Talkin' Yanks (Yankees Podcast)

Sports #137Baseball #7

Jomboy & Talkin' Jake are recapping every Yankee series, breaking down every roster move, and Talkin' Yanks every week! Podcast Intro Song by Dan Zlotnick

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Recent Reviews
  • Scott>Frank
    Least biased Yankees fan
    I dislike the Yankees. Tell jomboy to just focus on breakdowns. Also I’ll give it a 5 if you tell Stanton to never shave for 5 years
  • VivaEspana7
    Need to be current
    I just listened to a Jan 7 recording that discussed whether the Yankees will sign Hyeseong Kim. Ummm, really? Kim signed with the Dodgers on January 3 (and that's why the Dodgers traded Gavin Lux to the Red already). If you want a solid following, this is basic preparation and basic informstion I suggest you need to be aware of before broadcasting.
  • JakeyRS
    Best podcast episode ever.
    I just started listening to this podcast a couple days ago. I decided to jump right into episode 1141. It’s called “the Yankees lose the 2024 World Series.” That was one of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to. So much sadness and misery. If they’re all like this. I’ll definitely follow.
  • the man 69696969696969
    Disappointing Transformation
    I found this podcast like 6 years ago and loved it. I found it entertaining, informative, and like these guys were my buddies complaining about the Yankees with me. I saw a slight transformation over the years of 2 guys that started to have connections to the organization and players, and started to criticize less and become less like fans and more like insiders on tv I’m trying to avoid. Now, I can barely get through an episode. The Boone interviews are unbearable - and it’s not entirely their fault, he’s giving them nothing and I’m sure they wish they weren’t doing them. But they’re unlistenable. On other episodes, it just feels like these guys have gotten too big for what made them great. No hate on them at all. I’m happy for them for getting paid and making a career out of their passion, I just think this is a case of influencers you like changing their content with their new lifestyle and it ruins what you like about them
  • DJ Momentum
    Baseball & Humor
    The only baseball podcast where you will hear this analogy and totally understand what it means: “J.D. Davis walked into the party where there was just a fight. People are crying in the corner. Something was on fire. He walked in with a 6er and still hasn’t cracked one yet. Because he’s like, ‘Is the party still on?” 💀💀
  • wrmiller4th
    Best Yankees Podcast
    Fun and intelligent podcast. Grounded in reality and not unnecessarily sensational (I.e. not like WFAN)
  • TJCurr93
    Thursday 6/6 Ep
    Weird energy on this episode. Normally love you guys, but didn’t set good vibes going into the Dodgers series. Still a loyal listener, this episode just was kinda blah
  • Awesome Exo
    5 star review!
    Review update. Love it, best Yankees podcast. But it’s time to get rid of the MFer when we sweep, or the Pride when we get swept. It’s a necessary change.
  • SwayTheJdi
    Best Yankees podcast.
    This podcast is so entertaining to listen to during my work days. It’s been a nice way to make the day go by so much faster, and I get to listen to people who are just as passionate about this organization as me ! You guys have accurate stats and great takes and really get me thinking about things I never used to think about. 10/10 would recommend listening to every episode every week !
  • Cbears81
    Great show, love that we get to keep on the Managers Report with Boon-ey this year as well!
    Corky humor which made me cringe at first, but great fan banter, real game + player analysis-stats, and I think it’s awesome Boone comes in himself for weekly reflections and look aheads. That way we get some more detail on some of his decision making with the team (when he answers of course). Go Yankees! 🧢⚾️🏟️
  • Scurvytoes
    A delight
    Real, reasonably substantive, fun. Well-informed and a very enjoyable listen!
  • Burpiefinkle
    The Tina Turner of Podcasts
    Simply the best. Better than all the rest. Better than anypod. Anypod I've ever met.
  • Matt_L_
    Jan 24
    Really enjoy listening to you guys, been a Yankee fan my whole life and yalls insight is funny and spot on. Just felt like I needed to say, when you were joking about Tanaka being like a god in Japan on the January 24th satirical episode and have any gods become human and joking about Jesus…. I realize yall don’t know Him, but He is God and He came to earth and died and rose again so that if we repent and place trust in Him we can spend eternity in heaven with Him. (John 3:16) Im sure you have heard this before, and I get y’all are joking around. Once again, I think yall do a great job covering the Yanks and baseball…. But as a Christian and someone who loves Jesus and wants the best for you guys, just had to comment!
  • stormin gorman fan
    Der Ek Je Ter !
    Cudos to The Captain for not putting that cowboy hat on. And people are getting on him?! Do you know what Yankees fans would say if he did !
  • A-A-Ron from Indy
    The Cole-Rortvedt fan fiction (non-fiction?) is getting me through the end of this season. Great stuff, boys. Keep up the good work!
  • perspective1
    What a soft Boone interview!!!
    These guys were a good experiment but they are way too concerned with maintaining a relationship with Yankees. Now they are another (low quality) propaganda source for an awful baseball organization.
  • Cha Cha 27
    Boring and clearly on a short leash with Boone
  • Yankee fan since 1948
    Stinking Yanks
    I kinda had a feeling last offseason the Yanks would drink toss year. They didn’t add one player to expand their chances. Only Judge resigned who was already on last year’s team and carried them on route to new HR record in AL. All their signees are “dinged” big time. They keep getting deteriorating players and has beens. Except for Volpe, we can assume their touted farm system is full of pigs!
  • Pamthenurse
    Boone segment
    I know people say that these guys ask Boone softball questions but I disagree. It’s either that or Boone is very sensitive. Great job guys for being true to the fan base!
  • goyanksbaby
    tell ‘em grams
  • micah greg56
    Intro song
    This would be so much better if it weren’t for that intro song
  • diddej19
    State of the Union
    Honestly that was the best State of the Union Address since George Bush in 2002
  • buzzywood
    Room for improvement
    I am entertained by this podcast, jonboy and Jake are very knowledgeable about the Yankees and baseball as a whole. There are are few problems, one is problem with a lot of pods is too many ads, and it comes out of no where. I feel like it disrupts the flow of the pod. Sometimes I feel like there is no energy, which is understandable about how many eps you do. For me, I think less is more. Cutting down the time from an hour+ to around 45 can be a great way to condense it from the empty spots, and be more engaging
  • markman73
    Dropping Knowledge
    Expert analysis with the passion of true Yankees fans
  • YankeeNT
    A must follow!
    Not only do these guys truly understand baseball, but they have a knack for making of the show entertaining. Definitely follow and listen.
  • jimdrinkz23
    Best yankee pod out there. Adding the Boone segment was clutch. Go yanks!
  • CGPod
    Great podcast
    Great podcast
  • Zachary Adam Cohen
    I hope boonie starts a podcast critiquing talkin yanks
  • DWill_16
    Talkin Yanks 🐐
    It’s nice to listen to Yankees fans who are knowledgeable of what’s actually going on. These dudes are legit and put thought into each and every pod. Appreciate the work you do fellas 🫡
  • the jingler 400000
    Makes me love baseball and my Yankees just a little bit more
  • ggfcgfcu
    W mans ong ong fr fr. BBD!
  • Tohhdoubledee
    Used to be good
    I get it, they’re growing their brand, but better options focused on Yankees.
  • Johnito_24
    Great Podcast!
    The only bad thing and the reason why I gave 3 stars is because all the times Jake laugh without saying a joke. Can someone explian why he laughs so much before saying something?
  • dvolke
    Fun for the whole family
    My wife and I listen to this podcast all the time in our home. We laugh, we cry, we learn about baseball and life. Love this podcast. Jomboy and Jake are badasses and BBD’s laugh cracks me up every time. Thanks for making amazing content guys.
  • hi pipaw
    Yankees fan
    Best podcast I listen to. One thing I would want is more Harrison Bader talk
  • Ctrain42
    BBD is king
    Leaving a review since BBD asked so nicely. The best baseball podcast. And BBD should paint Donaldsons slash line on his chest. Go yanks
  • --EMA--
    great job guys
    Still the best Yankees Podcast !! keep up the good work fellas
  • Marcus J. Bennett
    How could you not love these guys. Can’t wait to hear the episode after a World Series win.
  • bigbabydavid
    Rodon a Yank
    Love the show and BBD
  • JC_1995
    Some constructive feedback
    As a die hard Yankees fan, Talkin Yanks is my favorite podcast. They bring a nice combo of insight and goofeyness /humor to keep it interesting. However, one piece of feedback I have of Jomboy recently (writing this Nov 2022) is he has seemed super disengaged. His co-host Jake will bring up something about the Yankees in the news or rumors, that Jomboy has no clue was out there. He often is condescending towards the fans ideas and hopes for the Yankees, when his company’s brand was built off of being relatable and having fun. It’s disappointing to see because I used to love this podcast so much. Now he feels unprepared, disengaged, unbothered and a big condescending. My feedback to Jomboy is to actually analyze the news and give us his perspective. When there’s a rumor the Mariners are interested in Gleyber Torres, don’t just make fun of fans that want Trea Turner, half-heartedly downplay the Mariners rumor, give an uninspiring take about the Yankees packaging their second best prospect to get rid of one year of Donaldson (which isn’t realistic), and finally just satirically say the infield will be the same as last year with no emotion in your voice. Instead, analyze a potential trade of Gleyber to Seattle? Who could we get back? Why would it work, or not work? Give us real insight as to why people that want Trea Turner shouldn’t give their hopes up. Give us a serious take on what the infield should be. And be prepared. Know the news you’re about to discuss. Jomboy Media has taken off over the last year or so and that’s awesome, and I’m sure he’s crazy busy especially with a young baby at home, but if he can’t give better than the effort he has been giving over the past 3-4 months, I’d rather they get someone else to do the show. A Joez and Jake Talkin Yanks would be so much more insightful and fun to listen to at this point.
  • Hdjxkzmzndjsjxjxndjksoz
    These dudes are cool
    Daaaaa Jankees lose
  • HPcatmom
    I love this podcast!
    It’s the best baseball podcast ever!
  • DaXGaming
    Awesome Commentary!
    The puns are out of this world. “Just short of being too high” (in reference to Donaldson hitting one 419’) had me dying. Great stuff!
  • nelly neller nel
    Jom should focus on growing the company. He clearly doesn’t like doing podcasts anymore.
  • swf rick
    What the heck
    Why is Glaybor batting fourth and benitendi batting sixth
  • clearpurple89
    Definite funny business
    Word is Gleyber and Donaldson were doing a Geppetto/Pinocchio roleplay in their passionate embrace. 5 stars
  • Lewisny27
    An extension of Yankees baseball
    Great podcast and fun commentary. I’ve been listening to their show since 2016, needless to say I’m a big Yankees fan. I wish they kept the episode to a maximum of 40 minutes. I think what makes them original is also their achilles hill they can deviate a lot from topic which is somewhat annoying and sometimes absolutely hilarious-“The Jake burns” (also funny) specially if you didn’t get to catch the games. Don’t care much about the awards but do offer a bit of a performance summary of the players that land on the list. Overall great podcast
  • Yanks4Ever611
    Love these guys!
    Jomboy and Co are simply the best. Hilarious, informative, and extremely down to earth. Great way to get your info without all the reporter mumbo jumbo!
  • Jose_Ruiz
    Luv Them Guys
    First saw them at Winter Meetings breaking the Cole to the Yanks story. I’ve been a fan ever since. A great way for an LA kid to get his fix of Yankees talk.
  • AlexM127
    Best Yanks Podcast
    Easily the best Yankees pod out there. These guys do a really great job - funny and informative
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