Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff

Politics #179

Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff is a weekly nationally syndicated program produced by Democracy at Work and hosted by Richard D. Wolff. The program explores complex economic issues and empowers listeners with information to analyze not only their own financial situation but the economy at large. Beyond focusing a critical eye on the economic dimensions of everyday life - wages, jobs, taxes, debts, interest rates, prices, and profits - the program also explores systemic solutions to our economy's problems including alternative ways to organize production and distribution of the goods and services we all depend on.

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Recent Reviews
  • Royce1629
    Easy to understand economics!
    Always well reason, well explained, and well articulated blessings in leftist ideology. Great source!
  • Solid Contact
    Dr. Wolff has closed himself off from being able to see economic matters objectively.
    Dr. Wolff has ingested Communism & Socialism into who he is. Capitalism, at its very core, is 2 or more parties coming together to exchange value. In order for a deal to be made, all parties must benefit/become better off by executing the transaction. Dr. Wolff has an unjust view of capitalism, and instead stands in defense of socialism/communism besides the never ending historical nightmares socialism/communism have created. Socialism/communism always leads to the worst possible forms of human suffering.
  • American Living in Peru
    Labor vs. Capital innUS Intensifies:
    Professor Wolff, This is the second time your talks on Labor vs. the U. S. comments have been canceled! Your latest program was cut to 4 minutes. What is going on?
  • twowitheverything
    Deep understanding
    Economic Update gives me the pieces to understand the news and the implications.
  • Alfred W K
    A warts & take on capitalism ‘s collapse
    even Nobel winning economist aren’t seeing the antecedents of the next and perhaps final collapse. Dr. Wolff addresses government policies designed to advance the wealthy, reduce social spending & allow the financial sector free reign to pillage. Particularly shows with Nomi Prins & Yanis Varoufakis. Suggest David Rogers Webb heard on Kunstler podcast author of The Great Taking similar to Prins views perhaps darker.
  • TRUMP210000000
    Essential to the WORKING CLASS
    Excellent pertinent information on working class issues. Prof. Wolff is one of the most well educated and articulate economists pushing for working class awareness, education, and action.
  • TheDoodle
    It’s not just you. It’s capitalism.
    I don’t seriously ingest main stream news coverage. I’ll read a little just to know what the empire would like us to be focusing on, then I switch to other sources that challenge the ole’ thinking cap a bit more. I find Professor Wolff’s inquiries and accusations of capitalism to be insightful, and encouraging of the possibility that we could do better as a species. Whether you agree or disagree with some of the accusations made against capitalism, isn’t it worth challenging a system for the better? I’m hopeful that the more people understand how big of an impact economics (and therefore capitalism) has on their lives, the more we will question and address the failings rather than covering them up in political theater.
  • parkscdp
    Excellent analysis 🧐
    Enlightening and relevant to our social issues today. 😀 thank you for all the work!
  • Monkeyface7
    Straight Talk
    I just want to have real conversations now that aren't soaked in ideology. Because to me, it would seem that our culture is one that champions the scamming of other human beings. And whether you agree to participate in that or not - based on your own reasons - is your choice. But I'd like to have a discussion about it. And for that reason, I appreciate this podcast very much.
  • Jesus/Stalin
    Please stop
    Prof Wolff please stop making animal cruelty remarks about the rich giving milk to cats instead of the poor children
  • turtllgurll
    Accessible economics
    I am so grateful for this conversation. Truth, reason and a voice for the working class.
  • The One Who Writes Reviews
    Russian and Chinese propaganda.
    Since when has NATO expanded into Russia? There’s a difference between being a socialist and being a moron.
  • Neil2038
    Ideology Fantasy
    This podcast is an ideological fantasy that is cherry picking evidence to support it. This podcast ignores the cost of human rights violations in developing nations as well as the demographic, geographic and historical limitations of developing nations that he claims will rival the west. Anyone listening to this podcast should understand the creator’s bias. The evidence is weak and I doubt any predictions this podcast creates are based in facts and not opinions.
  • sotlatl
    Excellent podcast; breaks down current economic events down in a way tangible to listeners not familiar with these critical & relevant economic concepts. A hopeful light in the effort of spreading economic politics out from academic and professional circles & into the regular digestibility and dissemination of regular Americans.
  • 420alldayandallnight
    I’m down for this
  • Yearning for Change
    Helps me stay sane
    Richard Wolf and the Democracy at Work team speak truth to power and are critical of global capitalist hegemony, war, and US propaganda. Every week’s episode brings clarity in a concise way.
  • Alley Oop Cat
    I don’t miss an episode!
    Easy to listen to. Very thought provoking and great insight. 👍👍
  • Myprescience
    Just what we need! Thank you!
    Relevant information presented in an easy to understand way. I am learning so much. I can’t thank you enough.
  • Myra Breckenridge
    Don’t stop!
    I’m so happy to find this pod. Please keep doing what you are doing. As someone is study economics in Texas, your work is so refreshing. Thank you for all you do!
  • PerraultCapital
    Capitalism hating Marxist
    Richard is a classic Marxist full of denial. He fails to see the failures and misery Marxism, communism, and socialism have brought to the human race. The central failure of these theories is their lack of incentive to improve. While Capitalism provides us with an incentive (monetary gains) to improve other’s lives, communism lacks such a powerful market based mechanism. It is amazing to me how people like Richard still see collectivist theories as solutions.
  • arizona outlaw
    Important information
    Mr Wolff is attempting to give people crucial information to help Americans understand the current situation we are faced with. I heard his audience is expanding which gives me hope that as we open our eyes to the dire situations-we all helped to create-we can figure out ways to solve our problems together. Knowledge is power. Mr Wolff does not sugar coat anything, I thank him for that! He is giving us a great gift if we can only be wise enough and strong enough to use it. Way to go Mr. Richard Wolff!!
  • theepicdon
    Please listen to this show!
    Mainstream media outlets are barely capable of being honest about the structures that make capitalism what it is, let alone criticizing capitalism honestly. This podcast is a great resource for understanding not only the facts about capitalism but also for understanding the motives of institutions who defend capitalist institutions. Please educate yourself!
  • edppp9
    reasonable leftist
    one of the few lefty podcasts that i can not only tolerate, but enjoy. he uses data and history and isn’t scared to engage in wrongthink or wrongspeak. his ability to not talk down to/about actual working class is refreshing.
  • Miso Champ
    Very Simple Truths
    Excellent work, always.
  • Econ PHD
    Blatant Disregard of Real Economic Theory
    Listened to one episode and was disgusted. This guy is so blatantly biased and only tells a half story of the economics applicable to each topic. Clearly he doesn’t like capitalism and is pro socialism so he touts those views and doesn’t care to explain the drastic negative impact many of those policies would have on the broader economy. We need less people like this guy in the world, spreading disinformation that wrongly influences generations to support policies that will ultimately backfire
  • SShinobuS
    Big Fan of Richard Wolff but…
    This show is great and good red meat for the base but it’s light on facts. That is not to say that it’s inaccurate but after listening to the show for some time it starts to feel like a rant, I’d like to hear more specifics about what he’s ranting against. Name names, specific numbers, illustrate examples by provide a more complete picture. I understand it’s meant to be a quick update but with more economical writing and less ranting and “you know the rest” it could prove to be better at encouraging people to take the extra step and research more on their own. Or at the very least give them a better chance at offering critiques of capitalism in conversations with peers.
    I learn a lot from Economic Update. It sounds like coops and Democratic Socialism are the way to go! Thank you In gratitude for your democratic views! Illuminating and sanity in a time of insanity!
  • belong2this
    Excellent explanation on the mechanics of where we are at
    A helpful, necessary and valuable resource offering explanations, concerning our current economic affairs. Thank you Professor.
  • jpa01988
    Best Econ professor I’ve had!
    Prof. does such a great job explaining topics in a way that can can understood by any audiences of almost any age. His subject matter forces us to face harsh realities of the systems we’ve created.
  • dark green powers
    this is excellent. a delicious & nutritious meal for the brain.
  • iGaucho's
    I truly appreciate your weekly economic updates. Especially how you connect the dots between our present landscape and our history, to help us understand our vulnerabilities. Thank you for not being neutral.
  • Peter19831
    Your uncle’s podcast
    Often misleading and of little substance. This podcast reminds me of the uncle that you see once a year for thanksgiving that complains about society spewing half-facts and opinions-as-truths. Don’t bother.
  • bjohns383
    Jan. 13: Emotions and Politics
    Politicians shouldn’t cry in public. Get off it. [5 stars because the show is usually great. Please stick to the serious stuff you usually talk about.]
  • nfykbv123
    At last....
    Anti mandate is not “anti vaccine “. Liberals are manufacturing consent for dystopian control, just as flag-wavers manufactured consent for mass surveillance and the so-called patriot act. I’ll take a vaccine in solidarity with you as long as I don’t have to prove it electronically for rights of citizenship. For now, in solidarity with the prescient civil libertarians, there is a common cause to resist.
  • JessyCatterwaul
    Would be better if he cared to learn how to pronounce
    “Bee-zoss” “Pat-treon” 😞
  • whothe
    Who are Y’all?
    Why is it utterly impossible to find that you and Harriet and Tess are related? The protocol is to confess immediately and then be proud and go on. We know that you are all independent thinkers but come on this looks sleazy.
  • End User and Reviewer
    As valuable as a proper college class
    Dr. Wolff is not only a knowledgeable economist of the highest calibre but also an extremely talented speaker. His podcast is planned well, and he introduces topics and supporting details in a manner which makes seemingly intricate economic and political issues easy to digest.
  • Dhgfbgh bbv
    Truth and trust with no agenda
  • Holistic Brain Balance
    One of our few truth-teling public thinkers :)
    An indispensibel source. Others? Doug Rushkoff and Matt Stoller.
  • t-sita
    Always want me
    Short and precise... taking on how we relate to consumption and society. Simply this podcast is like that 3 min song you want more of.
  • infamous IA
    Green Party???
    Jill stein taking credit for all the work of others. The Green Party is an unprecedented failure. The work was done by the DSA and other socialist groups. The Green Party is not in anyway socialist
  • hoy día
    Green Party
    Glad to hear Dr. Jill Stein on the program and her mentioning the poison pill in the proposed voters rights legislation that severely limits third parties ability to get ballot status. Would like to hear Howie Hawkins and/or Angela Walker on the show too.
  • Apple is fascistic
    this guys facial expression is unacceptable
  • Krizzter
    He’s fought the fight for worker rights his whole life and he’ll never retire. You must take Wolff in doses but well worth it.
  • Black Panther Wannabe
    Economic update is a tremendously inspiring and edifying program
    Professor Wolf is a skilled communicator and interviews helpful and courageous thought leaders and change makers. Hi attended Harvard university 40 years ago and have spent my entire career in the environmental change and green product business. He is the most effective professor I have had! You can excise the following from my review but I thought this would be an effective way to quickly communicate with Professor Wolf f why don’t you do a program on today’s GM all electric announcement by 2035 that shows how many premature deaths will occur due to the auto industry’s or should I say auto industry’s management and shareholders share of air pollution while they “heroically” shift over the next two decades (to make sure I guess that they don’t reduce their huge -Barra made $21.6 million in 2019- earnings) instead of the next few months or years. We completely ceased private car production in 1942 for four years to defeat fascism during Ww2. A similar shift to electric cars and more importantly to compact development models and bike-ped-transit transportation, Which would reduce the similarly huge public health/economic emergency of auto-related deaths and injuries and associated lost productivity And family trauma. Also, you could draw a comparison with those consumers who believe they should have a choice to purchase a public health endangering internal combustion car with those who believe it is within their rights to endanger us all by not wearing a mask or Practicing social distancing or not taking the vaccine. You could also put in the estimated health and national security costs associated with the added floods and fires and mass migrations etc. that will occur as we gradually transition and completely blow the ~seven year window we have to have any hope of staying under 1.5 or even 2° warming. You could add to that the cost and tragedy of all the agricultural disruption and huge bio-diversity loss caused by this “earnings preserving” gradual transition. David Adamson, Boulder Colorado, 303-545-6255 david@
  • Teleostean
    Critiques of Capitalism
    Breaks down the pros of socialism and the cons of capitalism in easily digestible podcasts. Great guests who are actively involved in movements to support the working class.
  • Bunny Cub
    The Marxist Daddy Bear we need
    He has a sharp mind and probably gives great hugs.
  • pelak12345
    Essential lessons on capitalism
    Brilliant! I look forward to every episode. Offers Basic insights and truths about US capitalism.
  • Patrick S Hennessy
    By the numbers Professor Wolff…
    … shares an eye-opening analysis of our economy
  • jusChrisEmcee
    A wealth of basic knowledge
    I truly appreciate how informative this show is and how subjects are broken down to a macro level.
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