Cryptocurrency for Beginners: with Crypto Casey

Technology #192

Hello, I'm Crypto Casey. I make informational and how-to videos about cryptocurrency, blockchain, and tangle technology at - My channel is about breaking down complex concepts and processes related to crypto in ways that are easy for everyone to understand. Whether you are interested in learning about how bitcoin works or looking to buy altcoins as an investment, subscribe to my channel to learn more about this exciting, new technology. As you can see, my videos break things down into easy-to-follow steps, so beginners and advanced crypto fiends alike can enjoy. Subscribe to my channel and let me know what questions you have about bitcoin, ethereum, blockchain, tangle, or any other types of cryptocurrency and I'll be glad to help.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jolene818
    Crypto bait and switch
    I tuned in expecting insights on cryptocurrency but got a reading of Atlas Shrugged instead. Rather than explaining blockchain or market trends, the host pushed Objectivist ideology disguised as financial wisdom. If you want real crypto knowledge, look elsewhere. If you enjoy unexpected libertarian sermons, this one’s for you.
  • kfixbwhdisa
    Great show for noobies
  • Gallio get out
    Effective teacher
    Gives examples. My favorite way to Learn
  • Kirstan Watson
    Really Unfortunate Shift
    When this podcast began it was fantastic teaching the basics of crypto and defi with simple and clear explanations devoid of the noise and nonsense so typical on social media. I’m not sure when it happened but the podcast is now elbows deep in pedaling conspiracy theories, misinformation and product pedaling. The tone of the original content left me excited to listen to a voice of reason and common sense. Unfortunately the host decided to sell out and is following the path of other “social media influencers” who will say and do whatever it takes to gain followers and cash in on extremism. Do yourself and society a giant favor - save your brain cells, sanity and reasoning abilities and seek crypto education elsewhere.
  • Bruce Toasterface
    Smart Perspective, News and Learning
    Smart to the point current events and instructionals. Got no time for dummies! Lol. Plus it’s exciting times and crypto perspective is a great angle for fascinating times.
  • Rj Skigod
    Phenomenal. Must Listen!
    I’m relatively new to this world. I made some mistakes so I really wish I would have found this podcast a few months ago when I initially began investing in Crypto. She breaks everything down, into terms anyone can understand. I highly recommended this pod to everyone who wants to learn what this is all about. Very grateful for Casey and all the work she puts in for us beginners.
  • Xiphias Imperator
    This “podcast” is a straight up sales pitch. You might as well just watch QVC.
  • jberlin2
    Great Beginner’s Crypto Podcast
    I started listening to this podcast because I wanted to learn more about the crypto craze and technology that will likely be the new normal in the future including blockchain. Has been a great learning experience as Casey provides intelligent, genuine & witty commentary.
  • alpinadusud
    She’s my crypto hero
    Love CryptoCasey! She makes crypto investing understandable and accessible to a wide range of people. Plus she’s a smart women in a space dominated by too many men, sorry guys but it’s true.
  • 1lovespodcasts
    Intelligent Podcast About Crypto
    This podcast is so good. I’ve listened to a number of episodes. She knows her stuff and she is engaging. She’s good at breaking things down for beginners using easy to understand metaphors. Thanks for the good information!
  • lx0x Ghost x0xl
    Best SEC v Cyrpto coverage
    This is a fantastic podcast! Sounds to me like the Democrats are scared cause they don’t have full control over peoples money. And yes, what’s his face is Wallstreets daddy. Can’t believe we let them get away with these lies. Keep it up Crypto! You’re doing fantastic work here.
  • 918oklahomad
    Thanks for all your hard work. Your effort matters. #27 is arguably CryptoCasey’s best presentation. She has the ability to explain/ teach sophisticated tools that are used in all the markets in an easy to comprehend way. I do have to listen a couple 2 to 3 times to absorb it all, but that’s on me. I’m looking forward to #28; part 2 today.
  • Burtonronin87
    Like a Boss!
    CC breaks complex concepts down so that I can understand them. Then I am able to apply them to my investments in crypto. Honestly the best teacher I have found in this tangled web that is navigating crypto.
  • leif bass
    Thank you!
    Thanks CC!!! You are beautiful inside and out. Good luck 🍀
  • B0BBy_K00L5
  • JNOmaha
    Nice podcast
    Well done recap with informative related news/current events.
  • 6ixstring Outlaw
    THE PREMIERE Teacher
    I was blown away from the first episode . She breaks down concepts the way they should be for complete beginners . Unlike most “teachers” more interested in showing how much they understand rather than help YOU understand , she really narrows down the concepts .
  • jude in seattle
    Just discovered and listened to NFT episode. Stunningly crystal clear explanation of all the topics. Thanks!!!
  • Bogey's Hat
    Crypto Casey Rules
    She’s basically offering a complete beginner’s guide to all things crypto alongside pro commentary on the crypto world. Her explanations and analogies are thought-provoking and designed for maximum ease of understanding for the complicated fundamentals of crypto. 10/10 will listen again.
  • Velvet Jones81
    Great analogies and explanations
    Analogies are necessary to explain blockchain BTC ETH etc to noobs like me. After listening here I feel I can now understand the articles and other podcasts that are more geared for those with experience. Thanks.
  • Whjoiner
    Thanks for working on such an important matter. I feel the analogies resonate better for me or ANY other truck drivers. I’ll continue to share your podcast Casey. You’re doing GREAT 👍. You make us PROUD. 😇 Don’t forget to Journal 📓 yourself. Lol 😂. Don’t spend TOO MUCH time working on that computer 👩‍💻. Lol. We NEED GOOD teachers like yourself. I appreciate the hard work ❤️🙏🤪😂 Some podcast work with 2 people on the shows. 🤷 😂. It was just a thought 💭 In case you had a friend that was interested in working with you. Thanks for the inspiration. We APPRECIATE y’all 😇🙏
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