of film and TV are chicken soup for my cold dead heart
FreeformchazzA great time at the podcastsOne of my favorite recent podcast discoveries, a true delight
tayrae92My favorite binge listen!I love to binge this podcast and there are so many episodes. While the episodes about movies I’ve seen are fun, I love the episodes about movies I haven’t seen and hear the story in their words!
justice4anikaIf you love hanging out with two friends this is for you !!Our hosts are great! They’re friends to discuss your thoughts on movies and some of their questionable plot points etc. So grab your cup of coffee, tea or any preferred choice of drink and click play.
G.21RomeroScreaming “But, daddy, I hate him but I love him!……I’m having his baby!” No I’m not but you should see your faces
WhatthekatieAn all-time favoriteIf you love laughing, love movies, and love laughing about movies, you’ll also love this podcast. Jocelyn and Kat are just expert-y enough to be insightful without ever veering into pretentious territory. Plus, their banter is so good, I even listen to the ads because they often make me laugh! I personally listen to every episode now, but I’d recommend starting with one about a movie you are familiar with. That makes the whole thing even more fun.
RC0902My favorite podcast!I love it so much I joined the patreon!
Splatter GutZThat was ruff to listen toThis is all over the place. Whoever edits this needs help.
BeardL0verIf Ben Affleck isn’t exactly the way they describe him, I never want to meet the real man.They’re witty and insightful. They’re crass and silly. Their friendship is so genuine and a delight to observe. But most importantly, their take on Ben Affleck is 💯🤌🏻🔥 Go back and listen to the Garden State, Eternal Sunshine, or Cats episodes, or grab a dollar bill, some fishing line, and a laundry basket to hop in with the more recent JLo/Bennifer masterpiece: This is Me… Now. Ive been listening to this podcast since 2018, and they’re as hilarious and interesting now as they were back then. I only have love for this podcast, no hate.
CbabaycoPure delightListening to two friends talk about their experiences with at times questionable film choices is a delight. Their joy, jokes, and affection for each other is just so fun to be able to join each week.
mnrmg1983My Favorite PodcastThe most fun I have all week is listening to “I Hate It But I Love It.” Every episode is a little hilarious masterpiece. Anyone who is a fan of movies, television, pop culture, Hollywood and media in general will find this show entertaining and interesting. Extremely whip smart and I frequently laugh out loud.
KatAngelShepherdBookCanadian hilariousnessI love how they can veer so quickly easily into the absurd while still consistently delivering nuanced, humorous film reviews. I belly-laugh out loud just about every episode. From one Kat to another, well done! 🤣
With his originalWomen in their 40sI’m a woman in my early 40s(42 to be precise) I just discovered this podcast and have been listening to your back catalogue. I recently listened to the Hook episode and I was shocked that neither one of you said anything about having a massive crush on Ruffio! Nothing, crickets. But seriously keep it up IHIBILI BABY!
mocomegMore hate than loveFor the most part I think they just Hate It, so use caution on the episodes covering movies you truly love. But it’s a fun and easy way to pass an hour.
Queue6789So entertaining!If you are new to this podcast I recommend starting out with the Cats episode
crafty_giraffeGreat show to listen to!I’m so glad I came across this podcast - it’s so great! Definitely give it a listen
rondaembry007Love this podcast!This is an absolute favorite for me. They can make any movie-good or bad-an absolute joy. Their perfect chemistry never fails to make me laugh out loud.
VanBeveragesListen to this showJust a wonderful listen. The hosts are funny, insightful, and have a lot of interesting things to say about the episode subjects.
fatty jamesI love it and I love it moreI started listening a few months ago and probably listen to 3-5 episodes a day (makes my work day fly by). Made it to episode one and felt compelled to finally write a review. You both are awesome and funny and entertaining. You all feel like my podcast friends & I love it, I don’t hate it ❤️
Lauren KindleSo funny!I love this show so much!!
JenivcThey need elocution lessonsThey literally say “like” every other word. Unlistenable.
Kristie DantumaStumbled into it, and now I’m hooked!I recently watched Moulin Rouge for the first time. As an almost 30 year old woman who had no idea what was going on, I was very confused as to why people loved this movie and wanted to learn more about it. After a quick search, I found IHIBILI’s episode about the movie. It. Was. Hilarious!!! I’ve been craving a female-lead podcast for a while now, and IHIBILI is definitely scratching that itch for me. I was also DELIGHTED to find out why I recognized Kay’s voice: She was my favorite from the golden Buzzfeed days. A welcome surprise ❤️ Keep up the great work ladies! I don’t hate it, I love it!
kittenpeanutjonesAnother podcast calling for art to be sanitizedI love a good classic movie podcast, and the notion that looking at some of our favorite films from years gone by and pointing out the moments that haven’t aged well is a great idea in theory. Many other podcasts are doing it too. But after listening to episodes of this podcast like their “American Beauty” episode and hearing these two hosts discuss how this film is now apparently trash under the sanitized gaze of the woke world, I’m starting to understand why people find this type of revisionist, cancel culture critique so irritating and even problematic. According to these hosts, EVERYTHING is wrong with this Best Picture Oscar winner, and it should be thrown into the “OMG, what were we thinking in the 90’s?” fires for all eternity. The fact that a major plot point involves a grown man lusting after an underage girl is, of course, icky. IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE. Because NEWS FLASH: grown men have been lusting after young girls (and young men!) since time began, and they’re not going to stop ANYTIME SOON. It’s the reality of human nature. And shouldn’t the art we create REFLECT the truth of life? OR should all art and all the content we see now be the equivalent of an instructional after school special of how we SHOULD be? Apparently the mere fact that this movie is about a white male character’s disenchantment with how his life turned out is revolting toxic waste, because: 1) it didn’t take enough time to ensure that all the female characters were fully dimensional and was especially disgusting for portraying his wife in a negative light because she was the real heroine of the film. Never mind that the movie was ABOUT THE MALE CHARACTER and how he saw his life; it should’ve found a way to tell his wife’s redemption tale first and foremost, and also 2) done a better job of portraying the positivity of teenage female friendships (because there’s nothing more kind, loving, and decent than how teenage girls treat each other) and also 3) should never have let one of the teenage female characters find some self-confidence in the affections of a male but should’ve found it in self-love and then of course 4) had the misfortune of casting Kevin Spacey (cancelled!)…it goes on and on. THIS is what’s wrong with much of the woke agenda and the policing of art. For life may imitates art, but art also imitates life. It’s a universal, indivisible circle. And being a proponent for only creating art that “behaves itself” and never reflects the realities of human nature is just another form of censorship. There are people in the arts who do crappy things in their personal lives but are brilliant artists. And just like in real life, there are female characters who are unlikeable, and don’t need to always be portrayed as sainted simply because “You know, the PATRIARCHY!! Boo! Hiss!!” As a woman, the irony of listening to these hosts talk about the horrific misogyny of this film while simultaneously castigating their younger selves for ever liking it would be laughable if it wasn’t so embarrassing.
Ms. CornI. Can’t. EVEN.This podcast is SO funny. Haven’t seen the movie? Doesn’t matter. The IHIBILI is almost certainly better than the film … or enhances it … because some movies are fine, but most aren’t as funny as this podcast.
ThatsmyopinionnDon’t be fooled by the nameThese women do not love anything about these movies. The only time they aren’t complaining is during ad reads.
HtylvrHosts Sound DrunkToo much giggling and laughing. It just gets annoying. I listened to a couple of episodes because I was interested in the material, but it just got intolerable.
LeenaladySo hilarious 😂If you like to laugh this is the podcast for you!! These ladies will have you laugh snorting in no time! It’s loads of fun and the ladies are so great at these live hate reviews. Please give it a listen you won’t regret it 😊
MangamollyHilariousYou’re hilarious!
StatinatorHosts with the mostsA big selling point I plan to use on my friends is that in the review of Tom Hooper's Cats movie, both hosts were already familiar with Cats the musical and *what the appeal is there*. And that's true for all the episodes I've listened to -- they understand how the movie is supposed to work and how it wants the audience to experience it... and then whether it succeeds at that goal or not. This has been great to listen to at work for both movies I know and love, and ones I have never seen and never plan to.
whit.dangerfieldGreat podcast but would love more diversityLove this podcast and have been listening for a while! The hosts do a great job recapping and analyzing the movies they choose. They are really funny and have a great dynamic that makes the show very entertaining. One suggestion is that more films be included with lead actors of color. A majority of the episodes are centered on movies with mostly White casts, so some diversity here would be nice. That said, I highly recommend checking this podcast out!
RBK💜LaughingThis had me laughing at work but that weird laugh that can will have coworkers wondering if you are crying or in pain. So fun!
PureJosieGreat Movie PodcastI love this podcast. The hosts, though silly, are insightful and thoughtful. I like their analyses of movies. One of my favorite parts is the singing of the new movie theme song. This podcast is genius.
star1297Love only, hate non-existentJust started listening to this podcast this past week and it’s already one of my favorites!
onehundredcatsBinge Worthy!I live alone, so podcasts really help lift my spirits. I’m glad I found this gem! These hosts remind me of my life-long best friend who I miss greatly. Her sense of humor was rare but these two hosts have it. I’m not sure what to call it, cynical sarcasm? Whatever it is, thank you for this hilarious podcast.
IthoughtIwasDaleWolfgang Petersen’s favorite podcast!Release the spiders! They are your friends, the spiders!
Jayveee1IDHIIOLII don’t hate it. I only love it.
EmilyaustinArroganceUgh is said a lot in this podcast as the hosts describe an entire population of people. Ugh, religion! Ugh, cops! Ugh, ugh, ugh! Yet there is no grace given to other people’s opinions or viewpoints. All that matters here is their own handpicked point of views. Blanket statements against groups aren’t researched or delivered with any caveat that they don’t have any actual experience with a particular topic. I looked up the hosts’ ages and was flabbergasted that they are around my age. I would have thought they were much younger by their lack of humility and understanding of others.
HotFuzz87If you love movies good and bad……great podcast for everyone. It’s a must-have for my drive to work and dog walks. Thanks ladies
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