Talking Feds

News #86Politics #31

TALKING FEDS is a roundtable discussion that brings together prominent former government officials, journalists, and special guests for a dynamic and in-depth analysis of the most pressing questions in law and politics.

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Recent Reviews
  • tmccaffr
    Great show tonight. I feels like an honor to be able to listen to the discussion. Harry, as always, is a great host. His podcasts are smart and informative.
  • 80221
    Trump should’ve been stopped in his tracks
    Who’s not above the law?
  • Psychologist Crone
    Thank you for having the one to one podcast with Judge J. Michael Luttig,
    I am so grateful that Harry is arranging one to one conversations as part of the Feds Podscast! The depth of the conversation with Judge J. Michael Luttig was so reassuring in the midst of the existential threat to democracy that the Supreme Court is causing. I am a 72 year old Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and have never felt threatened as I do now with the perversion of the Republican Party and the Supreme Court.
  • Pinky in St Louis
    Judge Luttig
    OMG! He just showed us how far our courts have fallen in terms of their reverence for the constitution! The Supreme Court majority reserves its reverence for its political leanings with total disdain for the effect of their decisions.
  • Truth seeker Sal
    This is a very excellent podcast!!! Thank you for the opportunity to hear Judge Luttig!
  • CJJanty
    Talking Feds
    Wow! J Michael Luttig episode was spectacular!
  • RBax107
    Great show and this was the best
    Harry brings us the brilliant Judge J. Michael Luttig whose wisdom may just be able to save American democracy.
  • Cousin Nini
    Judge Luttig
    Great episode with Juge Luttig. He’s done so much for our democracy! An amazing man and much appreciated!
  • Nagoyazoe
    The Supreme Court’s Loss
    Listening to Judge Luttig - my, goodness, he would have made such an excellent Chief Justice.
  • sandrajarrett
    Phenomenal Judge Luttig!
    This interview (primarily an opportunity for Judge Luttig to utter quite a few ”well chosen words”) touched me deeply. It is such a relief to hear a truly righteous man outline the truth uncompromisingly about the Supreme Court’s mangling of the Constitution by their immunity decision. The Emperor actually has no clothes!
  • @fatarae
    Top 5
    Thank you for putting together this great podcast. Your astute analysis as well as that of your illustrious guests is greatly appreciated on this the fourth day following the disastrous debate. We need to thank Biden for his service and move on quickly. Big Gretch or Newsome would have my enthusiastic vote.
  • JohnAlpine
    Judge Luttig One on One
    On a general note, I very much appreciate these 1 on 1 discussions. Also, Judge Luttig is a rock star and was superb choice. He has undeniable credibility. As you said, he chooses his words very carefully. He also has a much better sense of humor than I would have expected! Great stuff, Mr Litman!
  • NoreenKeyes
    Their interview with J. Michael Luttig was reminiscent of Firing Line circa 1970/80/90’s.
  • Debbie in AZ
    Judge Luttig
    Fantastic conversation. More please!
  • JazzBass13
    Harry's the BEST!!
    I started watching Harry's videos on YouTube because of all the craziness in and of the legal process in the US (Trump and the Supreme Court primarily) and when I started listening to podcasts I discovered that he's here also. Harry has not only has an eloquently astute vocabulary that he masterfully applies to the legal concepts he explains (and teaches us), but he also has a "talking to the guy next door" smoothness and depth to his presentations. He never comes off as pretentious - and (I assume) always has the audience in mind. The insights of Harry and his guests are always spot on and current - and sometimes prescient. I'm also reeeeally glad that he's starting a one-on-one Talking Feds. He always picks interesting and relevant speakers for interviews of individuals - like Judge Michael Luttig and Professor Robert Sapolsky. I can't wait!! 💖 ☕️ ☕️ ☕️
  • caldarow
    Texas Tribune Festival
    LOVED this episode so much! Your amazing guests took this subject a bit deeper than normal news shows and I was in rapt attention, just wished the episode later longer as I wanted more 😊
  • BellevueLiz
    Excellent Weekly Briefing
    The quality of the guests and content of the discussions makes this podcast the one I recommend most to friends and family. Talking Feds isn't a lot of wish-casting, but actual thoughtful analysis and conversation that I find so illuminating. I'm constantly surprised at the variety and esteem of the guests, and host Harry Littman conducts each conversation quite deftly. This is my weekly "must listen" pod!
  • nickname mot taken
    This always 3 days behind
  • TNDanc3r
    Reporting is always old
    Please record and post closer together. This last episode was information from the first convention day. We already had all the information. I find with this show the conversation deals with old information for about half a week prior.
  • LinnSven
    On Topic
    Harry is practically family by now. Info packed analysis from a highly capable former prosecutor who never drop the standards of his practice. One note: look up blue moon. We pedestrians may not know “Yale words” but we do now know that you’re not really a nature guy.
  • Anilam18
    Please please say our future president's name correctly!
    I love your podcast! I listen to it faithfully! But please. Please please please...learn to say Kamala's name right. It's Comma LA. It's baffling to me that you can't seem to get that right. Nor many of your guests. It makes me upset because the right intentionally mispronounce her name. The least we can do is get it right. Thank you! If this wasn't an issue I would give 5 stars! Keep up the good work and just tweak that one thing PLEASE!!!
  • JBK3rd
    Always an info packed hour, Harry. Your guests are also always the best in the business and essential listening for these next few months of democracy vs. dictator politics. JK
  • Honest guy2023
    Excellent legal and political reporting and analysis
    One of the best legal and political podcasts out there
  • StPaul CAT
    Insightful and energetic
    Harry Litman and guests bring insight into the issues of the day. I learned something new and salient on a headline topic every time I listen.
  • julie_g7
    Discussion without doom
    Even though Harry and guests discuss topics that are not always lighthearted, this format and Harry’s guidance can talk me off any political ledge of doom I bear. I appreciate it.
  • 11dalya
    So many great legal minds
    I love listening to the politically astute minds at work in these podcasts. The topics are easy to follow and well explained. Great guests always, and listening to Jonah, Ally and Rick was great. Thank you Harry Littman.
  • marshamcg
    Big fan, loyal listener
    I value Talking Feds enormously. I have to say, though, that Jonah Goldberg’s cynicism in today’s episode was hard to take. It seemed beyond curmudgeonly to me.
  • pilateskristen
    Ushering in fascism
    I don’t know why corporate media and talking heads are so eager to usher in fascism. Your recent guests Charlie Sykes, Andrea Mitchell, Susan Glaser join nameless Democratic elites clamoring for President Biden to drop out of the race. Platforming this cannibalistic in-fighting has the potential to allow the christofascists to destroy our democracy. The Biden administration has had one success after another. President Biden is the incumbent and the Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election. If Talking Feds continues in this direction, attacking the leader of the Democratic Party, the ONLY candidate who has defeated Donald Trump in a presidential election, then I will be unsubscribing and not wasting anymore time listening to this podcast.
  • bluetortilla
    Unity, not opprotuinstic Susan Glasser
    On July 15, Susan Glasser delivered the biggest durian rot downer attack on Biden that I’ve personally heard since all of this debate earthquake aftershocks began. But the corporate media has achieved one thing – and that’s in making Democrats like me completely start to feel utter distrust for anything they say. Just about every word she said was a direct gift to Trump. Thank you Susan: wonderful. Sometimes reporters are incredibly stupid and out of touch with the public. The fact is this Biden is going to run against Trump. Presumably if he wins this will all be moot. If you loses, we will slide rather quickly into a fascist state. No Kamala Harris could possibly run, but if she does, it will fracture our unity and our party and we will lose in the year that Susan Glasser was born 1968. This very thing happened and I can guarantee you that if we break this ticket it'll happen again we all need to get behind this president and this administration and do our very very best to keep that ‘dictator on Day One’ Trump from taking office again. Susan Glasser will not help us. Fellow Democrats, independence, and anti-Trumpers: we all need to stick together and unite and defeat, Trump, Trumpism, and MAGA Can you do that?
  • DarlinHeSaid
    Replacing Biden now is irresponsible.
    The states filing deadlines are a problem for a new candidate for president, as is the Biden Harris war chest of big and small donors that can otherwise be used by Harris or donated to DNC or PACs. Biden is the best way to get Harris in the White House should Biden become frail, and maybe having a real team of two at the top is a model worth trying. With 3 plus months to go, replacing the candidate is irresponsible and has failed in the past. Biden said he wants to finish the job of defeating Trump and the rogue RNC. This is not an exercise it’s an all-out war on democracy. We are not “those people” - that’s an unfortunate characterization. An avid listener
  • Burdyblue
    Lawyer or political hack?
    Enough already. Did you get Joe’s memo? He is running and the majority of Dems and voters support him. Listen to Allan Lichtman very closely, Harry. Read that again. Now get back to lawyering.
  • There here everywhere
    Really A. Mitchell
    You lost me when you chose Andrea Mitchell to talk about old people not being able to speak like they use to. I can't stand to listened to Andrea Michell on MCNBS. She constantly is looking for her words and thought until co-anchor moves it along by giving her the words she was looking for. Pausing mid sentence constantly for an uncomfortable length of time. She looks and sounds lost all the time on TV so before she gives President Biden advise to not run maybe she should consider retiring.
  • PrimRoz
    D program
    The excessive dwelling on Biden’s age showing during an exercise that says nothing about how well he is actively running the country, is tiresome and unhelpful to our common goal. Be realistic, there is nothing to be gained by changing at this time so why not discuss in depth the work he is doing everyday for our country?
  • Ma Joad
    Couldn’t listen.
    A big no thank to listening to Andrea Mitchell.
  • bluevoter
    Missing the point Andrea Mitchell commenting on bad performance. Rich
  • goodvsevil
    1) heres a turkey sandwich that has sat out for 8 hours. Or 2) heres some wiener schnitzel that is laced with rat poison. Listening to a few of your guests upset Biden had an off night, is like saying "oh, please tell me more about this wiener schnitzel, is it organic? Is the wiener schnitzel free range? Is the wiener schnitzel sweeter, or savoury? Do you have beer to go with the wiener schnitzel??????? SOTU Biden showed up at a speech the next day, and seemed more on his game.
  • rollamichael
    Former fan, maybe a fan in the future
    I usually like this show so long as I skip the first five minutes or so but Harry’s decision to air Charlie (Biden is too old) Sykes and Andrea (what is she actually good at) Mitchell on July 1, Monday after debate 1 for “It was a cataclysm of a week that left most of us reeling and in acute need of the most thoughtful and savvy analysts to put it in perspective and help think about what’s next.” Is baffling. Thoughtful and savvy analysis from these two, ha 🤣🤣🤣, good one! Except that it’s not good. Every time in the modern era where a party incumbent has faced a primary challenge or has stepped aside, the other party has won. Every time. Knowingly or unknowingly, Charlie and everyone spewing the same stuff as Charlie eg Tim Miller, is advocating for DJT, the felon, rapist and fraudster to win.
  • sfncar
    Law!! Lawyers!! Feds!! Where are they?
    Harry has fallen into the political trap and lost all my attention and respect. Sorry to see him go down this sewer with Mitchell and Sykes but this is my last straw. So much law to talk about and he brings us opinion people. Blahh, bye!
  • itwasntmesir45
    Oh look another podcast with terrible hosts whining about Trump while making tons of money from him. Stop stalking Trump and luring about him. You are all obsessed and maybe secretly a bit in love with him.
  • lasifantas
    Always interesting, informative and fun!
    Mr. L brings on the best guests. I always learn something and have few laughs, too. I always look forward to Mondays now!
  • MiansaM
    Love Harry
    In the before times I never would have even considered listening to a show like this but now I feel its imperative to keep myself surrounded by smart people I respect and Harry is at the top of that list. My first podcast every week! Keep up the great work and Thank You!
  • Alex90212
    Smart show with creative twist!
    Been listening to Talking Feds since the beginning. Harry brings a smart and interesting group together to deep dive key issues and brings his own creative twist to features like Sidebar with super fun actors, writers, and artists and Five Words or Fewer, breaking up what can often be serious and complex episodes. I hope the Feds keep talking!
  • jwcnevada
    Talking Feds
    Always great, knowledgeable guests. Educational for layperson. Harry is great
  • burghergirl
    Why oh why Maggie Haberman?
    Love the show but if you ever have Maggie Haberman on again I will gladly skip that episode. She carried water for Trump for 4 years and deserves no exposure now after everything that man did had been laid out.
  • IoB.
    MAGA Haberman?
  • Mooj58
    Always informative
    Great selection of guests. I’d like to hear more of Harry’s own thoughts- he sometimes focuses more on his facilitator role.
  • shannon.scott
    Carol Lee - NBC News
    Sorry, an executive from NBC News acting “confused” about the narrative of Biden’s age - is gaslighting beyond belief. The reason this narrative exists is because of outlets like NBC News. Please Harry, do better with your guest list.
  • Petunia903
    16 May Special Episode
    I really enjoyed this conversation. Your May 14th episode is one of my favorites so far. Thank you.
  • midwestBlue
    Zoe Lofgren in any show she is on never has anything to add that is interesting or something you haven’t already heard. like my senator tammy baldwin, a nothing burger.
  • Grateful 20121229
    Lighthearted Panel Discussion of Serious Issues
    Harry Litman leads a panel each episode in an even-paced discussion analyzing political issues in the news. The viewpoints are shared in a collegial, friendly manner despite the often sobering nature of the topics covered.
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