Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio


They're known by many names; Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, Almas and the list goes on. For centuries, eyewitnesses have reported seeing them in forests all over the world.

You might wonder what's it like to have an encounter with a Sasquatch. Well, listen to the show and you'll hear eyewitnesses tell you what it was like for them when they encountered a Sasquatch.

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Recent Reviews
  • Free Patriot Tim
    Tell him to eat more mushrooms
  • J_S-
    Some are unbelievable
    I enjoy the show, and want to believe that there are things out there to be discovered like a Bigfoot, however, when the show has an individual that claims numerous bipedal creatures are living on their property it’s just hard to believe. These individuals come onto the podcast, and provide an hour long story about a creature that has befriended them and they refuse to get any evidence or are unable to is ridiculous. One guest on the show stated that the creature observed him trying to lift a fingerprint and no longer touched metal items after that. How would a creature know what a fingerprint is or how a fingerprint is lifted? it’s just very difficult to listen to some of the stories unfortunate. But most of the stories are good entertainment, and I would like to think that not everyone on here is fabricating what they seen for 15 minutes of fame.
  • Roi SM
    Political Ads
    We get enough ignorant, fear mongering and hate from the Republican base, I don’t come to podcasts to hear it there as well. You just lost a subscriber.
  • I like Bigfoot
    I like it
    I just started already it’s actually pretty good
  • n8gro
    Was a good show before you decided to run sinful commercials. I woundnt recommend listening anymore. Jesus saves
  • dickhergud
    Jay the Black Hillbilly hay shredder
    Great show, and educational for the knowers. Thank you!
  • GEFtheMongoose
    Vic is the best!
    Makes “Sasquatch Odyssey” look like amateur hour. 🤡
  • Distasteful comment
    Inappropriate question
    On the most recent episode, the host asked “Were her breasts saggy or did they look pretty firm? “ in reference to the female Sasquatch. Am I the only one who finds this inappropriate? He’s always been weird but that is nasty.
  • AVICK23
    Bro is scared
    I’m 11 years old and I’m not even a little bit scared like you 12 year old kid
  • Uigogeta30
    To tryme$$$
    Dude I’m twelve and I’m scared of Bigfoot
  • hisbkfbofjeo
    Eh not the best.
    The show is so not real. Like how could a Sasquatch go in the house. ??? So fake. And the host talks so weird too.
  • chefjannes
    Long Island Bigfoot
    Thank you for your service. Refreshing perspective from a seemingly honest and open human. I believe in their existence and I'm infatuated with your encounters. Ty
  • tryme$$$$
    Great Podcast
    I love this podcast!!! This is my favorite podcast it is awesome i believe in Bigfoot i have been searching for Bigfoot since i was 5 and im 11 he scares me sometimes but i never seen him but i think i heard him…
  • Barbalona
    Visibly cringing
    This would be a good podcast if the host would speak like a normal human being.
  • Dblohsevn
    Commercials are obnoxious
    Great content but commercials are too frequent and annoying! Also the host is basically absent most of the episodes I’ve listened to. Its just a guest talking for an hour.
  • Blonde Beth Justice
    Is there a way for me to get in touch with your guest, Tom Danley ? I would like to see if he would be interested in sharing his encounters in person at Fern Hollow Nature Center in Sewickley, PA. Mary Fabian is speaking there in October.
  • billy bobby Bullet Bobbyrae
    R Pitt
    Vic has a buttery smooth voice. Jim Nance pack your bags.
  • damdick
    Vic Cundiff is a Serial Killer!
    Vic Cundiff is for sure a Serial Killer!!
  • SlayURface
    Episode 377
    At the 1:07:18 mark or very close to that time, an EVP can clearly be heard. Check it out, it sounds like something saying “liars”. I like Vic cundiff, I think it’s great what you’re doing, I also listen your other show about dog men, but man the commercials are flippin awful back to back chumba casino commercials sometimes 3 in a row, god help me it makes me want to jump out the window. I understand you’ve got to make a buck but Vic you e got to change it up or at least run something that isn’t as obnoxious, the volume even goes up when they come on. Straighten up and fly right man…
  • Mike In Cal
    Remove Ads from Podcast App
    Ads have completely ruined the Podcast app! Every other ad is completely inappropriate, i.e. Casino ads, Sexuality ads, gender ads, ads that I have zero interest in and that completely get me out of the mood of listening to podcasts in the first place, Apple please remove ads from the podcast app, it is so awful!
  • rfoiyg
    Episode 373
    What’s the point of having these liars on this podcast? Your % of true encounters is on a downward trajectory. You really think people are going to continue to even check anymore for a true encounter? This is it for me. I’m deleting this podcast from my list. I have no hope that you’ll ever have a true encounter story on here again. Shame on you for your deception, Vic!
  • Tuffguy4382
    the John Lack episode is hilarious.
  • Bigfoot bleaver
    Yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet
  • Guest 1053
    These episodes have been great. I’d give these five 5 million star views if I could.
  • Ya aint got no learnin
    Lies and the lying liars who tell them
    Wildlife officers responding to suburban noise complaints. Executing felony stops and they let driver and passengers remain in the car. FTO’s listening to podcasts, or something, through earbuds while they’re on duty. Law enforcement broadcasting radio traffic using their last name. And the cherry on top, this clown says he, and “the kid” that he was training open up on this creature with a .45 and a long gun and the bullets bounce off of it because it has thick, ape skin. Vic does no favors for honest people who actually believe they have had a cryptid sighting by giving dishonest charlatans like this Troy person, if that is his name, air time. It makes you look really bad Vic. I hope someone that actually is in law enforcement in Florida does a little investigating into Troy. Impersonating a law enforcement officer is a crime. And Vic is guilty of criminal gullibility, and stupidity
  • Lhunstock
    Loved Troy’s episode. Real or notes a great story teller and this would make a great TV show!!
  • _skittl3z_
    Great podcast
    I love this podcast! Incredible audio and credible guest.
  • Jra4776
    Great Podcast. Highly Recommend. Definitely 5 stars!! Love all Vic’s shows!!
  • Zzcrotch
    Easily the worst
    These are the fakest stories and they aren’t even very well written. Every single guest has multiple sightings. The editing is odd. Just a bad overall production. And the host speaks as if guests and his audience are stupid. I’ve given this multiple chances but it never gets better.
  • Little Grandma. 2.0
    Could be true
    I enjoy listening to all the different stories about Bigfoot There has to be something out there for all these people to have stories they can’t all be crazy or just lies IIn fact I have my own story but I didn’t get to see anything Meg
  • CThayer5
    Great podcast!
    I look forward to each new episode. So great to hear the stories.
  • Christian Honkey
    Ep 352
    I’m a bit of an empathy and also a psychic . I believe everything this woman said, she seems credible and perfectly sane .
    I really enjoy the majority of the experiences and stories that are shared but on a rare occasion I wonder if some of the people sharing their experiences or what they think are experiences actually are in need of mental health checks. It’s not common that I feel that and I still enjoy the stories but I’m worried about the well being of those few people. As a whole, the experiences shared are very cool.
  • Matthew787
    Too many stupid commercials
    Interesting guest but it’s ruined by annoying stupid commercials. The commercials need to go think of the listeners.
  • cherie4054
    The new best show!
  • Laserbr4in
    Absolute unlistenable nonsense
    Between the forces creepy voice of the host and the obvious made up stories, this, like all Bigfoot shows, is just make believe nonsense. NEXT!
  • Jessie Jo1980
    This podcast trolls Bigfoot sightings
    Just typical garbage from Vic. He hates his listeners and it’s obvious.
  • D1399
    The ads ruined the show
    I used to enjoy listening the show but the ads are so disruptive that it’s not even worth it anymore.
  • Kay7463
    Great until...
    The string of commercials every 10 minutes (and at a much higher volume than the rest of the show) is too much to take. Sadly, I can't take it anymore and will be deleting an old friend.
  • viola$13
    Advertising wrecks this show
    I don’t remember the ads being this bad for this show, randomly in the middle of stories a super obnoxious ad about casinos or oreillys starts up. Can’t listen anymore sorry Vic.
  • dee22222222
    Vic’s got a great podcast. When you run out of Sasquatch Chronicles episodes he’s the next best thing.
  • Gansett83
    Great podcast!
    Really enjoy the listener stories! If I had one friendly suggestion it would be to let the listener know you’re about to break for an ad instead of cutting off a story mid-sentence.
  • Bratrud
    awesome episode!
    i lived in this area and had an encounter at Big Basin, cool to hear these stories. i will say, the commercials on these episodes are absolutely obnoxious. fully takes you out of the stories, so jarring. i listen to hours of podcasts a day and nobody else has ads that interrupt so often and so harsh.
  • MikeBreedlove
    Vic is the master .
    I’ve been fascinated with the “ Big 3” , Bigfoot , Dogman and the Windigo” for years now . Vic is the master when it comes to having a podcast regarding our furry terrors . His opening questions are spot on , then let’s the guest tell THIER. Story, he then asks more questions. Perfect recipe for a amazing show . I could listen to Uncle Vic read the directions on a shampoo bottle. Bravo Vic ! Also, follow Vic on Facebook. He is a champion getting the word out for furry little friends who need our help.
  • MSG Coop
    Way Too Many Commercials
    Constantly has over a min of commercials, gets annoying, especially when I have to keep adjusting the volume because the commercials and the caller are not the same. What is up with the weird voice…..
  • Bill756
    Deepfake voice!
    Hey Wes— I mean, “Vic”… What kind of voice altering software are you using to deepen your voice for this show?
  • ponygirl78
    It’s blatantly obvious from listening to the first few podcasts who Vic is…can’t believe more people haven’t figured it out. Lol.
  • David short 82
    I like it
    I listen every week
  • jwall52748
    Dumb voice
    I have no idea why this guy uses such a fake voice. Makes the show unlistenable.
  • shadowbox2012
    Great channel
    Oh this is a great platform to hear everybody’s account about a bunch of interruptions
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