Modern Ruhles with Stephanie Ruhle: Compelling Conversations in Culturally Complicated Times
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Delicious MastadonIn and of Derek DelGaudioReally enjoyed the interview with Derek DelGaudio. Like many, I’ve struggled to explain the meaning of his performance to others other than to say it’s extremely moving and everyone has a different experience. This interview exemplified exactly what I was feeling while simultaneously explaining the premise in almost equally riveting fashion. Thank you
Citizen 17TrifectaSmart, fast-paced and passionate. There’s a lot to like about Stephanie Ruhle.
B02@HypeI know you are a journalist, but please stop trying to make things seem worse than they are. The CDC just opened up COVID shots to those over 65. That’s nearly 50 million people. They all wants to be vaccinated. Do you really think that can be done in a minute. Come on. You should be telling people to be patient, while the states work through the logistics. Instead you are running around with your hair on fire. That’s not helping. Maybe you should go work for Fox.
PurpleTeddyWelcome back Stephanie!Below is what I wrote in advance of season 2 of the podcast. Now that I have listened to a couple episodes I must admit I am quite disappointed. Season 1.... like listening to a smart and cool best girlfriend. Season 2... rushed, impersonal and short. Of course, the topics are timely. And the concept of leaving the listener with a topic to think about is clever. But how about circling back? How about further discussion. I don’t know where the Stephanie from season 1 went. I DO know that, sadly, I am not rushing to listen. THANK GOD season 2 is coming! Season 1 was excellent, thoughtful and smart- I bet everyone wished Stephanie was their best friend! This podcast cemented my addiction to MSNBC which in turn made me MUCH more liberal than I was a year ago (lifelong republican that switched parties last year at 59 years old). Thank you for season 2- getting ready to get smarter!
Ted HEART RocksModern Ruhles rulesReally happy that Modern Ruhles exists! Its such an excellent podcast! I look forward to every episode!
NaomiBurtonStephenie does RuhleSo happy there is a second season and it’s opinion chat not a replay of her show. And how I love Steve Schmidt!
cabordeauxSR does Ruhle!God it is so invigorating to see all these extremely smart women on tv and radio - now I see more women of color than ever before!! And I love Steve Schmidt - I’m so glad he has crossed over to our side...we need him and Stephanie! As an American Indian woman - it’s a long time coming...I may be wrong but I’m not so sure I agree with SS about T’ism getting stronger but it could...hopefully they just become more and more irrelevant and get voted out once and for all!
Champ $tyleWhy would anyone listen to thisSeriously?
Airman DJKSo far so goodI would love to see a second season of the podcast
dpwhereSR is one of my favorites.SR is a favorite of mine on MSNBC and I’m glad I’ve found this podcast.
hyjikiSo great for womenI love this podcast. SR speaks truth. She’s honest about being human! And she addresses issues that need to be heard. Go SR! Please keep going.
MGB74Frustration rulesShe can’t control herself with her hands flaying, her face grimacing, and her voice quivering over the latest Trump tweet. Trump controls her like she’s a puppet expressing outrage over nothing burger issues concocted by her naive mind. Can’t wait to see her reactions when Trump crushes Sleepy Joe! This is a comedy show at best - one star for sympathy.
SuccessibleSHEBrilliantSo insightful, Stephanie‘s podcast brought a tear to my eye #Brilliant #Respect
Who Writes Reviews, Anyway?Not a fanI did not know the host before this so all I had to go on was MSNBC. I have listened to a few episodes but shut most of them off partway through because I get so frustrated. I don’t understand how she can have worked in corporate America, in important roles, as a woman(!) and still believe that it doesn’t need a massive overhaul. I guess overall she just has a very heteronormative view of sex and gender roles, which frankly makes her sound rather ignorant. Just heard her again talking about how the reason women make less money than men because they give birth, so I’ve decided to call it quits on this podcast for good. I’m giving it two stars (instead of one) because a female journalist with her own show is a good idea in principle.
cathyanne1948Best variety of conversationsThanks Stephanie Ruhles, this is the best podcast about current social issues for everyone.
MrsWheelsTRUTH TIMELove Stephanie Ruhle and her podcast. It really makes you think about different perspectives and helps you understand other people. Looking forward to the next episode!
Middle ga anonoyedShould have been a comedianBest comedy under the wrong genre. You and you’re friends are hilarious to think you’re right. Nobody cares about feelings. Feelings are irrelevant when it comes to jobs, business, laws, and pretty much everything else. Only you liberal clowns care about feelings.
Listening with an open mindModern Ruhles:Wow, I was on a road trip and played the seven downloads of Modern Ruhles. I was extremely surprised with the content, interviews and the serious questions asked by the host. I thoroughly enjoyed each podcast and now I am a fan of Stephanie Ruhle. I am waiting for the next podcast.
redE2rollCAN. NOT. GET. ENOGH.I happened upon this podcast after hearing an ad on another show that I listen to. MAN! I had to binge listen because this is REAL TALK! Love the guests, the tough questions and the intelligent conversation. Keep ‘em coming, Stephanie!
KatieBWILove this.Thank you, Stephanie et all for the thoughtful discussions about things on all of our minds.
Tom HagyExceeding My Expectations!I've been asking for a Stephanie Ruhle podcast for two years and would have been happy with the recording of her show on MSNBC. This is WAY more than I'd hoped for. Stephanie asks questions not because she wants a certain answer, but because she knows so many people need perspectives they just aren't getting or aren't even looking for. She is determined to get insights beyond that first layer, digging two or three or four levels down. She's persistent and passionate, and her compassion is always right there. Love it!
krisjenkinsWhat is this?Like another reviewer said, I guess I’m just not the target audience for this program. In the first episode she says that a “twitter mob” jumped on her for saying a black person was articulate and she just couldn’t understand why. Her guest told her it wasn’t a compliment and she argued. She then asked her second guest why it wasn’t a compliment. Now at this point I have to wonder if she’s actually interested the answers to her questions or if she’s looking for a black person who’s agrees with her. She should have the self awareness to see what she’s doing here. Even as I’m listening to this episode on feminism being framed as working moms vs stay at home moms seems so ridiculously privileged. Maybe this will podcast will be good in reaching moderate white women like Stephanie and high profile people with thousands of twitter followers who want to commiserate over how ugly twitter mobs are. Otherwise, this is a waste.
Lee StrausA Must Listen ...This insightful, informative and thought provoking podcast by the incredibly talented Stephanie Ruhle is not to be missed. Week-after-week, Stephanie dives into a subject that we all have been talking about to peel back the onion and take the conversation to a whole new level with interesting guests, which unique perspectives. Once you’re in, you’ll be anxiously awaiting the next episode.
shel3099I love this!I have a degree in Sociology and I have wanted to listen to where we are in society. This is IT!! I love this!!
SaucenanzaGuests are very smartThe host’s naïveté is rather cringy
The Half-Blooded PrincessA Podcast for the PrivilegedI could not stop cringing throughout the first episode. Why bother bringing thoughtful, intelligent POC to try to gain insight if you’re just going to contradict everything they say with “MY fear is...”. There are plenty of ways to have intelligent conversations about political correctness but I kept feeling like she was trying to trample over whatever her guests were saying in order to wrap it up in a neat little box. The facts is that race, sex, gender relations and the like are not neat. They’re complicated and nuanced and not one or two or ten people can generalize the experiences of their demographic. I applaud Stephanie’s efforts to shine light on the topic, and the only thing that seemed to salvage this podcast is her (seemingly) genuine desire to want to know more and be more thoughtful, however I can’t help but feel like this podcast is just for people who are not marginalized to feel better about themselves. They don’t or can’t understand what the groups in question are going through so they have this “woke” white woman as their ally to lead the way in oversimplifying everything in a way that is palatable. If you’re looking for intelligent conversation about the challenges of race in America, check out Code Switch, an NPR podcast. And since she spoke about “political correctness” and neglected to even mention the LGBTQ+ community, the Outcast is a wonderfully inclusive podcast.
hehdnhdBest podcast right now.Nothing better. Love this!!
Chs789Sitting at the Jersey shore. Listening to SRhules. I listened to Stephanie RhulesThe pod cast is fab, Amber is fabulous but I lost the thread of relevance when the second guest was considered and struggled to answer salient questions. Didn’t get Joanna Coles’s perspective. She, Coles seemed a bit dubious in her offerings. I am thrilled that Ruhle is doing this pod cast. I will listen. Like two out of three guests and will support SR. Smart smart and smart.
hotlanta69!Stephanie Ruhles!I’m so glad Stephanie now has a podcast that isn’t restricted by the structure of TV with short segments and frequent commercial breaks. Can’t wait to listen every week!
jprororororororoA fresh look at hard topics.Steph Ruhle , never satisfied within the boundaries, decides to take a fresh look at an often uncomfortable topic. Her first episode “ political correctness” asks the questions we are afraid to say publicly. Growth and learning are impossible without the right questions. It’s a helluva start for a fresh new voice and a fresh new perspective. Can’t wait for episode 2!
kwillis90355Same ole liberal claptrap...Yawn... would give it a negative rating, but ya can’t... same ole liberal feminist crap that they keep trying to shove down people’s throats...
IrishLadOKCEcho ChamberThis claims different opinions, but buried in group think.
August1428Has potentialShe’s a good interviewer and has a sexy raspy voice. The editing is not well done and I don’t get the short interviews like she’s on television. It’s a podcast just have conversations like you’re on the phone.
YourskepticYay!!!I was so thrilled to learn that Stephanie Rhule has a podcast. She is one of the few reasons I even bother tuning in for cable TV. Podcasts are such a better place for deeper conversations and Stephanie never accepts any BS answers. Great first episode. Looking forward to more.
mariapetrovaLOVELOVED the first episode & immediately subscribed. Super promising & necessary topic. Cultural correctness is driving us apart, exaggerating vulnerabilities and feeding victim culture. I look forward to a society in which cultural identity no longer matters, neither as a source of offense nor as a source of victimhood.
AlemaaLoved it!I was denied for a promotion back in the ‘90’s because I wasn’t “articulate enough” because of where I grew up (New York City). This happened in San Antonio. The job went to a pretty blond girl who had a little college education and wore tiny skirts to work every day. I quit, infuriated! If I wasn’t articulate enough, they wouldn’t have hired me at all. I understand the game now with that word and I don’t let it get to me anymore, especially now that I’m so much older and have learned a lot. Love the show!
Dork diaries😍😍😍😍RefreshingOne of our best journalists having honest and unvarnished conversations that we all need to hear. Stephanie Ruhle is one of the most important voices we have in a confusing time in culture and politics. Honesty and sincerity are Stephane’s currency and it results in refreshing and oftentimes profound discussions on practical and accessible everyday subjects. I am looking forward to making MODERN RUHLES a part of my podcast routine.
laxboy80Constructive conversations on important topics.Awesome show. Can’t wait to tune in next week!
NYCDanAwesome listen.High-energy Steph Rhule brings it in a great podcast that takes the big issues and makes them relatable.
George ItzThis podcast ruhlesFinally - honest and authentic conversation on pressing cultural topics. Such a pleasure to listen to, can’t wait for more.
shushiyazGood jobGreat job Stephanie!! Best podcast yet!!! So excited to continue the discussion next week. I thank you for appreciating that the voters are smart educated intelligent people!!
Tag123456OptimisticJust downloaded my first podcast that’s not my own as I get ready to go for my morning walk. Fingers crossed she brings it like she does on MSNBC.
WellwellwellllsootspriteSuch thoughtful guests in the first episode! Loved hearing Dana, Quest, and Michael's views.
DreamMontanaYea! More of Stephanie 🤗This woman is smart, funny, compassionate, persistent, and insatiable. I loved the first one and can't wait for more 😊
Bayman588A refreshing new podcastEnjoyed the podcast!
LoveMeSomeChesterFrenchSmart and entertainingA thoughtful and entertaining approach to today’s issues. I look forward to more.
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