Twilight: Meet the Director and Actor


Catherine Hardwicke, director of such independent film darlings as Thirteen, the Lords of Dogtown and now Twilight,  joins Robert Pattinson as they discuss the film adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's best-selling vampire romance novel Twilight.  They discuss the making of the film, and staying true to the popular book. Twilight is an action-packed, modern day love story between a vampire and a human.  Summit Entertainment releases Twilight in theaters on November 21, 2008.

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  • HAH1Dlover
    Good movie and book
    I love this so much and I love all the movies in this series
  • Coconut party26
    Come back now Cedric!!!
    CoconutParty26.Lol😂Dunno why,but just wanted to do my name.Bye!But yes,please come back Cedric Cedry
  • hippo lol
    I love this so much
    I love how they turn into wolfs and I love your movie the best
  • deadpool100%
    Deadpool100 %
    Deadpool100 %
  • rosiebobosie
    CEDRIC come Back Don’t go to twilight. Cedric diggoy please cho Chang misses you. Ps Vampires DONT sparkle
  • baby pooh
    My review of twilight
    I love love love twilight so much I watch it over and over and when I come home that’s the first thing I watch and before I go to bed I watch it to I even try to watch it during school I have a diary as well I write in it everyday I love Bella and edward so much there like the two most perfect weird couple I have ever seen and I like that there there self and bells has so much confidence I just love it I wish it was 10 movies keep up the good work guys and thanks for making me the happiest person in the world twilight changed my life at just 12 years old and now I’m 13 I still watch it ❤️❤️❤️
  • Robpattinsonloverrr!<3
    Robert pattinson is amazing!
    Off u likee Robert pattinson u should totally get thiss!<3 I LOVEEEE U ROB!<3
  • nikki sadler
    love it
    such a good movie
  • Mellowiwi
    Team Edward should deff sub this:)
    All true team edward members should sub for this. if you really like robert pattinson, u should get this. if you're bored, you should get this. if you like the twilight saga, u should get this. JUST GET THIS PEOPLE! :)) ~love you Rob! :) ~~~but Justin, ily more! :))))
  • One-and-Only-Mrs-Danny-Jones
    I loved it!!!
    I loved it! My favorite part was from Robert and it goes "I lose myself when I'm kissing someone,I just go nuts." ROBERT PATTINSON IS SUPER HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Rpatz1901
    i loved the movie and the books but....
    i loved the books and the movie but catherine left alot out from the book and put things here they shouldn't have been!!!!
  • penworld
    go twilight!!!
    Ive seen the move so many times that ive lost track and i love rob's accent! thank you itunes for giving us twilight fans this to cherish!!!
  • TeamJacob1995
    I love the podcast
    This is amazing for the people who didn't get to go to the live thing although there should have been a video and not pictures but it's Rob so anything with him in it is still amazing same with Catherine.
  • maddox949
    i LOVE this movie!! i can watch over and over all day if i wanted!! i can't wait till new moon!!
  • mystery2notkno
    Totally worth it
    this is definetly worth it, i came across this and thought, "eh, ill try it." AND LET ME TELL YOU, I LOVE IT! YOU SHOULD SO GET THIS IF YOU ARE A TWILIGHT FAN! ~MsEdwardCullen ;D
  • Chris [=
    Ahhh-mazing!<33 :]
    Ilove Rob! He is sooooo hot! This podcast is great because you can you get to hear what Rob and Catherines thoughts were up close and personal! haha its free so i think anyone who is a twilight fan should listen to this! Go team edward!
  • veronicalloveras
    i love robert pattinson :)
    i liked the interview because it was about robert pattinson and catherine hardwick and everything but the only thing that annoyed me was that i couldn't hear none of the questions because everyone was screaming and i didn't know what they were talking about :( and also i'd like it better it it was on video not fotos .
  • Ms Misunderstood
    Love, but saying Maturely.
    I love this podcast, like children loves sugar and I love Cookies. =]
  • $p!D3Rm@N r0X!!!!!:)
    Thanks apple 4 making this free. I love twilight and rob and this podcast was Awesome! Next time please record it, not just pics, we miss out on rob's reactions and facial expression. And girls cut him so slack about the hair i mean come on he got INSTANT stardom and alll of a suden he has amazing fans and a trademark hair style whats a guy to do. He has only been to the US 4 times before twilight hes probabley not used to all of us screaming girls. Dont get me wrong hes HOT but just cut him so slack! K?
  • H.LE
    haha i havnt watch this yet but its probley good cause its about the twilight things....the director didnt do a very good job i personaly think at twilight but i still loved the movie alot and i thank her for casting Robert cause he is truely an amazing actor and all of the other people on the twilight movie did an awsome job too:] im so glad that there keeping Taylor for New Moon:] all of the guys in this movie are like god's gift to earth:P and anyone who hasnt seen twilight GO SEE IT NOWW!:]
  • Lindseybee11
    I love twilight, movie and books. BUT the pictures with peoples voices anoys the crap out of me!
  • -orangegal421
    Huge Edward Fan!!
    I saw the movie and fell in love with it!! I think that it is cool that rob and catherine take time out to do this podcast. It is amazing!! GET THIS PODCAST !! :)
  • spunkransomlover77
    I love edward he exacly the way i pictured him!
  • e+b
    best movie ive ever seen nothing is better
  • .Lindsay.
    I know a lot of people don't think Rob is cute, but he's soooo sute, to me... Yeah, some of the fans are annoying, and yeah, there OBVIOUSLY a reason for the hat... sheesh... <333
  • Ilima :)
    how do you get a podcast on your ipod?
  • I <3 EC/RP
    wow this is amazing when i first listend to it i was on the edge of my seat just waiting to hear about the all mighty price himself. i definatly recomend this to all Robert Pattinson luvrz cuz me myself am an OSESSER OVER ROB!!
  • 300 Sunshine
    So great to Listen Too, but Poor Rob Pattinson!!
    This received one one less star because of the audience members not the actor, director or Apple. Since seeing the Twilight movie, I've since dove into the books, which I agreed to read and share the experience with my young daughter. I've read through the first and 3/4 through the 2nd in 1 week. They're excellent ... and so was the movie! (Great job Catherine!) And, I must admit, I've been a little starstruck with Robert Pattinson, who I thought did a GREAT job as Edward, so I've been seeing a lot of interviews with him online. I don't think his tendency to not articulate much comes from an inability, I think it must come from utter exhaustion with all the hype! Every interview I see he is getting the same questions! "What's with your hair?", "Are you and Kristen dating?", "Did you read the books?". Remember, the poor guy had a small part in one major film and has just done small indies and bit parts until now. He is not sure how to take all this attention! He seems generally sweet with a great self-deprecating, British sense of humor. He really is not serious when he says he's interested in a six-pack. But, honestly, how much of yourself would you want to reveal when every event you show up at girls are asking you to date, marry or bite them! I thought Catherine did a great job and it was really nice, the compliments she gave to Rob. So, thanks Apple for giving Twilight fans (new and old) this interview ... and ladies, c'mon, like the speaker said, "be cool!"
  • classic.freak52
    so so
    first off i think the twilight series is awesome and the movie was pretty sweet as well. and for all you say they left out a lot, it's a big book! so, i think they did pretty well. as for the interveiw, rob annoys me. he knows everyone loves him and the only thing he does is laugh and say ummm. and i think cathrine and the interveiwer were trying to get those girls to react like monkeys. which is to say, i think the only reason those girls went to that was to see rob. it's really not the greatest.
  • Doggy Daddy
    Enough, now go away
    In the podcast review there is mention of the director wanting to "stay true to the book", well then the book sucked too.
  • msilovefamilyguyandmojomydogsoyeahthatdidntmakeanysensebutheyywhatev
    it was a pretty good podcast i have watched better i like cause i saw the movie and i just needed too see what the cast and directors had to say if you love twilght like i do then go too their playlist pretty cool songs sooooooo yeah thats really it!!!
  • Smiley~Riley
    Really a waste of time now i realize why this is free....
    This Podcast was really a waste of time they should just let the people download and buy a little of the movie each month and then people would end up with the whole movie. That would be a smarter thing to do. This review was brought to you by: RileyisSparkley inc.
  • I <3 twilight4ever
    the fans were being kind of loud and obnoxious but i loved hearing what Robert Pattenson and Catherine had to say, THIS WAS AN AMAZING MOVIE ALSO!!! I really couldnt have chosen a better Edward.
    Where can I WATCH this?
    First of all thank you so much for providing this for free! Is there anywhere where I can watch this interview? It would be awesome to see al of this!
  • onexmorexgirl
    I really disliked the performance.
    I didn't find this podcast worth listening to. It's not the quality of the podcast, but instead the quality of the q & a. I really dislike how the director and actor never really answered questions in depth, misintepreted questions, or gave one word answers. I feel like if you have such a huge fan base, why would you let them down by not being open and interested. Sure- they have probably answered these questions before- but I don't feel that matters. They are making a lot of money and fame from this movie, and they are hero's in the minds of many fans- there's no excuse for their performances.
  • PETV
    Horrible; 1. They could have edited out the first 15 minutes of noise (I timed it). 2. The Actor was clueless (didn't know how to answer any of the questions). 3. The Host (lady) had to keep saying to the audience "be cool". The whole production was pretty bad and quite irritating. It should have never been aired.
  • guido22
    Great opportunity, but fans were ridiculous
    Okay, we're all totally psyched about Twilight, but screaming like a banshee and yelling "I love you Rob" is not the best way to show the actor (and Catherine) much respect. Very difficult to hear questions from the audience but other than that, it was nice to hear from Rob & Catherine.
  • carmoniam
    C'mon, guys.
    Honestly, I don't like Twilight a whole lot. I find the writing to be shallow and the plot to be unoriginal, but I downloaded this podcast solely for Rob. Guys, lay off him! I think he's freakin' hilarious in this podcast! I went ahead and saw the movie and laughed my butt off in the movie theater, much to the crazed fan-girls' frustration. The writing and direction was absolutely terrible! Perhaps its the director's own infatuation with the book itself, but a lot of it was just way too overdone and ended up just looking silly. As for this podcast, I wouldn't call it a video. More of a slideshow with pictures from the session. Hilarious to listen to. Great for an hour of procrastinating on homework and such, I'll say.
  • kurt
    Couldn't enjoy - not really a video, but a slideshow with audio.
    Couldn't enjoy - not really a video, but a slideshow with audio. There should be a way to tag these that aren't "really" videos. Perhaps mark it as a powerpoint presentation?
  • xtxt
    it was good
  • rich06
    Did Catherine Hardwicke even read the book?
    I found the book Twilight a fantactic read. The story was great, but I think the movie fell short. The actors were great, but the direction and screenwriter really messed up. It makes me ask the question Did the director and screenwriter even read the book?
  • TwilightGirl355
    I can't believe this is FREE!!!! I love Twilight!!! I don't know why everyone goes for Team Jacob, I go with Team Edward! Edward ROCKS!!!!
  • livefreely.lovely
    I hope upon hope that Stephanie Meyers continues to write Edward's perspective (as she is doing w/Midnight Sun) but will the entire series (New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn). I would LOVE to read Edwards perspective...don't want to say too much for those who haven't read through books 2, 3 and 4!
  • twilight_lover97392
    twilight review
    The Twilight movie was AWSOME! The little details from the book were put in nicely with the rest of the movie.
  • rgb327
    i hated the book and the podcast was horrible!
  • acogliano
    Edward Cullen i fell in love with him the min. i saw him
    Edward Cullen is so hot i wish there was an Edward Cullen in real life and he fell in love with me and the same thing happenes to me like it did in Twilight the movie:) lol
  • Max To the D
    Its ok
    Wheres Cam Gigandet? I love him but instead they put ugly Rob on here.....ew
  • Adult fan
    Subtitles, please
    This would have been far more tolerable if subtitles had been provided. The questions were nearly impossible to hear, and turning up the volume loud enough to hear them would have been painful, since most were immediately followed by the ear-splitting screeches of the fans. I enjoyed what Robert and Catherine had to say (when Catherine and the interviewer weren't playing elementary school teachers by talking down to the audience so much) but it was difficult when the answer was "Oh, yes, absolutely" and we never heard the question.
  • punkvampluver
    rob is so good at playing edward
    rob is great at playing edward i just saw the movie and there couldent be anyone better but i dont think rob has a real good attitude but then again he is cute
  • MichiV
    A Bit Disappointed.
    I couldn't attend the Q&A so I was excited when I saw it was a "video podcast." I was very disappointed to later find out that it was only pictures. Yo don't really get to appreciate what went on by just hearing it and seeing pictures. I did like it, bit again it would have been better if you actually showed it.
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