Killer Instinct


Every Wednesday, join Savannah Brymer as she delves into the gripping and mysterious world of true crime, where each case uncovers hidden truths and unexpected twists. From infamous serial killers to haunting missing person mysteries, Killer Instinct goes beyond the headlines to seek justice and uncover the emotional depths of each story. With meticulous research and heartfelt storytelling, Savannah sheds light on untold tales of resilience, loss, and the relentless pursuit of truth, inviting listeners to journey through the darkest corners of human nature—and the strength of those left behind.Get the ad-free version here: advertising opportunities please email  We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: Privacy Policy:

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Recent Reviews
  • Alexa2768
    Crazy amount of ads.
    I used to really enjoy coming for new episodes but having to skip through six minutes of ads in the beginning and then having like three or four ad breaks that are five minutes long is ridiculous. I get trying to encourage people to pay for no ads, but I can’t even enjoy the episodes to begin with.
  • Christina J from Cali
    Not great…
    First time listener here. Denise Leuthold case was almost an exact recitation of the Dateline episode. I’m sure the host can be more original. Also, several facts were incorrect so not sure how much research was done.
  • Jou.b
    Too many ads
    This podcast has some interesting cases, and the host really knows how to tell a story, lays down the facts, and gives her own theories, which i love to hear! HOWEVER, and even though i like the host’s style in storytelling, and how she gets straight to the point and doesn’t waste time trying to build suspense. But i notice a lot of times she doesn’t know how to pronounce a name of a person or a place, but you can easily just google the pronunciation right?! Another thing is when she gives examples of one of the people in the cases going to an interview or having a video or recording of them, the host just says “go watch it” which kind of makes me think, why not play some of the audio? I get she’s just here to tell the story but if you’re gonna mention a recording of someone and analyze their behavior or the way they talk, i’d kind want to hear it and see where you’re coming from. Another issue for me, which i see a lot of people have mentioned, the ads!! There are about 4-6 min ads in the beginning, 3-5 min in the middle, AND 3-5 min at the end of EACH episode!! That is waaay too much ads! Each episode is around 30-45 min long and half of it is ads. Which, more than once, made me think “is the whole story really covered in this episode? Is this the whole thing or was there not enough research done?”
  • Serenity-murphy
    New art work
    Loving the new art work for killer instinct!!! So cool and creative definitely digging it big time!
  • saints2d2
    Too many ads
    I would give this podcast 5 stars. But, there are waaaaayyyy too many ads. It makes for an annoying listening experience.
  • AirbrushGary
    Beset True Crime Podcast
    Update 12-12-2024: Not sure what’s going on here but these commercials have been too much. It’s still a great show as my original rating says BUT recently there’s 6 minutes of commercials before the show starts, then many commercial breaks 3-5 minutes long, so a 40 minute episode only has about 15 minutes of podcast and the rest are absolutely terrible ads. It pains me because I cannot stand that many ads but it will keep me from enjoying this great show unfortunately. Host of this show does diligent research, is very well spoken, highly organized presentation, and gives the facts before adding her insight. Her episodes are compact yet rich in details as her “flow” presenting the information of each case is top tier. Thank you Savannah for making my workdays go by much better.
  • WO Bar
    Too many ads
    First 12 minutes of a pod cast promoting her Patreon channel. Time to unfollow.
  • Shishitown
    Great content, but absolutely ridiculous amounts of ads
    I have been listening to Savanah Bemer for years now and has grown extremely frustrated with the amount of ads that are in her 30 minute videos. I understand that they have to make their money and I can pay money to have ad free but I think that if I’m going to continue to be a listener who doesn’t wanna pay yet another subscription videos that are 30 minutes long she’ll only be able to have one to two ads in them, not 6+
  • Skyler Zane
    Absolutely loved Savanah when she was just posting on youtube! but once she started the podcast, it’s like she’s money hungry and not really taking any consideration of her listeners. having 5 minutes of ads before AND after the podcast is absolutely bonkers.. along with the other 10-15 minutes of ads within the 40 minute episode.. would love to continue listening, but the ads are just becoming too much and too repetitive.
  • RapMon3
    So. Many. Ads
    5 minutes of ads before your show even starts? Come on, this is an abomination. Even if this show was bigger, it would still be ridiculous to have that many ads before you even get to the content of the episode. Maybe this is part of why your show isn’t that popular?
  • B.dS7
    It’s ok
    The amount of adverts is getting worse and worse per content. Not worth it.
  • Jr the bust
    Really like this podcast but the host uses the word “however” way too much, it’s annoying. Other than that, this is a good podcast!
  • kaydh28
    Frustrating to get through an episode
    Extremely hard to stay interested in the whole episode. The words “ultimately” and “however” are incorrectly used a lot and almost every other word. It makes me cringe and honestly really frustrated. The stories could be done so much better. I keep listening to this because I like your voice and it helps me fall asleep. Also there are so many errors. I’m sorry I think you are a wonderful person spreading awareness of the victims, but please take note of the feedback we are trying to give to you. You always say you want our opinions and want to know how you can improve and we have all given really good feedback that is never listened to. I really enjoy your stories on Snapchat, though! You excel on those. :)
  • Get My Gluck Gluck On
    So Many Ads…
    I like the podcast, but the ads are out of control. It’s almost to the point I don’t want to listen because of all the ads.
  • Quote Unquote1
    I love the show…. however…
    “Quote, unquote” drives me nuts! Can the host of the show just paraphrase the comments instead of quoting the comment verbatim? Please?
  • nashlaw
    I tried. I can’t
    I listened for about two minutes. That’s about all I could take.
  • house of trends
    Love the monthly themes
    I love the ideas of monthly themes. It would be nice to get stories that’s not told on a lot of platforms. I think next month should be killer roommates !
  • Skinwoman
    Love Savannah’s voice
    I seriously don’t mean this as a backhanded compliment: Savannah’s voice is so pleasant, her vocal fry sounds endearing and comforting, like a purring cat — and I love cats!
  • Grac€
    Savannah does a great job
    Good job, Savannah. But your recent stories have been some that we have heard many times on other podcasts. Please find some new stories.
  • mggmfnfngmmgmgg
    5 stars
    i prefer watching the youtube version but i’ve been watching/listening for a few years now and it’s so good!
  • ramjam2011
    Completely lacks production value
    I watched a few YouTube videos of this podcast. It isn’t good. Savannah basically just reads the information about the case and shows some photos on YouTube. It’s boring and repetitive. It lacks the features of good investigative journalism you’ll find in typical true crime podcasts. It appears she does no editing either.
  • Esquire13
    Top Notch
    I enjoy Killer Instinct over other true crime podcasts because Savannah takes the time to give background on the victims if the background information exists. This makes the victims enjoy a sense of humanity as real people unlike other podcasts who gloss over that and cut right to the crime. You can tell Savannah works really hard in producing the episodes and I appreciate her work ethic. Keep it up Savannah.
  • Aimsed
    Pretty good
    Pretty good but definitely doesn’t proof some things like saying the details are “disclosed” when she means to say “undisclosed” lol among other examples
  • Nullity
    Listening to first episode
    Updated 1/1/24: I think I’m pretty much over this podcast. It’s very average and the host seems like she’s just reading from my script alone in a room. Original review: And I literally had to check if this was on double speed. This is not a speed reading competition! Repeated phases, too, will give this one more shot then I’m out.
  • awesomeappr8r
    I loooove these
    Savannah I’ve been watching you on YouTube since the beginning basically and I still love watching/listening to you! I feel like I know you and we’re going over these cases together, you’re the best!!
  • LH2023!
    i really use to enjoy watching Savannah’s Youtube videos but I like listening to the podcast when driving. I think she should read the reviews and invest in an editor. The repetition of sentences can be extremely annoying once you pick up on it.
  • tellmeatruecrimestorypodcast
    Great job!
    I enjoy listening to your podcast. Thank you and keep it up!
  • Mama_Gwen
    Had to turn it off…
    This show needs an editor! Not only is the grammar atrocious, the host repeats herself so much it was like nails on a chalkboard. I tried…just couldn’t listen to an entire episode.
  • agajsv
    I like the story telling but the repeating of every sentence makes it hard to listen to sometimes
  • annieowens
    Flat story telling
    Flat reading of Wikipedia facts plus the vocal fry.
  • tiw5060
    Okay, but speaks with TikTok influencer cadence
    Kinda ruins it
  • mbczzzzzzz
    There were so many editing mistakes on the Tanya kache episode
  • jkmkkm
    This hostess goes the extra mile to bring us into the story. I love that she actually looks up words that aren't normally used in our common lexicon and explains the meaning. She doesn't pretend to know everything like other podcasters. Thank you. Your casts are easily listened to.
  • karlliez
    I like this podcast however she repeats herself, a lot. She says the same thing after saying it already. Like she says something and right after she will repeat it again, either the same sentence or she’ll just phrase it different. Could be something to do with editing, I’m not sure.
  • cassandra & diana
    Def recommend, just skip the ads
    I started listening for about a few months and I would listen EVERY SINGLE DAY , EPISODE AFTER EPISODE and let me tell you, I love this podcast! I listen to it while im working and it just keeps me on my toes. I love hearing about true crimes and Savannah(the host) goes so well in depth in every episode. There are ADS but I just skip them and continue on. I actually started listening to this podcast because It was an ad on another podcast that I listen to called “InTALKxicated” by Kelsi Davis!
  • Sweeteaaa
    Too many ads for low quality reporting
    The ads aren’t worth the bad podcast. Flop!
  • AmyR3y35
    Love her
    I watched her on yt and when I discovered that murder stuff helps me sleep I decided to try her podcast so I can be able to turn off my phone while listening. People are so picky. I would give Savannah 100 star review if I could. I’ve listened to all her podcasts and even replay them.
  • Taylorlauri
    5 stars
    Great story teller
  • Suppercatscratch747
    Ads Ads Ads
    Would give it five stars but for the excessive Ads.
  • ohreally7
    Pretty good
    I love listening to your voice. It’s smooth and flowing. I kind of feel like you could add a few more details to go a touch more in depth and until today when I was listening to some prior podcasts I had been really impressed with this podcast. But today you expressed an opinion and insinuated that everyone should feel the way you do about it. To make it worse it was an opinion not at all relevant to a true crime podcast.
  • Ems052221
    I feel like the host is incredibly judgemental. She’s too straight to the point. There’s no actual story. She repeats sentences too much. She has good cases but doesn’t do well on them. This is literally a back up podcast to me at this point.
  • Shaggy3001
    Savannah is really good at this! One of my favorite things is, unlike the majority of podcasts, she gets right into it. You don’t have to listen to 8 mins worth of b/s before getting to why you started listening in the first place.
  • Oliviademourax3
    Love this podcast
    I love listening to savannah but it definitely gets to me that she constantly uses the word “however”. At this point I legit just know when she is going to say it lol. I wish this podcast had the “Played” and “Unplayed” section bc scrolling all the way through over 200 podcast to find ones that I haven’t listen to yet is brutal lol
  • baisdnsb
    Ads are ridiculous. No other podcast i listen to has that many ads. if i thought the podcast was good maybe i’d sit through them in support but…no. can’t stand the way she talks and episodes are short and can tell not much effort put into it. don’t waste your time here and go support Kendall Rae instead.
  • karosaenz
    Straight to the point
    If you're in the mood to listen to cases with just the facts and very little additional commentary, this is a great podcast. Even though she doesn't add a ton of her own thoughts, it is still interesting to listen to.
  • theplantslayer
    Paid subscriber but still getting ads
    Weird that I’m getting ads when I’ve paid for the subscription for a year???
  • JChrismond
    Closet light
    A true mental case, family connected, knew the unusual detail that the closet light in the little girl’s room was on. HELLO
  • Objective Voice
    Too fast story telling.
    I listen to strictly true crime podcasts-just what my interest is. I tried this one today after hearing it advertised. It’s really rushed, fast talking, lots of run on type sentences etc. It has a bit of an unprofessional vibe to me. Having said all of this, I didn’t make it through the first episode. It could get better.
  • Cdawn83192
    Good story telling but literally half of the episodes are advertising
  • Drea2550
    Add more voices
    One voice nonstop is very irritating. The subject matter is good, but I can’t take just one voice on and on I’m out of here
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