Freedom's Disciple


Jonathon Dunne is an Irishman who had one dream in life – to become an American citizen. After waiting nearly 13 years, he finally secured a job offer and thought his dream was becoming a reality. However after meeting with lawyers, he was informed he did not meet the educational or work experience requirements to even apply for a visa. While his dream may be dead, his responsibilities to America and the pursuit of freedom are not. On his podcast, Jonathon shares eternal self-evident principles and truths, promotes why America is an IDEA first, and defends America as an exceptional nation against those who attack it from ALL sides.

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  • old?youngkim
    Where are you!?
    There is so much negative news about America. Your podcast is my go to every weekend to uplift my spirits and Renew my faith that there are plenty of people, like me, that truly love this country! Let freedom ring! Thank you and God bless.
  • MaggieJ1968!
    Great show!!!
    Where are you Jonathan? Missing your podcast! I love to hear you speak about our country and its history, with so much love and enthusiasm, it makes me ashamed that you know more about it than I do! Keep up the good work and prayers for you and your family.
  • CpgGary
    A Cornerstone on Which to Build
    Everyone in this media has an opinion. Not everyone backs that up with the cornerstone of principles. If you want honesty regardless of the fallout, then “Freedoms Disciple” is your podcast. Top notch in every way.
  • TheMan440
    Texas APPRECIATES this podcast!
    On September 17, 1787, delegates left the Constitutional Convention in Independence Hall in Philadelphia. As they exited, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government do we have? "A Republic," he replied, "if you can keep it." WELL??? Shall we keep it or let it tumble into the dustbin of history?
    Truth teller! If you need a clear perspective about what happening in America 2021. Mr. Dunn is an inspiration for us all!! STAY POSITIVE AMERICANS FIGHT FOR FREEDOM!!
  • Di McC
    This man has been doing it the right way, trying to become a LEGAL AMERICAN. And now he’s here. He has an awesome way to remind us how great America really is. People have never been out of this country have no idea what it’s really like outside OUR borders. Congrats!🎈
  • Jonesey49
    We would welcome you as a citizen!
    Love this podcast! If we would just welcome people like you into our country with open arms , and make the process much more fair and reasonable, we would be an even greater country than we are! Think about it AMERICA!!!
  • parker-1
    I don’t care
  • g j ruble
    Jonathon Dunne
    I love this podcast. Been listening from the beginning. Gives Americans a refreshing perspective on our country.
  • chadster__69
    Love this show!
    I wish people on both sides of the political spectrum would listen to this show with an open mind and heart. I am so glad my wife turned me on to this show. Jonathon Dunne who isn’t even an American has a love for this country that we Americans take for granted. We really need to open our eyes and realize that the future of this country is at stake. Keep doing what you’re doing and we will keep listening!
  • fslf30
    Thanks again, your deprecating way and the topics you cover are great. Can’t wait for next weeks. Don’t forget to add your your French accent when you start your pod cast. That always puts a smile on my face. Like the saying goes in America.”, keep on Trucking.
  • susesmith
    No America... the right in Europe are NOT like you
    Great podcast Jonathan! You are on target. I appreciate your point of view. Keep up the podcasts!
  • HomeisJax
    Deplorable Subscribed In Jax!
    I ran across this podcast in the recommendation section and I’m very pleased! I thoroughly enjoyed it, but one of the emails you read & answered about being too principled~Don’t Listen To It, Don’t Ever Let Go Of Your Principles; I was glad to hear you shut that & why anyone would and/or could is beyond me! It’s a good character trait & one of the many that sets us apart from the demons in the D’Party! If we all dropped them we’d blend in with The Wild, Wild Left~ Umm, no thank you!! Keep up the good-work & God Bless You & Yours & God Bless The U.S. of A.!🇺🇸
  • CarolynH55
    Thank you Jon,
    Always honest, principled, thought provoking and entertaining. Please keep up the great work!
  • appleantics
    Thank you Jon
    Jon appreciates American values and it’s foundation. He is simple, funny, brutally honest and open. What a refreshing perspective from a good man. Thanks for everything Jon.
  • Nevin Anderson
    Great point of view on the USA
    It’s inspirational to hear someone who believes in the fundamental goodness and positive nature of the founding and purpose of the USA.
  • white helmet
    Love you Jonathon! Stay strong with your purpose and insight on the United States.
  • stonej2002
    I love John’s point of view and knowledge of the original foundations of this country. He has really helped to motivate me to learn more about America, it’s founding documents and where I stand on many issues. Where has he gone? It’s been almost 3 weeks and no new upload. I hope he hasn’t lost motivation to his podcast. Definitely one of the better ones online.
  • seaxz
    That’s what the show is all about and he’s one of the best at it. No sides here just the founding principles that built this great nation. Great listen
  • jewelrybk
    Love this
    His love for our country while not even being able to live here is inspirational. I love what he shares
  • SandrinM5
    I do not always agree but Jonathan breaks everything down in the most logical way anyone can. This makes discussion much deeper and yet more simple. He is a genius.
  • Make Liberty Win
    Simply amazing
    Great podcast about founding principles of America! Something every conservative, libertarian, and classic liberal can enjoy !
  • mrwood1283
    love this guy! a great insight on Americas current view on principles. He is not just another talking head. he does his work. glad to call this guy my brother! :)
  • gods of the copy book
    Freedoms Disciple
    Jonathan is alway on target, a great patriot even though he is an Irish subject. Also proud to have met him in person and call him a friend and brother!
  • Library Detective
    Awesome American at heart!
    Jonathan has one of the best podcasts I’ve heard in a long time! He focuses on the principles of the issues being discussed, not partisan politics. These principles are what define us and we need to be reminded of them from time to time, especially when it’s so easy to get wrapped up in team mentality and taking sides. We need more people like him in America! Thank you, Jonathan for giving a piece of yourself to us each week! God Bless!
  • BrianKeithParrish
    Thoughts from a Lazy American
    Jonathon has helped me realize I have taken the freedoms this country allows for granted. I know this American will be brushing up on my history. I’m Inspired to learn more about the history and future of our greatness.
  • gooots
    Common sense is rare these days!
    I learn a lot from this guy. He makes sense and makes you think. I hope he gets to move to America. It’s sad that someone like him can’t get here but others who have no respect for our laws and values arrive daily.
  • Gibsonblacksg
    Get this guy to the states!
    If you want to hear thoughtful commentary on the founding principles of the USA then this is the podcast for you! Jonathan keep it up and I hope you make it to the states permanently ASAP!
  • mattykthe hunter
    American John
    Thank you help educate others , please keep speak truth ,how need fight gun battle try try strip us , why to control us, thank again
  • Politicsgeek
    Constantine 27
    Extremely appreciative of Jonathan's take of America as someone who really loves the country and its principles. I truly hope he achieves his goal of becoming an American. We need him.
  • Darna22
    Every American Should Listen
    Jonathon talks about things you probably didn’t learn in school (unless you’re as old as me), but that he’s studied and pondered from across the pond. Your government doesn’t have be led by a despot to still effectively take away your God-given rights. Ireland is one example. Come for the accent, stay for the principles. I only wish he published more frequently, but I’ll take my weekend fix. :)
  • gruVmonkee
    Jonathon is truly an amazing man. I learn more about the US Constitution from one of his podcasts than I’ve learned in years of school (and I really enjoy his funny accent)!
  • wakefoot
    Should Be An American
    This guy knows more about the US than most Americans. Great accent too.
  • Teresa Ann.
    Great Podcast!
    Jonathan knows our Constitution better then most Americans. He stands on principles, that is what I Like. This is a podcast people should check out! Great job Jonathan!
  • Meridianxyz
    Outstanding Podcast!
    This is a never miss podcast for me! Great job, Jonathan!
  • Jim8675309
    Great show great insights
    Came across this show by chance and began listening. I have been going back and listening to previous episodes. I have enjoyed what he presents and am often challenged to reexamine my own thinking. Jonathon is not telling us what to think, but rather presents his ideas and asks for the listener to think. I love being given the opportunity to consider new or different viewpoints. I look forward to where he goes from here.
  • WSan05
    Must listen podcast
    Jonathan is a rare breed these days - an unapologetic endorser of principle and honor. In a world that sees America as a land of greed and evil, Jonathan sees her for what she truly is - the last best hope and the city on a hill - even if she can’t see it as clearly anymore. A true patriot, his thoughts and ideals are worth paying attention to.
  • hseib3
    My favorite podcast!
    He couldn’t be more accurate, “You’ll come for the accent and stay for the principles.” In the daily drudge of politics and choosing sides, it’s refreshing and re-centering to get back to principles. Jonathan reminds us to be our best selves, as Americans.
  • Chewing Oregon
    Great podcast
    Great perspective from someone who loves America and the constitution
  • Fjr1300asd
    This show is awesome!
    An Irishman whose dream is to become an American citizen. He has been trying to get in for almost ten years but there's no room, (maybe because there are 11 million illegal immigrants here). But even though he can't get to America his mission is to teach, encourage and inspire Americans with the constitutionalist American values. From the views of our founders and the conservative spirit of America you will learn how to think more like a true American and how to think to save your country. Really love the show, truly enlightening! Just wish we could get the Blaze and Daily Wire to merge so that it would be more affordable.
  • ---Diana---
    Jonathon gives a pep talk and drives passion into our hearts. He reminds us to be proud to be Americans. Thank you Jonathon!!
  • JoyIA05
    Great podcast!!
    He knows and understands the constitution more than a lot of people that have lived their entire life in the U.S. He will make a great American and I hope that happens for him very soon!! I also have to admit, I absolutely love Jonathon's accent!!
  • Mako887
    Don’t Give Up!
    Always enjoyed seeing Jonathan on with Glenn Beck. Now can listen to podcasts at my leisure. Don’t give up. You’ll get to the USA, even if you are a Yankee’s fan. Not everyone is cut out to be a Mets fan.
  • Ktaz12
    Great show
    I get so much out of every show
  • Rujimbob
    Real talk for real people. Love it!
    Jonathan speaks to the average Joe in a language easy to understand. His morally and America-centered show sounds like a cross section of middle US “real people” (minus the obviously cool Irish accent). Can’t wait to see how his show evolves!
  • Boots Booga Booga Booga
    A Truly Great show of which we need more of!
    I really enjoy Freedoms Disciple. I found this via The Steve Deace Show!
  • Love pogo 1212
    Great insight and perspective
    Thank you for bringing your insight from afar about America’s qualities. We have our issues but we are a shining light of hope. I have learned many history lessons listening to you and look forward to each podcast. It’s a great way to hear the topics through the lens of someone who loves America as much as we do from another perspective. The Blaze is blessed to have you
  • DashingCat2000
    A true American
    We need this man in America as soon as possible. I think he already is!!!
  • DCF - 1
    Refressing Perspective
    I enjoy hearing Jonathon's devotion to freedom. Carry on!
  • Topogigo830
    Heavy on Principles
    Mr. Dunne’s weekly podcast is thoroughly researched, topics are expertly discussed. The emphasis on principles is more reality-driven than theoretical. And who can resist it all given to you in that Irish accent? All around great option for people looking for thoughtful discussion!
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