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Dyl11045Becoming unbearableI’ve been listening for 5 years. I’m sad for sarah langs, but it’s literally not bearable to listen to her section of the show. I turn it off everytime she starys talking. I wish her the best but it’s an awful listen.
JoshVA95Love SarahLooking forward to another season of baseball. I’ll be listening along!
carpr15TerribleBuster is supposed to be an unbiased reporter and he clearly is not. Mouthpiece
PetemoscThank you SarahI am amazed and inspired by the passion, knowledge, strength, integrity, and courage that Sarah Langs demonstrates each moment of the day.
Longtime Baseball FanFind your baseball news elsewhereI started listening to this podcast over a decade ago when it was Baseball Today hosted by Eric Karabell with co-hosts Mark Simon and Keith Law. That was a great podcast. This version took a downward turn right off the bat and it has been downhill ever since. I found the last couple of years pretty unbearable and I’m finally ready to leave. I’m not sure who the audience for this podcast is but maybe if you are a very casual fan and want to hear about big market teams and the game’s top stars you might find this show informative (but likely too long if you are that casual a fan). But I think it is more likely that this is somebody at ESPN’s idea of how to showcase their own baseball reporters and broadcasters. Those broadcasters seem to think very highly of themselves and each other, but they are actually pretty boring in a very self-congratulatory way. The only feature of this podcast I find interesting are the segments with researcher Paul Hembekides who uses advanced metrics in an interesting and insightful way. I have switched to the Windup series of podcasts from The Athletic. They cover the game broadly (not just stars and big market teams), they have different types of coverage with a wide range of reporters, the coverage is smart and funny, and it’s just an all around better experience. Goodbye Baseball Tonight.
freddy pancakesSarah is the bestI don’t know where the negativity in the reviews is coming from, but I love this pod. Love the insight, stories, features, and, of course, Sarah!
ksxinwodnwThe most biased MLB podcastWhen he’s not on his high horse, Buster and his guests are ridiculously biased. They only care about big market teams and talk about the same teams over and over. Awful.
Shade#2700Jeff Passan > Buster OlneyI’d come back to this show in a heartbeat if Passan replaces Buster. I miss listening to this show, but can’t stand Buster’s takes. Hopefully ESPN can get this one right.
Jonathan21murrayLove this showNever miss an episode, appreciate the great content! Especially love when Bob Kendrick joins the show.
basballforlifefEditor’s NoteI love this pod and all the aspect of it except for 1 thing. That is that in the recent trend of days the titles have not been the way they usually are and are more of a recap of the episode. could you please switch them back.
larryl39Host apologyI wanna aplogize to Sarah didn’t k o she had als hope she’s doing well. But it sis hard to understand wat she’s saying
yoga.ahaBest batted ball sound around, but….WHAT HAPPENED TO JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY? Giving gifts to those that you are covering is totally inappropriate.
BaccisaurusI wish I still loved this showI want to like this show as much as I used to. There are just other options that are more entertaining. I think Buster is my biggest problem. He thinks way, way more highly of himself than anyone else does. His 5-part series on Josh Hader is the epitome of everything wrong with Buster. He just absolutely loves the sound of his own voice and he thinks he’s a genius. That Hader series was sooooo much longer than it needed to be, and it wasn’t nearly as big of a deal as Buster seemed to think. You could hear him clearing space on his shelf for the Pulitzer that he thinks he deserved. The rest of the world was hitting fast forward to get through 10 minutes of mediocre, frankly inconsequential content that was stretched across an hour. I’ll stick to Baseball Today and Talkin’ Baseball until the show finds its old rhythm.
ryanmb21Great show!I watch games and this shows adds another dimension. I always learn more.
Innocentbystander22Bottom 3As a Halos fan I’m offended at your omission. They’re horrible. They should be ranked at least third worst.
jourd_820Quality PodcastThis is a good quality baseball podcast that isn’t super nerdy and just gives a good overview. I’m thankful for it.
FishPNWSarah LangsSarah Langs does great work. I enjoy listening to her passion for baseball and analysis. Keep up the great work and don’t worry about the podcast review critics. I’m a fan of what you do!
shockersfanTerrible podcastThe podcast used be informative and interesting, but now it has turned into garbage. Pushing personal agenda from Buster and other clowns is more important than just reporting what’s happening in MLB. How about some honesty in reporting Ohtani’s gambling incident and how there is a cover up going on by MLB and the Dodgers. All of us can clearly see this is another Pete Rose all over again. Hiding behind an interpreter is a nice disguise Ohtani. Buster, how about reporting this Ohtani gambling from the same way as you did Marcell Ozuna.
Jordanrodgers234Baseball tonight sadly isn’t what it used to beToo many guests that offer nothing and way to many appearances and conversations that dumb down the baseball talk. The uniform quizzes, Sarah Lang’s #s games etc., all terrible. I think everyone on the staff needs to read Keith law’s “smart baseball”. Maybe then buster won’t pick the Mariners to make the playoffs......again lol. The baseball talk had gotten so bad and it’s no wonder when you look at the guests.... none of them actually Played baseball......... Karl ravech, Sarah Lang’s, Mendoza, schoenfield etc. Get some people who actually played the game..... When Karl ravech, who has zero baseball credentials, is your daily guest, you know the show sucks….. he brings nothing to the table cause he didn’t play baseball, he didn’t coach baseball, he didn’t work as a scout or even a beat writer….. just a clown with a horrible toupee
talk over each otherReviewsHey folks, if you don’t like the podcast or the people involved in putting together, DON’T LISTEN!!……is freaking sports, is supposed to be fun….get a life
Greg from CincySarah LangsThanks for Sarah continuing to be on the podcast. She is amazing.
LeftCoastManSarah LangsI know that Ms Langs has an awesome baseball mind but it’s getting harder and harder to understand her. I am empathetic that she has ALS, but one of the sequelae of ALS is voice changes. I am at the point that I skip through her section of the podcast which makes me sad because I use to love her takes. I appreciate what she’s dealing with, but I think her speech issues takes away from this podcast.
Silbo25New producerI get that Taylor Schwenk is out on paternity leave as he should be to enjoy the birth of his first child. But is it possible to find a new fill-in producer until Taylor returns? This new guy is just way in over his head and the poor quality of the production can be heard on every episode.
Krycek1013Frustrating ShowI enjoyed this podcast for many years and never missed an episode. But honestly, sometimes I think Buster hates baseball. Everything has such a negative spin on it. Either that or he attempts to get everyone to agree with his negative line of thinking…”wouldn’t you agree that blah blah blah.” I just feel like I’m constantly being lectured or preached to by Buster. And why oh why is the co-host a guy that admits that he doesn’t know much about baseball??? And then Buster constantly asks his opinion about baseball related topics. He doesn’t know anything about the sport…why are you asking him?!?!? One minute Buster is citing every obscure baseball stat that only super hardcore baseball fans know…and the next minute he is getting feedback from a guy with zero baseball knowledge?? What kind of sense does that make?? Don’t get me wrong. They all seem like good humans. But more & more I question why I listen. It just isn’t fun anymore and I honestly get stressed from all the negativity and pompous lectures. More often than not I find myself wondering why I just invested 50 minutes of my life into listening.
TVF33Hall of FameBuster loves telling people how they should vote for the Hall of Fame, yet he gave up his own Hall of Fame vote years ago. Sorry Buster you lost your standing when you gave up your vote. And stop the whining on Sheffield and Pettitte being in the Mitchell Report. I agree the Mitchell Report is garbage but Sheffield and Pettitte both admitted to using PEDs.
Duckhunter44Terrible audioRadio show with terrible audio
TheIceManCookethGet rid of the wokenessThe numbers are outstanding, but your wokeness is super annoying.
Golf chiroLove this showBaseball tonight was my favorite nightly show to get my baseball fix. Love all the stats and guests. Also still love listening to Sarah Langs, still working with ALS. Shows how much she loves baseball. The only reason why this rating isn’t a 5 is the number of ads.
Tommyez8Buster is not a great listen…Buster is not a great listen, flavor and flair is always appreciated but blatant worship of certain teams and irrational mockery of others is very much unappreciated.
Paul12397Love the podcast, butI have been listening to the podcast since 2016 and love it, long or short pods everyday or once a week I never miss it. The only issue I have, and the reason for this review is Sarah langs, I do like her and her love for baseball and passion for watching the game but I just cannot understand what she’s saying anymore, her words are too jumbled and slurred for on air, she should be behind the scene. At this point I have to fast forward through her segment as it’s just annoying trying to figure out what she’s saying. ESPN is a large professional sports network they can do better than this.
puladkiBuster OlneyBest baseball podcast out there. No other podcast has the level of knowledge and guests that Buster’s show has. Also he is a genuine and kind human being. Don’t see a lot of that these days. Ps - K Mez, based upon his August 16, 2023 review, will never be confused as a kind or caring human being. The woman he wants removed ‘that sounds like she had a stroke’ is Sarah Langs, who is courageously battling ALS, you insensitive jerk. She is on because she is still the best researcher in baseball.
Trevor O'KeefeBig fanThanks Buster! I’m a big fan
K MezGood show but...Please get rid of the woman who sounds like she had a stroke, she's hard to listen to. I know espn is all about diversity today but she needs to stick to writing it ruins the show.
Wretched Man 63Appreciate you! Salt Lake City AirportAppreciate Busty allowing me to interrupt his day this morning at Salt Lake Airport. He was gracious and I let him know I’m a big fan of him and podcast. Living in Pocatello, ID and frequent flyer, I thought I might see him on a Monday in Salty. Appreciate his tireless love for baseball😎⚾️⚾️⚾️
ThomasTewLove the show!Great insight, best baseball personalities and perspectives on this show. You can tell they really love the game and their work. Keep it up!
Alan ReederBusterBuster talks way too much about himself and his travels, especially baggage claim Monday nonsense. Less about Buster and more true baseball please!
Baseballdog07Do they listen to show before they drop it?I never had a podcast where they repeat recordings of the show they already played. If it happens in one episode, understood, but this happens in multiple episodes and happened twice on today’s. Might want to edit & listen to episode before you drop it.
VIP BallerAwesome Podcast for this Rays fanRays fan here. Been listening for years love all the hard work Buster does with great interviews and insightful analysis. Taylor’s a great producer too. Also love that Busters heart is in the right place. I really admire his sign-off. The call to action to fight racism is a great note to end on. Really a class act. I haven’t been able to discern any political commentary that other reviews reference but maybe those episodes were before I started listening? Also, love Sarah Langs’ research and the good natured teasing Buster and Tim give her for being the biggest baseball fan in the world. Sarah Abbott is also super funny I appreciate her perspective and the degree of normalcy she adds to the conversation. Definitely a great baseball podcast.
fezpiSorry.Hard to listen to Sarah. Deleting it from my list of pods.
MikaWhyPlease fix Buster’s Audio!!!Guys, what is up? You guys work for ESPN and Buster’s audio sounds horrible! The producers that hop in sound great, but Buster sounds like he’s calling in from a walkie talkie straight out of the 80’s! The podcast would sound 100 x’s more professional if you just had a nice mic set up for Buster - I don’t get it!!
pnagel2WAY TOO LONGEpisodes are getting way too long!!! Todays is over 90 minutes and they are regularly over an hour since the switch to 3 days a week. That is ridiculous! Great content but please get these back down to 30-45min.
another expat userI want to give a shout out to Sarah and recommend a book for her to enjoy.Moe Berg Athlete, Scholar, Spy by Kaufman, Fitzgerald and Sewell. Your last episode dated Monday April 24 was screwed up. While it was listed and titled for Monday. April 24, what actually played was your last podcast from Friday. April 21. When will you fix this?
Blake_The_SteakESPN DeclineThis show, like most at ESPN, has really fallen off for various reasons. Some of the guests are great (Tim, Hembo, Passan) but beyond that it is hard to listen to. Buster and Ravich make it sound like the WBC is more important than the World Series - reducing the Regular Season, fans are “too attached to their MLB teams”, all of the stars need to play, etc. I don’t know if Buster is towing the company line or he doesn’t enjoy the sport as it is, but it’s hard to listen to this podcast as a baseball lover. But, ESPN is cutting shows (like Fantasy Focus) so this is one of the few limited options available, even it’s not great quality content.
MrMuggleLove the show but!Some guests just talk to talk.. You get tired of hearing them go on and on about the same thing over and over. When you do hear someone like Greeny you want to tear your hair out and toss the phone. But then you remember the phone cost $1200 and you can just go and review the show and give it one star. Please do better moderating your pontificating guests.
maddestladfinecorporate ESPN talk about baseball, you know what you’re getting really
Mets_LoverThis show is greatAt night I listen to this to catch me up on what is going on in the league and am excited to listen each night when I have an episode. This is a great show and i am looking forward to more. Also don’t hate on them for doing their job, which not to mention they are really good at and I love all their guests and porsonalities
SchomasterGood discussions…about the big-market teamsLove Buster, Timmy and Sarah Langs’ takes and banter but there’s a consistent and frustrating focus on the biggest-market teams in SoCal and NYC/BOS/PHI. I get that this focus is just part of the deal with ESPN content in general, but there are a couple dozen other MLB teams out there with interesting stories and players - and many thousands (millions?) of fans following those teams.
sfcarltInformative, insightful, and shallow.I was a loyal listener for a few years and found it to be an informative and entertaining podcast. Over the past couple of years the overall quality and content has steadily declined. While I don’t care about Buster’s “wokeness” or his “east coast bias,” I do get tired of his whiny tone and his speculations and recommendations about what teams and players should do. He puts forth his “ideas” that are made from whole cloth and that make zero sense, unless you are trying to create conversation and drive ratings up.
Aaron46789Most entertaining show in sportsI love baseball tonight. Buster does cover the entire league. They cover the latest in the league and who is hot.
Chemdude242espn makes this awfulToo bad buster agrees with espn wokeism. Cannot listen
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