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coastaltamPodcast stopped downloading on Nov 6Blaze - please fix the bad URL you submitted to iTunes. They want your RSS feed, not your Apple Podcast link. Please get better tech guys. Thanks.
The dude$5ExcellentThe best poll podcast out there.
Smart One!AppreciationI so appreciate Stu’s insights and he loves his charts!
dariusalexElection Night refreshments - State of the Race questions1. What beer should I choose for tonight? 2. Where has Trafalgar gone this year?
jbarkopStupendousThis show is hilarious and full of facts you will have to wait months or years to be told by the fake news networks.
Big SinchoEp 962Gender equity? What ever happened to women and children first? If a guy jumped in front of them he was not calked a woman, he was called a coward. Stu- great show!
jmh451Very good!!I love this show!! I listen every day since it started!
WeatheredPoolBugDua Lipa - EraIt will not surprise you that I ( 50yo Pool Cleaner - yes, I’m also white) have never heard of a Young Woman who has 902M views on one song. I stopped your Pod to watch Illusion. I think that I am in trouble with my wife if I watch that in front of her. Now, it does sound like good ole’ fashioned pop music! Maybe we’re all in the Dua Lipa Era ( I’ll ask my 22y Daughter )- she’s pretty “ hip”!🕺🏼
kill communismProper Pronunciation and Policy PositionsIt’s Commie-la. She has no policies other than the accumulation of more power.
IronJackalLove the show.!!!Listen every day .!!! Love the show.
AllyKat3927AEC for the WinAEC! I love all your songs from the AOC & Everything is Racists to the the Katanji Brown Jackson song! I listen at 2x speed and that makes the songs even better! It’s great… whatever!
dumb driller 1Russell BrandBeen listening to Russell since right after the pandemic and he reminds me of Glenn after the towers came down at 9:11. I think he takes things at face value and then researches. I truly believe he is He came out against the Globalist and Klaus swab and right after that show he was canceled and had women accusing him of sexual assault
BobDobbs305Stu is greatGave this a shot after seeing Stu on Sarah Gonzales for years. Why did I wait so long?! Stu is entertaining and very smart! Great radio personality. Easily 5 stars!
W from paLike this podcast betterI enjoy this podcast much better than Glenn Beck’s. It’s more enjoyable. I used to love Becks show. Then he just seemed to get fake after a while. He’s trying to hard to seem righteous. I’m sure he is a great guy, but turn it down a notch bud. I still turn him on from time to time, but his advertisement on the Burna pepperball gun was the last straw. There is no way he said all that nonsense to his son. So, I moved over Stu’s show.
ArkteryxGreat showWhy don’t you read our reviews on the show any more (crying face emoji). Still the show is great, 5 stars, because it is appropriate, but one day maybe I’ll drop to 4 stars just to see if you care about reviews any more… no… I can’t, uggh, still 5 stars!
nighttrain542/14Great show today, Stu!
Buckeye SkimmerGreat AnalysisVery informative and insightful. Stu looks at all the aspects and reports the information clearly and concisely.
Col. O'NealState of the raceStu, Love the “state of the race” edition to your podcast. I feel like it really adds a necessary component to your show. It brings it up a notch and for all the nerds who like the numbers, it’s great. Keep up the good work. Your almost as good as “Chewing the Fat” maybe hold that up as a goal to reach.
swzstoLoved your state of the raceI’ll definitely be tuning in to hear more
IDSgt56For the love of everything holy!PLEASE make the COVID Vaccine commercials STOP!!!!!!
M1 ShooterGood little loserI heard Stu say today while standing in for Glenn that he would rather lose elections than play the game like the Democrats. I think I’m going to go with Joe Montana on this one when he said if you’re not cheating you’re not winning in this league. Much like Stu I don’t mind losing an election cycle or two to save unborn babies but like war the winners of elections make the rules and write the History. As soon as I can figure out how I’m going to delete this stupid show from my podcast library so that I don’t waste my time listening to a loser. Still a fan, but have better things to spend my limited time on. Dale
archsailorIt’s great, whateverDripping with intellectual honesty.
Jefe PaReally enjoy StuA must
Zed_55Art of delusion?A mind is a terrible thing to waste on MAGA misinformation.
Dodge M880ContentAs a regular listener, I have found Stu’s last two (Monday and today) podcasts a bit on the “Anti-Trump” side or negative spin towards the former President. Overall I REALLY enjoy listening to Glenn and Stu banter back and forth during the Glenn Beck podcast. Going forward, I might just stick to the Glenn Beck Program for awhile. Just my 2 cents…..
Chris 1300Awesome my man.We look forward to this show every evening at 9 from the Blaze. Working in the evening makes for a long night, but your commentary and fresh outlook kick in second gear. Thank you.
TBone3462Fabulous ShowsKeep doing what you’re doing Can you please restart the Veep Thoughts intro Cheers TBird 34
!Josiah1995!It’s an amazing showStu has a great way of breaking down the news of the day and the chats are awesome!!! Five freaking stars
steveophonicStu denies his own StevenessBut he has a great podcast, no matter what he calls himself this week.
T from OhioLaugh instead of cryingStu helps me find laughter in the place of sorrow! A funny bright spot in days w plenty to be discouraged about. Love ya Stu!
Jcmartin66This show is STUpidStu Burguiere drinks Bud Light
GlamCalvinistSuper boring, for years. Fix it.Derivative & BORING
hehckIllegal Aliens Philadelphia Eagles FansStu, please be honest about the reason why you want all the illegal aliens crossing the southern border be relocated to South Philly. It isn’t about future Democratic voters. No, you’re interested in vast new fans of the Philadelphia Eagles!! 5 Stars!
Bigmountain1969How White men fightLook at the multitude of videos online and you’ll see Blk ppl almost always jump then head stomp their opponent.
FL CowgirlMeh it’s just StuGotta love “The Stu Show” or umm whatever, ha! Funny show and great realtime pressing political issues. In all seriousness very well done. Love it..keep rocking Stu! And keep Glenn in line 😉
LD FullerStu does????Stu, you are the man! I don’t care what Glenn says. 🤣
i watch it on youtube usually5 starsThe year was in 1997. My dog ran into the road. A car was heading towards him. Stu appeared yelled “pit maneuver” and kicked the car in the side it flipped over and caught on fire. Stu picked up my dog (a golden retriever) and handed it to me. He then rescued the children from the car and taught them how to read. Share your fake Stu being a hero stories
atjsajI am SeriesStu, Thanks for the interview with Brad Meltzer. I looked into the series and am getting several of them for my 11 year old granddaughter. She’s a voracious reader and a little entrepreneur.
gigandgeogigMerch suggestion: A bobble head of the press secretary. Watch her sometime with the sound off.
LlamamanzHouse Speaker VoteFor the first time in 100 years the system worked as intended. In Russia, an elected official run unopposed, it is a sham election. In the House of Representatives, if more than one person per party is voted for it is a travesty. The whole situation is a mockery.
BJH57My Go-To ShowI'm a retired Boomer who considers this show one of my two true go-to's. Great work, Stu!
Task Force JeffersShow is awesomeHey Stu, love the show, always. How’s about a little more Jeffy?
PaulMSchmidtStu-pid showBest Stu-pid show, enjoy all the insights
Jon in Indiana, USALong time listener.Stu is smart and funny. He also uses a lot of hard data to back up his positions. You know, Stutistics.. pretty good show.
Rat of AuirWhateverThis show is okay I guess.
Matt NJ1977The Christmas twistJust had my annual Christmas Twist viewing with the family. Man my teenage boys were so happy…
Maggie🎵WhateverI hate this show, which is why I listen to every single episode. Stu never makes me laugh, and his take on the topics of the day is always worse than Glenn’s.
Stutz GirlWhateverI actually listen for the guests, but whatever.
Janice FahyStu continues spreading Stop the Steal BullspitAnd then acts confused when the lying GOP candidates he shills for keep losing. One would think that someone who self-identifies as a conservative would WANT GOP candidates to win elections! Poor Stewie….clearly the worms have finished off the last of his brain cells. Sad.
ShillingsworthI will not use the punStu, you’re a smart guy. I enjoy your Stu… show. However, you’re a vegetarian and that’s weird. I’ll try not to hold that against you though. Keep up the mediocre work. Love ya, bud.
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