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green mountain cabinExcellentAlways excellent questions that draw each writer out. I love listening to this podcast. One of the very best.
Con FBI’m inspiredI look forward to hearing these authors share tips and advice, but also how they approach their stories from the first inkling. Dan is an excellent interviewer, conversational and willing to let guests meander a bit. By paying attention and following up, he mines some gold! The listener is never shortchanged.
Sarah1122332211MotivationalSuch a great podcast. Has helped me get motivated and back in the writing habit. Maybe I’ll be on the show one day!
Anonymous little meepmouseGreat interviewer, Limited intervieweesGreat interviewer, he makes each one interview organic and not repetitive. I do wonder why every single author interviewed is a full-time author, which biases them to being stay-at-home parents and/or relatively economically privileged. Most published authors do still have a day job, so it doesn't feel like a representative sample.
SvkennExcellent interviewsI really appreciate Dan’s thoughtful questions that are not a fixed set, but vary with each guest based on what is shared. The pace and content of the episodes is excellent.
Lord's Bounty FarmHelped me say yes I can and will write :)Thank you Dan this is very helpful God bless you :)
Words are WonderfulFantastic PodcastWriter’s Routine is one of my favorite podcasts on writing. Even though Dan asks basically the the same questions to his guests the interviews are authentic and organic. It feels like an informative question and answer conversation that flows. I have learned so much from the variety of authors.
rhinocwriterOne of the very best podcasts!I love this podcast & the way Dan conducts the interviews. Always look forward to Fridays and a new episode. Keep up the great work Dan.
ba34245 StarsDan is a fabulous and entertaining interviewer. He always asks the follow-up questions I’m wondering and allows his guests to shine. I’ve learned some very valuable tips along the way.
MiepMaryInteresting and helpfulIt’s always interesting and enjoyable to take a peek into other writers’ lives. I often get some usable tips or inspiration or at least validation of my own writing process. The interviewer is good at asking the questions and then allowing the authors to really open up. Glad I found this podcast.
Erin FaganEngaging interviews!Dan Simpson’s a great interviewer and I’m really enjoying learning how all these different writers handle their writing routine. Definitely a fun podcast!
BRreazyLove this podcastA necessity for writers of all stripes. So much insight.
Nikki McMillanLove all episodes & congrats on getting married!Long time fan of your show. Love listening to your interviews during my walks and long drives. Very inspiring and interesting to listen to as an aspiring writer. Enjoy your honeymoon in Hawaii! I’m sure your audience will survive while you take a very well deserved break for a month or so for your wedding and honeymoon. Congrats!🏝️🌺
Finn'sDadGreat insight for authors of all genresDan does a terrific job demystifying the work of being an author though insightful and fun interviews that explore practical author routines and journeys. Well done!
Belle&kittySuch an Amazing PodcastI started this podcast from the beginning about a month ago. I am 15 episodes in and I love it! It’s amazing to see how successful this podcast has become. In the first episodes, you can tell Dan is unsure if his podcast will take off, and it makes me laugh that one of his episodes is recorded in his car (quality is still amazing). Well, he did it and I’m loving it! I hope you love it too!
andcon85BestDan is a top man.
isabellex3Such a great podcastWonderful host, wonderful content
StorytellerclaireGreat stuff!I love this podcast. Great tips and insights from varying writers that really help inspire and empower. It’s always wonderful to hear a successful author describe doing something you’ve been telling yourself is the ‘wrong’ way. I love it and often recommend it to others.
EdwardJRobertsGreat fun and lots of help!The best part of this show is hearing that there is no ONE way that works. Whenever I am doubting myself, this show keeps me moving forward. It has also created an interest in other genres for me. Check it out!
Richard SoCalGreat guests, the questions I need addressedWorking on my first novel, I plow through craft books and with this show Dan offers super helpful guests and the best craft questions! As I listen, it feels like I told Dan in advance what I would ask the guest.
gkMobergWriters Routine - a winnerCharming and always revealing, this show is tops on my list
An American named KayWriter’s routine is part of my routineI love listening to Writer’s Routine. The podcast is entertaining, as well as informative. In every episode, I learn some thing that gives me insight into my own writing process and comfort to know I am not alone. It’s wonderful to know that some of the most successful writers have experienced the same fears, insecurities and struggles as the unpublished among us. Writer’s Routine has become part of my routine. I listen on the drive to and from my daily yoga class and by the time I get home, I’m full of ideas and inspiration and can’t wait to get back to work on my current project.
Runner bdaGreat pacing; invaluable information.Started from the beginning and every episode provides a new insight.
KelsListensListen!Listen and notice your writerly engines move in the best way.
T-Mo1Great writing motivation!Perfect listening for getting you in the mood for working on your own manuscript. This is my very favorite writing podcast of the plethora out there.
stevesteve1414So greatI love his accent and the way he gets to the bottom of his questions is just amazing I will definitely be watching the next one
TDawgyDoggA One of a Kind Show!Being a writer, I constantly find myself sifting through podcast after podcast trying to find the diamond in the rough. The first ever writing podcast truly enjoyed (to the point of binging) was Writer’s Routine. The interviewees are always interesting, and always have different, quirky routine. The host, Dan Simpson, is always polite (never interrupting his guests), maintains a humorous and sunny attitude, and is super attentive to his excellent production work. A definite and strong recommend, for authors and non-writers alike!
aeis17Sexist questions toward female authorsThe authors are wonderful, but it’s hard to listen to episodes when the host asks sexist questions about how female authors can write while raising children, while the male authors are not asked about such things. There’s also a tone in his voice of incredulity when interviewing women that’s not there when he does the same for men.
DefendsExcellentPrecisely what I was looking for. Methods and environments of successful writers. Excellent.
Jesus is funAuthor Margie McCormickLove this podcast!
BYoakDrRedr RS try f RT u t u Fr t de Red X us there yuetdd frets rader ft try red fry yf but fry fry try rz
ILoveTwinPeaksMy favorite podcast!Love the host and all the fun and interesting interviews!!!
ARu_1010HelpfulGreat practical advice and interesting conversations. Well done.
MarsBarsPlanetNot enough diversity in successI really loved this until it was the same thing over and over again. Solution over and over again for writing success was to marry well or have inheritance and definitely be white. the one time he had a person of color it was such a hard scrabble story of a lawyer who had tons of kids and multiple jobs that it was just depresssing. Love you Dan but please find diverse successful authors.
KeeganhughesLove Writer’s Routine and Dan Simpson!Great inspiration and tips for writers - always fun, uplifting and encouraging! Plus I find new books to enjoy!!Thank you Dan!!
GrierhaxThe very best podcast for writers !Thank you Dan for your latest episode with Joanna Cannon. I have listened to all of your programs, but this particular one I replayed and listened to back to back. I feel this was your best. I can’t wait to get hold of her books and start to follow her work. This interview for some reason spoke volumes to me. I loved her thinking on procrastination saying, “it’s amazing how your mind will unwind if you just give it time.”I anxiously await each new program at the end of each week. Information gleaned here is well worth anyones time who struggle with a story and will only find relief by writing it out. Thank you Dan for your good work.
cynlinh5 StarsI am a routine/process junkie because I am a wannabe writer. Best podcast!
estherruMakes solitary work feel so communalI cannot count the amount of times I’ve burst into happy tears realizing there are others who care about the nuances of font choices and have figured out their own unique creative flow. Thank you, Dan Simpson, for your genuine enthusiasm for your guests and their craft. I feel so seen and encouraged in mine. (And extra motivated for publication because I wanna get niche on the pod with you!)
gabriellabrianaMy trick to writers blockLove listening to published writers talk about their routines and the difficulty of writing. Great way to combat writers block for me.
gabjbrAn important archiveDan Simpson is building such an important archive of writing processes and workflows. An invaluable resource for anyone who writes! Discovering your process is such an important part of the writing life and this podcast is endlessly inspiring in this regard. Thanks Dan!!
2yrEliteTaskerNot run of the millI stopped listening to podcasts because they were all the same. Stumbled across this looking for David Baldacci interviews. Subscribed. The host is great. However, some of the writers do not interview well. You know, like when Trump's niece was interviewed about her book? But for the most part the podcast is very informative. Hearing how each has their own way of doing things puts less pressure on me. Some people believe everything is textbook. I had one "writer" in LA argue that my final draft was my first draft. After I sent her links to S. King and J. Patterson talking about how many drafts they write before complete, she shut the F up.
hair62thank youi just found this podcast! i have written 2 books, one was published and one was self published. now i’m learning so much that’s helping me direct my writing better. thank you!
Elizabeth, ORFavorite Writing PodcastI absolutely adore this podcast. I listen to it when I go walking or when I’m stuck on a writing project. Each time I listen I am reminded that I am connected a familial network of writers. We’re all in this together!
Podcast2020ListenerVery enjoyable!Lovely podcast that gives interesting insight and keeps the listener wanting more.
Mark OppenheimerThis published author loves this show!!So let me say this as a professional author, currently on book tour, driving down the California coast, keeping company with episodes of this podcast: even as someone 20 years into my career, I’ve seldom been asked questions as savvy and smart as the host asks here. His guests are lucky, and we the listeners are even luckier. For aspiring writers … and those who have made it but are still working on our craft, every day.
TexaspatriotMy new favorite podcast!I just found this podcast this week and have already listened to several episodes. It’s my new favorite podcast. Please keep the episodes coming!
Mott E.QualityI find too many people think they can write well, and don’t. So too, too many podcasters think they can talk about writing well, and can’t. This was an excellent interview, asking the right questions of an excellent author. I bought his book.
Richard in CaliforniaDevoted listener!After publishing two successful books on technology, I decided to take some time to learn the art of writing fiction, and began to consult many sources on writing, books, online interviews, websites, to generally educate myself about this challenging and wonderful art form. There are many excellent books to consult, from Edith Wharton’s “The Art of Fiction,” Steven King’s “On Writing,” etc., and endless online interviews, and websites that are rich with information. One source that I have been consulting on an almost daily basis, however, is this excellent podcast. When I am relaxing, or taking a walk, I go back to these interviews again and again, because they contain so many interesting ideas, and because this constant exposure to the honest thoughts and strategies of these successful writers is so helpful for practical ideas, and for inspiration. Over time, you feel that you have joined the world’s greatest support group, because all of these writers are speaking so pragmatically about dealing with the challenge of conjuring a good story, and getting it down on the page. By focusing on the practical strategies, Dan Simpson’s interviews focus useful strategies for the listener’s own work— you’ve got the best group of mentors and consultants available. “Writers” no longer belong to some other world, with their mysterious powers, and unknown pathways to success: They are now your friends, sharing their hard won wisdom for how to do it all. They are inviting you to join the club. In short: Highly recommended. This is an essential resource for exploring the craft of writing.
royalty28Amazing!I truly love this podcast. On days when I’m not in the mood for writing I always find inspiration when I have a listen. Keep up the great work.
camokamInspiring!I’ve listened to dozens of episodes and get something from each one of them. I think my writing has benefited but, more, my work habits have benefited. I’ve been so inspired to think about HOW I write. Thanks!
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