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avalonlonnieLove this podcast and the hostI love this podcast as much as Casefile!
TeletybakGreat showGreat show
Abee0222Great Show!!!Yours is the first podcast I’ve ever listened to. Your research is thorough, which I appreciate. I enjoy your voice and manner to which you deliver. Thank you!
Meh9019There are better places to get information.The host has entirely too much sympathy for neglectful parents/people. Too many excuses.
TxCloud426Love it!!!Great podcast! One of my favorites. Thank you for bringing us greatness. I will continue to listen even if it takes a few weeks for a new episode. I believe in the incredible work you put in.
Mc666_Yknow I did like this pod until..Lainey’s attitude online towards her listeners are off putting. I unfollowed.
GmaV72New episodesUnfortunately, in this ugly world there has to be new child abuse cases. Is there a reason why you haven’t created anymore podcasts involving child abuse ? I think we need to hear about those. I think the world needs to know what’s going on.
daddysgurlzzWhere is the content?Lots of repeats and not consistently updated on a weekly (or even monthly sometimes) basis. I used to love it.
MeligcMonotoneIt could be so good but her voice makes it boring. I absolutely hate when she switches to another “voice” for statements made by people. The stories are heartbreaking. I’m glad she is shining light on this.
Sexy girl 456 AAI love ItI’d like to apologize in advance for the username listed on my reviews. My name is Hannah and I don’t know how to change that particular username. I love this podcast. I love how she talks about the children there qualities what family members loved best about them and what they loved to do. I also love how she talks to the family members and gets their perspectives. she doesn’t sensationalize anything at all. She does a wonderful job of presenting information doing research and talking about the children and their stories. Because they are real human beings who have voices likes dislikes, fears, and ambitions. ever since I found this podcast in March, I can’t stop listening to it. I have binged almost every single episode.
pissedmaCan’t get passed the voiceThe way she talks is like a robot and so artificial.
Keeeiiisha M.Just what I was looking forI love it ! I love how you insert press conference clips, fb posts from family, text messages etc. I love how it's all just presenting information no banter or stories of your personal experiences. This is great. I can listen for hours.
moores4Important podI love the show and the premise. The only draw I have is the constant T-Mobile commercials that scream “It’s Better Over Here!” Not once, but twice each break. Can we bring to one time per commercial break/pause. These are typically dark topics and being startled with a repeat is a bit off-putting. Just food for thought.
LSD122070SuggestionI truly love your show however, I find myself getting distracted when you do episodes where you’re just reading. I’d love to hear actual interviews both from the victims & officers. Thank you for shining light on these babies stories. I will definitely be subscribing.
EssieWillowsNot Enough Research Done on CasesI wanted to like this podcast but I’m struggling because there are some facts that they seem to be missing in the Corey case. His father was the custodial parent and the episodes referencing this particular case keep saying that he was not. Because I know this case, it makes it hard for me to take anything she says as fact because research is not being done.
Sleepless in ScottsdaleGeez. Repeat, repeat and repeat.While I’m so grateful that Laine does a podcast highlighting this much needed content regarding children/abuse/the system, etc., there are endless cases that deserve to be heard, and this constant repeat of cases that maybe she feels was in her “younger” podcasting days, and needs better info, the fact of the matter is, the info is out there, no matter how much of a novice or an expert she is as a podcaster. I understand there are updates on these cases as well, but the sad fact is-there are SO many abuse cases that need to be out there in the world so that we all can continue to grow our awareness and educate ourselves about these horrendous acts of violence towards children. It’s this awareness that will help CHANGE things! Please… just get as many of these stories out there as you can. They are hard to hear, and dreadful for them to actually live (and die) through.
Gina7076It was good.I used to listen all the time. The re releases are such a disappointment. I just can’t with this pod much longer. It was stellar now not so much. So many repeats. There are so many new stories that can actually be focused on.
Jalexa2805Same stories (re-releases)Since September last year the only new episodes are just (re-release) of stories that have been told in the last years, there is nothing new about the said stories or new ones, one person who said this was bashed by the host on facebook for seeing the stories just as numbers and no people, sorry but is the same thing when you have memberships, patron and sponsors, you are also looking to make income from this, if you are charging $25 for a community chat, or $10 for an add free or early access to the episodes plus a sticker and shout-out by name you cant expect people to be ok listening to the same stories or get mad when someone point at this!
Levi’sWife🎀💄🐽WowLaine does such a great job reading directly from court transcripts and news stories, and I love when she re-releases the same episode with the old intro left in! Best of all, it’s an old case with zero updates! She creatively starts the episodes off with some poor me excuses, and stigmatizes people who choose medicated assisted treatment! keep it up gurly!
kiranlovesskyDisdainI think it would help your show if you kept your disdain for the right out of it. Not sure why you feel the need to bring politics into your show.
sinep69420thank youthank you for all the hours of content, bringing light to the things that truly matter in this world and being so graceful with how you present everything. you’re doing amazing things with this podcast and i will support it forever. thank you. edit i just saw all these people talking about how you’re monotone and they don’t like your rants ???? do they not get it ?? don’t let them get you down, your voice is perfectly soothing and checks out with the content you’re covering. your rants are literally what we are all thinking and i think the music is good. frick them you’re wonderful and i’m so thankful i found this pod, thank you for beingikg
Ehspresso_DehpressoGreat show BUT..I’m starting from the very beginning of the show. I love it so far but the music is VERY unnerving. Like who thought the nursery rhyme-like jingles was a good idea??? I hope this changes and quick. I feel like it’s not really appropriate for a podcast like this.
Lover33whangSupport Trans and LGBTQ youthThank you for your series supporting trans and LGBTQ youth. I support you even more because of this. If you lose listeners because of this, good riddance. Keep up the great work!
podcastlover911911The least we can do is bear witnessIf a child had to experience this, the least we can do is listen to their story. Lane takes one of the most harrowing topics and shares important stories, warning signs, and ways to help. Somehow, even with this topic, Lane’s quick wit and dark humor add a bit of much needed levity and shared frustration. Love this show!
dimeadePrayersWe miss and love you !
AJIG MomLove Laine and her passionI’ve been listening since the beginning. I absolutely love Laine and her passionate and compassionate reporting of the case! Keep it up and stay strong Laine!
Jamie#789541NNo sense of story tellingWhat is the point of a podcast if all you do is read outload the articles and play recordings of court/news/tv? Their is no story I still don't know what happened to the victims beacuse it's just filled inserts of clips. Not informative at all, cannot communicate what happened.
Han.OAmazing!Just finished the Kendzia story & Wow Shane is an amazing human being! I believe Susan Kendzia poisoned her (Munchausen by proxy) for this reason. Shane’s innate empathy & ability to connect with others prolly made Susan insanely envious & furious (even as a baby). It’s a miracle Shane survived. All the poor children Susan tortured & babies she murdered. The audiotapes where she’s gaslighting her kids… whew show how much of a sadistic narcissist/psychopath she is. I hope justice comes for her victims. It’s mind-blowing how excellently researched & beautifully written this podcast is. The story telling is next level. I grimaced & cried & am very invested in knowing more about this case. Wishing healing & blessings to Susan’s children & all her victims. I hope Susan gets ALL that she deserves.
TrashRatchetIt’s okI’m not a fan of the rants that are added, or the woe-is-me excuses, but it’s not my show so 🤷🏻♀️. I do skip the re-releases. I don’t want to re-listen to an episode that has no updates. It definitely doesn’t encourage me to put a monetary effort toward the show. However, the rants and “it’s been so hard because…” are easily skipped by the 30s buttons, or the “mark as played” feature.
BeckyB692Absolutely amazing!Laine you are doing God's work!!! Don’t ever let any of the critics change you and what you are doing. As horrific as the content may be, we need to hear this. I love how you say if they can endure it we can at least listen to it. We need to demand change among the systems that these sweet babies are being put through and failed!! The only thing I can complain about is that I binged the entire podcast and now I’m having to wait…🤪
djdflpCompassionateI just found this podcast and am impressed with the storytelling and depth of information presented.
TaralaineeBless youWhat a great episode! #160. Such an important part of the failures of our systems in America. Great spotlight on this. Your reporting just is next level. You’ve become a valuable voice for these little ones, and although these are horrible stories they deserve to be told. Thank you for all your hard work. Ignore the critics, you’re doing good work here. Bless you & your family.
NuclearWintremonotoneThe narration sounds so robotic that at one point I questioned if it was being read aloud by a computer.
RebbRomThe creepy musicI’m a survivor of child abuse by a caregiver. I have an intense emotional attachment to any and all abused children. Please please please change the music. It is unnecessarily creepy. Making it feel like the intro and soundtrack to a grotesque and fictional horror movie (think: Floweres In The Attic). This subject IS grotesque and horrible, but the chosen tunes make a mockery of this intensely serious subject. Frankly, it makes the podcast come across as disingenuous. I couldn’t get past it, so I got no further than the first 2 minutes of the story. These aren’t scary bedtime stories. These are real stories of real little victims. Please take a look at how this is coming across.
BeerCatHeadHard to listen to at times because of the content, but really well doneOk I’m new to this pod and I’m currently debating how much I can listen to the horrific content. That being said, I just got done with the Hot Car episode and it was AMAZING. To be clear, we do not have kids and won’t, but I would never ever blame parents for accidentally leaving their kids in the car or hitting them in their driveway. The guilt and horror these parents live with is a life sentence in and of itself. But I learned SO much from this in-depth episode that broke everything down from how our minds process/remember things to the activism/advocacy that has led to all the current safety features of our cars that we take for granted. I read one review that criticized her opinion about the death penalty. Well, her main reason for being against it—because if even one wrongly imprisoned person is put to death it’s too many— is mine as well. And I say that as someone who for YEARS defended state-sanctioned murder. I’ll continue listening to this pod because I know that the host is thoughtful, empathetic and caring.
TreehuggerbookwormLove this show!Love the show! Listen to it while I’m cooking, doing housework and while laying in bed at night.
idieh74Voice work is TERRIBLEContent was great but the monotone voice of the host and the other odd voices added in for the children etc ruined it for me. I was disappointed because the show sounded like it would be great but after listening to the entire first episode, I decided not to continue. The voice of the host definitely makes or breaks it and in this case it didn’t work.
antigirlDoesn’t accurately describe storiesAlways wants to blame the female despite the man being just as bad, dysfunctional and toxic.
true crime girly 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I recently binged every episode, now I can’t wait for the next upload! I love the hosts story telling, sympathy for the victims and her bringing awareness to such a senseless and preventable subject. Her recent episode about hot car deaths is my favorite, I definitely went into the episode thinking only a bad parent could forget their child in the car, but my mind is completely changed. The interviews with experts are always so informative and I appreciate Laine always getting correct information out to the world! Definitely recommend!
Lala9981Definitely recommendYou can tell Laine puts in so much time doing research in every case. I’m not a fan of some of her opinions but it’s obvious she truly cares about every child. The way she tells each child’s story gives them a voice and memory that they deserve. I definitely recommend.
merrymary94Not for meI think people will either love or hate this. To me, I really do want these children to be remembered- especially the cases that got no media coverage. It is heartbreaking to me that not every child has a loving home…it’s just horrifying. I know some people like this podcast and I’ll give that to them. For me, I honestly can’t decide if this is further exploiting these children though. I listened to the Kendzia children series and it was soooo hard for me Ultimately, I am way too creeped out by the style of this podcast in addition to what I mentioned earlier about my confliction that perhaps these stories are not totally honoring to the children. Not sure.
Scribble03Thank you Laine !!!Laine gives children their voices back. She does this in a way where you feel for the families & victims…. This podcast is on my Top 5 recommendations for True Crime / Victim Impact Stories. So many children need to be remembered, unfortunately abuse is a pandemic in every community & if you see something say something. Thanks Laine ❤️
crimejunkiiiSomething New Pleasehow many more reruns & episodes about the Kedzia children are we gonna keep hearing. Additionally, the Re-release of episodes mashed together, & the laziness of not even editing out the intro/outros of 2 episodes mashed together as a “mega episode” is pure laziness.
PodcastJunkie25Music box, sarcasm, and pronunciationThe podcast is fine I guess but just please stop with the music box audio - it’s jarring and quite frankly, just plain creepy. The sarcasm is unnecessary too - just tell the story professionally. The podcaster should also do her due diligence and pronounce names properly. She repeatedly mispronounced Thomas Valva’s mother’s first name.
nhersueYou are an angelYou do such an amazing job at telling these stories while also being respectful. Thank you for all you do
Anita BeautyExcellent WorkI am in the field of Human Services working in the population of people in severe social problems that have children. Your brilliant work opens my mind to all my cases it is an eye opener. Thank you and keep up the excellent job
tate.sergThank You— the bloopers were the bestFor your hard work! Your mastery on how to podcast something so sensitive is quite admirable. I know this can’t be easy for you. The emotional toll it takes just listening to one podcast can’t compare to how you must feel researching, writing and then telling each child’s story. I’ll be honest, I was afraid to listen at first. Now I’m so glad I did! It has made me more aware. I believe now a days the only way to get anyone to listen is doing what you have or going to a news reporter! Scream from the roof tops! Thank you again for teaching me that we all have to know the truth for there to be change. Being afraid or turning a blind eye is exactly what has allowed these beautiful babies to die.
BeingrayLaine rules!This host isn’t just trying to get people to follow her by shocking cases that seem almost unbelievable. She truly cares. She does lots of updates and doesn’t play. She is serious. These cases are shocking. She isn’t trying to get you to fall in love with her, making jokes because she isn’t playing. I’ve been listening since she began and appreciate how much she cares. Why is this stuff happening in America? I would like to see the member of Congress for the state visit the home where a child is murdered and then visit kids that are in the system and actually talk to some of the people that are supposed to protect children. They need to see it. They need to see first hand how overloaded CPS workers are. Thank you Laine for bringing these problems to light and keeping the spotlight on. We have got to do better.
Sierrada44Laine & Andrew are amazing!!I already loved this podcast, but I felt compelled to write a review after the answering listener questions episode. It was a joy to get a deeper look into who Laine is. I am obsessed with the relationship between Laine and Andrew! You both are amazing and so genuine. Now excuse me, I’ve got to cover my dresser in pages of IT while listening to more episodes. LOVE the show and you both!!!
upyrgirlGrateful family memberI lost a young child in my family due to caretaker abuse, and didn’t know the truth until many decades later due to the fact you state often “many people do not want to hear these stories and realities”. As a grown up surviving family member of a victim now, all I can say is thank you for the tact and dedication you put into every episode. Your empathy pours through, and your efforts to explain the winding legal processes is undoubtedly appreciated.
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