Hot and Bothered


Hot and Bothered is all about the power of romance culture. We analyze romance novels and movies to better imagine our own happy endings. Episodes release weekly on Tuesdays.

CURRENT SEASON: Hot and Bothered (Movie Edition)

We make Hot and Bothered because we are interested in the way that love stories have impacted our lives and culture. For our fifth season of the show, we’re turning our attention to romantic films. Vanessa and Hannah McGregor dig into the canon of romantic films, from Titanic to Twilight to When Harry Met Sally, (just to name a few). Every other week they do a close scene analysis of how each movie ends, always asking the question ‘what does this movie believe about love?’

SEASON 4: Live from Pemberley

In Live from Pemberley, we continue our deep-dive into the classic texts of romance literature. This season we take a close look at the most famous Romance novel of all time: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Every episode, Vanessa Zoltan and Lauren Sandler read through the book, talk with experts, and ask themselves the question ‘is this still a story for our time?’

SEASON 3: On Eyre

Vanessa Zoltan and journalist Lauren Sandler embark on the English class you always deserved, diving deep into Jane Eyre through the themes of power and desire. Discussions range from ideas of class and colonialism to sex and gender as Lauren and Vanessa explore the roles of oppression and inequality, empowerment and rebellion in the text. Major “Eyreheads” and first-time readers alike are invited into Lauren and Vanessa’s conversation as they grapple with this complicated work—and as they try to figure out if Jane Eyre is a book they want to pass on to their daughters, and to future generations.

SEASON 2: Twilight in Quarantine

You may remember BFFs Vanessa & Julia from their all-star advice giving in Hot and Bothered Season 1. In this season they’re sheltering in place in different cities, but they’re getting on the phone three times a week to read and talk about Twilight. On Twilight in Quarantine, they work their way through the Twilight saga one chapter at a time, giving brilliant well-informed advice to Stephenie Meyer’s characters along the way. Advice like: “have you considered talking to each other about your feelings?” and “maybe you shouldn’t kidnap people.”

SEASON 1: Writing Romance

Season one of Hot and Bothered follows ten first-time romance writers as they try to write their own romance novels. Each episode explores a particular romance trope and why we love it so much. Along the way, Julia Quinn, writer of the Bridgerton series, gives weekly assignments so listeners can follow along in the process. Season one was made in collaboration with Spoke Media.

Hot & Bothered is produced by Not Sorry Productions, a feminist organization that produces podcasts, educational content, live shows, and immersive experiences with the explicit goal of addressing the spiritual needs of its participants. Through community, rigor, and ritual, we treat traditionally secular things as if they were sacred. To learn more about what we do, visit

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Recent Reviews
  • theotherginger
    Every season is good
    Different topics, same great commentary
  • RaisingZ
    On Eyre was INCREDIBLE and I can’t Wait to Listen to More!!
    On Eyre by Hot and Bothered was the perfect companion to read Jane Eyre. I had tried to read Jane Eyre on 4 occasions over the past 20 years but never made it past her childhood. Reading it along with Vanessa and Lauren was a WONDERFUL experience. Vanessa and Lauren had such amazing insights and I valued all of the experts they brought into the podcast. I am now a Patron, as I believe in supporting the work I love. Thank you Vanessa and Lauren for giving me this reading experience and for all you do for this world in helping us to slow down and read things with new perspectives. I am so grateful!
  • Meghjb
    I Listen as soon as soon as episodes come out
    This is my hands down favorite podcast right now. I anxiously await new episodes. It’s the perfect blend of pop culture and academic examination. Thank you to all involved in the show production!
  • DrJenLovesToKnit
    Happy accidental find
    I am so enjoying this podcast. I never thought of romance novels in this way. There are so many ethical issues being addressed. I found this podcast because I listen to Harry Potter and the Sacred Text. I have been binging this from season one. Thank you so much for everyone sharing their very personal stories.
  • DataTater
    The “Dog Day Afternoon” of Romance Podcasts
    I am not going to (am not able to) defend that title; I just like the way it sounds. I also like the way this podcast sounds. Vanessa is charming and all her co-hosts and guests have been wonderful, intelligent, surprising people. I very much look forward to each new episode - they feel like I’m just sitting around chatting with friends. And I don’t even LIKE romance books/movies all that much. Or sitting around chatting. But these kind and thoughtful women make me almost wish I did. And most importantly, the ringtone you hear when they are interviewing someone by phone is the BEST! Want, want, want.
  • YellowSub88
    Mama’s “me-time” show!
    I look forward to listening to the show every time I get a little “me-time” ☺️ They discuss everything I wish I could chat about with my friends… But my friends aren’t into these books 😅 if you like literature and laughing (and sometimes a little tear here and there) you’re going to enjoy this show! I have learned so much, and at this point I feel like I’m listening to a couple of friends.
  • livigug
    Why didn’t I like romance novels before??
    I love this podcast in all of its different iterations from season to season. It’s made me question why I didn’t previously read romance novels (Good ole shame! Thought they were below me!), made me re-read books from school days with a totally different lens and perspective, made me rethink if twilight is actually just lighthearted?? And now I am eagerly awaiting each episode to find out what can be learned from romcoms! I’m an avid Vanessa Zoltan fan in all of her podcasts but this show in particularly strikes the balance of levity and thoughtful pondering to me.
  • Prettypay
    What a gift
    I’m absolutely gobbling this show up. I blew through P&P and I’m onto Jane Eyre. This entire sacred reading is a total and complete gift for the mind.
  • LinnSven
    More please
    Content is extraordinary and guest experts insightful. So much of this book has marked the DNA of intelligent women, that it deserves all of this and more is a fait accompli. The vocal fry is distracting. But Lizzie would mention it. Sorry, not sorry.
  • Beejerskill
    This sounded interesting and I started it, but I couldn’t listen to the host’s vocal fry voice. Sorry.
  • M Likes Books
    Get ready for buzzwords
    I equally like and dislike this podcast. It is a good example of how academics can teach and enlighten but sometimes simultaneously ruin a good thing. I love the little tidbits re P&P but the feminist reading, complete with all the current buzzwords, can be tiresome (and also the hosts don’t seem to acknowledge their own limited worldview as liberal American feminists).
  • Irisgrrl7
    Everything I want in a podcast
    I love the hosts and the way they take romance novels seriously and discuss them passionately. It makes me feel understood and like my love of literature is shared by friends. Keep going with your amazing work!
  • LioLoupe
    Can this person please be a regular host as well pls it’s a vibe Also just listened to Lauren talking about feeling shame around her initial dismissal of P&P and I was *amazed,*hazily remembering how frustrated I was hearing that tone of dismissal earlier in the season. It seems incredible because since then she has taught me a fantastic new reading on a book I thought I knew through and through and engaged with the text so fruitfully and wholeheartedly—so please don’t feel shame! The starting point was a huge part of the process and the fact that you’re aware of the change heightens the impact. Being able to listen in on your journey with the book has enriched my life soo much, and I thank you for it!
  • Kate loves cupcakes
    I found this after the Pride & Prejudice season had wrapped up and am happily binging it now. I can’t wait to learn what’s next!
  • pinkbikecolorado
    I love this show
    I have learned so much about what life for women was like in the 1800s. I love the in-depth discussion between the two main hosts and the experts that join them. The whole show flows and is so well put together.
  • KanPodFan
    Swimming with Elizabeth
    What a fun, intelligent, dishy way to reread my favorite novel chapter by chapter. I loved the guest scholars and the analysis of situations and characters I had skimmed by in my many rereadings. Emma next!
  • Murray_NYC
    Reading with Fresh Eyes
    I have read and re-read Pride and Prejudice many times, but never saw past the romance. Reading along with Vanessa and Lauren has given me a greater appreciation for the genius and complexity in Austen and her writing. The show includes great experts (all academics and mostly women) talking about history, power, social customs and of course Lizzie and Darcy. So much better than Colin Firth jumping in the lake….
  • Oh my Pod!
    Unabashedly book smart
    I grew up reading in my bedroom while my friends went swimming or played sports so I was so excited to find a podcast that celebrates the books I love and read over and over again. My first experience with Hot and Bothered was the season on Jane Eyre “On Eyre” and I really enjoyed the deep dive into not just the greatness of the book but also how problematic it is. Vanessa and Lauren don’t shy away from speaking out about their own misgivings about loving a flawed work of fiction. In the current season they dive deep into Pride and Prejudice and I so enjoy the conversations they have about the characters and English life at that time. At one point I laughed out loud because they were discussing what Michaelmas was, something I had always wondered when reading Austen. All in all this podcast is wonderful and I feel like I get to spend time with two friends who understand me and my nerdy interests.
  • Ckjrsw
    P&P for grownups
    Love you both and love this show. ❤️
  • Celeste_hearts_podcasts
    Most impactful and joyful podcast?
    Yes, this is what we need, in this economy. Breaking down some of the world’s biggest love stories, explaining the nuance, all from a feminist POV? You had me at hello. <3
  • Shani Beth
    I love this show!
    This podcast hits all the sweet spots for me. Smart, incisive analysis, interesting new information, and joyful fangirling with people who love the book as much as I do. I just want to sit with Vanessa and Lauren and talk to them all day! They are definitely the very best drawing room material.
  • alexandrabcarter
    Overall enjoyable
    I enjoy the commentary. If Vanessa worked on her vocal fry a bit, I’d absolutely love this podcast!
  • BlissHouse
    Love the History!
    I have always loved Pride and Prejudice! This podcast and all the history behind why they did what they did is so fascinating! Thanks!
  • EnglishLilac
    If you enjoy listening to pseudo-intellectuals criticize literary geniuses, this is the podcast for you. Viewed from their woke, feminist lens, this show borders on the ridiculous. Buzz words are thrown around with great abandon. Host cannot even pronounce the word viscount. Just read these classics yourself.
  • Jess_Loti
    Like a Bookclub with your smartest friends
    This podcast is my absolute favorite. Like so many I grew up reading and loving the romantic “classics” like Jane Eyre and Pride & Prejudice but of course as a 21st century feminist I recognize some of the troubling aspects of racism and misogyny throughout. This podcast revisits these novels through a critical lens with amazing guest experts that help provide historical context and new perspectives. It’s enabled me to enjoy these novels even more deeply. The hosts are so smart and also a lot of fun, so listening to their analysis and debate is always engaging. I highly recommend reading or listening to the chapters before each episode for the best experience. If you love literature, romance, and justice, this podcast is for you!
  • MFJuno
    Absolutely delightful
    I found this podcast a about two months ago so I got to binge a large part of Live from Pemberley (I caught up very quickly) and I am always SO excited for every other Friday. I understand why others may have a hard time with the space between episodes but I genuinely don’t mind because each episode is so well done that it is obvious to me that the extra time is takes to make is worth it. The episode that came out today about chapters 47 and 48 had a fantastic guest (Kimberly Hamlin I think?) who brought really insightful knowledge and context to a conversation that is as contemporary as it is historical. As a second year law student I was so happy to listen to such a poignant discussion about the sociology and history behind law. I have read and watched and listened to pride and prejudice countless times since I was 13 years old and have never engaged with the story as much as I do while listening to this podcast. Pride and Prejudice is a story that has changed every time I’ve come back to it because it is a coming of age story so nuanced that it can hardly be understood at 13 the same way it is understood at 24. Or in 1813 as it is in 2023. This podcast is an incredible analysis of the book and this moment in history and it is how I wish my AP literature class in high school handled this book. The next time I watch the limited series or read the book I know it will be much different for me than it was before and I will be the better for it. Vanessa and Lauren take care to balance their own relationships with the book and its characters with context and respect for the realities of the time in which they were written (and the woman who was writing them). I think this podcast would make Jane Austen proud.
  • picsmcginty
    Season one is so genius
    Hi not sorry productions. I keep returning to season one of Hot and Bothered. I find it to be a revolutionary podcast. Smashing the patriarchy, allowing vulnerability, hilarious and sweet, incredible insight into being a human person, emphasizing kindness and goodness in the world… all with romance novels. Which. I never really got into. But listening to your writers work through things and complications in their lives and writing feels like a revolution. I’ve listened 3 times and will continue. And will hope for a return to that! Thank you.
  • Brendastevens
    Too long between episodes
    While I’m enjoying the podcast when it airs, it’s regularly 2 weeks between shows and sometimes longer. Any sense of the story is completely lost. I also have to admit that I tried to read the book and found it really boring…. I just don’t get why people love it so much. I guess I’m more of a Jane Eyre fan— I loved those episodes and they broadcast weekly.
  • DCtlb
    Good and Bad: Live from Pemberly
    What’s great: Each episode I’ve listened to features scholars who talk about Austen, P&P, and the historical context. What’s not great: The hosts’ speculations about characters’ motivations and inner feelings that veer so far from anything in the text as to feel like fanfic. Lauren is à particularly bad offender and this. Also, about 90% of the time I’m convinced that she and I have not read the same book (and I have read P&P countless times). Both hosts seem also to miss the joy and, most especially, the humor in the book. Excellent premise for a podcast — and it’s good enough that I’m binging this Pemberly series — but I’d love to hear more from the experts. One final thing, they both call Mr. Collins “Collins” throughout, which is confounding; they call all the other characters as they are referred to in the book so this feels like a conscious choice.
  • Banennie
    Smart discussion and lots of amazing academic contributors. My favorite podcast in a very long time. Keep up the great work!
  • C2204
    What we always wanted English class to be
    This podcast is brilliant. Full of wisdom and wit, asking relevant, interesting questions about classic literature, amazing and diverse guest speakers, and an all around good time. I’m an avid supporter of all of Not Sorry Productions but this one feels like my favorite femme book.
  • ghucdhjkycxyh
    An English Lit’s dream
    Let me start by saying that Vanessa is a national treasure. Lauren and Vanessa together offer joy and balance, wit and charm. This is my emotional support show. How often post-grad does one have the luxury and diving into a text, looking at it from every angel, analyzing each character, and falling in love chapter over chapter. I love this show.
  • FAC11
    Joy and insight
    I don’t know where to begin with this brilliant podcast. Vanessa and Lauren deliver insight after insight while remaining curious and humorous. They interview thoughtful guests. They’ve helped me to love and critique books I already loved. They pay attention.
  • irishhouse
    Live from Pemberly
    I really like this podcast. The hosts bring exceptional knowledge of the story to the table, as well as great insights on the culture, customs, and mores of the period of the novel. They often point out the legal constraints that women faced at that time, and how they dealt with it. They accurately portray the strengths of the lead female characters and how they deal with their challenges in order to live their lives. That strength is why I made sure our daughters (and son) knew the story of P & P. I do suggest that the hosts try to avoid profanity, which sneaks in occasionally. The emotion which may be driving the profanity is likely appropriate, but as Jane Austin has shown, such strong feelings can be expressed without sinking to vulgar expletives. Along with the amazing strength Elizabeth exhibits is an unfailing refusal to stoop to vulgarity. We have tried to instill both of these attributes in our daughters (and son) and would like to keep them in our grandchildren. It would be much easier to recommend your podcast to our younger grandchildren if bad language was completely expunged. Thank you for considering this course, and thank you for the fine work you are doing in bringing the subtleties of a great literary novel to the “podcast generation!”
  • lunamaximus
    Nerdy & Romantic Joy
    I feel so excited and at peace every time I start a new episode of Hot and Bothered. Vanessa is a thoughtful and kind host and so insightful! I love their literary criticism, expect guests, and new perspectives on some of my all time favorite works.
  • hoooo2394
    Really interesting& smart content
    Love the content. One of the hosts has particularly egregious vocal fry, which isn’t great for those of us with misophonia
  • IKerralot
    Everything I Want In a Podcast
    This podcast is fantastic. Lauren and Vanessa provide great analysis of Pride and Prejudice with lots of humor sprinkled throughout the episodes. I love hearing from experts and learning more about the context in which the novel was written. I’ve learned more than I did in my college Jane Austen class!
  • kitcatdee
    Keep them coming!
    Literary pod I never knew I needed. Smart, fun, critical takes on the romances that make us. These hosts have turned me into a fierce defender of romance novels. Only wish there were more episodes to binge!
  • alicia_mc
    Smart, sharp, feminist, fun
    Love this podcast— a really smart premise, sharp literary close reading, stellar feminist commentary from hosts & guests, and just so so fun. I started listening to The Rom Pod during the early days of the pandemic, and Vanessa’s idea of writing romance novels as a sacred practice to cultivate hopefulness was such a light in dark days. And as the show evolved over the seasons, reading both Jane Eyre and now Pride & Prejudice, it’s been so interesting & empowering to pay attention to the desires & power of women.
  • ilovemusic.period.
    Absolute Fave
    I am so grateful to have discovered this podcast, along with On Eyre—I love the thoughtful, informative, but fun approach they take to my favorite classic books. I hope they continue producing content for a long time to come!
  • Genna Klein
    Love it! Thoughtful and fun
    Great podcast with modern takes on romance!
  • cbrowniemama
    Sharp and insightful
    This feminist podcast is an absolute book lover’s delight! I love everything from the opening essay, to the context lesson, to the discussion, to the expert call that concludes every episode. Such a perfect format for deep diving our favorite literary heroines/authors. Also is anything as endearing as Vanessa and Lauren building friendship over a novel? Not a chance!
  • history1884
    Love this!
    So fun to hear Pride and Prejudice talked about by two intelligent women and their guests. Can’t wait for more episodes!
  • ambernelsonis
    Would be great
    I have enjoyed many episodes in this podcast, especially On Eyre and Live From Pemberly….until the most recent episode on chapters 15 and 16 where the host Julia Argy makes light of and *literally giggles* at the topic of inc*st. Just because it was normative in previous years does not mean it is ok now. And just because some people continue to marry their first cousins etc, that doesn’t mean the practice of inc*st is ok. I am really disturbed that a topic that is the source of so much pain and suffering could seem funny to one of the hosts. If they can’t take these topics seriously and sensitively they shouldn’t talk about them at all. Incredibly vulgar, indecent, and hurtful.
  • mh2019!!!
    The season Live From Pemberly is my fave so far. Deep thoughts and conversations in the setting of books and themes. It makes me very happy to know there are people out there who care about others and trying to make the world better.
  • Lacondesalucanor
    Pure pleasure
    I cannot overstate of good this podcast is. I started listening recently, for the Pride and Prejudice episodes and I am so pleasantly surprised by the quality of the guests and the thoughtful analysis, it’s an Austen geek’s dream come true!
  • mrs mc gonagall's sister
    Nana of 4
    The podcast “Plain English W/Derek Thompson” Episode #44. Why are American Teenagers so Sad & Anxious…. The information neatly connects our generational Social structures, through the many generations. From Letters thru, & up to our Social Media. I listen to your podcast, again and again:-)❤️ Always finding more to absorb
  • sciencebaby
    You make lot fun!
    If my high school literature classes had been this entertaining, I would maybe remember something from them 😂. I wish every student could see how in depth these stories are instead of passing them off as ridiculous romance. Thanks for all you do!
  • just_smile91
    Started Listening for Jane Eyre and so Excited for Live from Pemberley!
    I don’t even remember where I discovered this podcast, but I’m so glad I did! I started listening when Season Three On Eyre began and have been hooked ever since. One of the best things about this podcast is the thought-provoking conversations between Lauren and Vanessa that go so much deeper than the text. It’s everything I loved about my college English classes, but so much more too. I also feel like I’m part of a community of readers, exploring new and familiar texts in new, provocative ways and recognizing how reading stories we love can touch us in a sacred, spiritual way. Season Four focusing on Pride and Prejudice is my dream podcast and I can’t wait to read and listen along!
  • A.J. Edwards
    Meh Feminist prattle
    Too much forcing the lens of liberal feminism for me. Criticizing Jane Eyre’s character because she isn’t sympathetic enough to French sex workers is just completely asinine.
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