Legal AF by MeidasTouch

News #58News Commentary #13

Hosted by MeidasTouch founder and civil rights lawyer, Ben Meiselas, national trial lawyer strategist, Michael Popok, and former Chief Assistant District Attorney of the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, Karen Friedman Agnifilo, Legal AF (Legal Analysis Friends) is a hard-hitting, thought-provoking look at this week’s most compelling developments at the intersection of law and politics.Executive Produced by Meidas Media Network. Enjoy new full-length episodes every Wednesday and Sunday and occasional shorter breaking legal news hits throughout the week.

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  • IoB.
    Quid pro Quo…Top secret…9/27
    Documents. My guess would be that Kushner and co. Sold information to the highest bidders. While they were in the WH. And where are the missing documents from Mara lago?
  • Molly Jong Fast
    I’m scared
    This devilish plan the Georgia election board has planned is scaring me. Talk about the chances of that surviving? Thank you
  • ~rox
    I never miss an episode.
  • Botch49
    Love the show, but cut the Secret Service some slack!
    From the reporting I've heard, the Miami golf outing was unscheduled, which would make it difficult to coordinate with local assets as thoroughly as a scheduled outing. The Secret Service can not order a candidate to do something, just advise. It is different when protecting the Office of the President and the current office holder. They have more authority to control the protected. Maybe the Secret Service could come up with standard protocols for faster implementation with local assets around all the golf courses where Trump will want to golf, or be clear with the threat level to Trump if he makes sudden decisions regarding his schedule.
  • ursaminor
    Offensive ads
    I like these podcasts a great deal but soon I will stop listening. I understand you need to run ads for revenue - however if I hear one more disgusting ad about bacteria and toilet seats that’s it. The ads don’t have to be disgusting. And if you think all publicity is good- I will never buy Miracle made sheets as long as I live even if they are good bc the only thing I would be able to think about all night long would be filthy toilet seats. Please stop
  • Putin_Sucks
    Legal documents to back opinions
    I’ve been a YouTuber subscriber to this show for several years now. Michael Popok, Karen, and Ben are all respected lawyers in different areas of expertise; and they always bring data and legal filings to back their podcaster/YouTuber viewpoints. The show’s motto is, “we don’t blow smoke or sunshine”, and is a source that I trust because of their transparency and honesty.
  • makeupmyname
    Not a good look.
    Is co-host Karen Agnifilo the law partner of Marc Agnifilo, the lead lawyer defending Sean Combs who’s charged with sex trafficking? Not a good look. Rightly, Trump’s lawyers are routinely disparaged on this podcast. But how is a lawyer defending “Puff Daddy” any better than Trump’s lawyers? The “trove of evidence” of violence toward women against Combs makes Trump’s crimes look like child’s play.
  • todd denier
    I follow because of the TRUTH you speak. Thanks is not enuf The Federalist Society, ALEC, Super Pacs, & the Heritage Foundation will ruin this country I think theyve set causation for Class Action against them. You’ve shined a klegg lite on this & I follow you because of the spotlight you’ve created After listening for ove the past years I admit; I still don’t know what the ‘A & F’ are. I feel like an idiot but 💯 I’m not the only one. Thank You for the straight scoop about our laws, the impact, the historic & future of said laws.
  • Kathy in Austin Tx
    Always Informative
    This where I go for thd intersection between law and politics.
  • JulieD3
    Educational and entertaining!
    Love this podcast so much. It’s been interesting to hear actual legal professionals go through the ins and outs of the hush money trial. Very interesting and I’ve learned a lot! Really appreciate all of the Meidas Touch productions. Gives me hope in these bleak trumpian times. Edit: disregard the bad reviews by the trump toadies! 🙄
  • Climbing Credit
    A refreshing drink of truths and facts.
    Thank you. Just, thank you for bringing the truth that are backed with cold, hard facts. The amount of misinformation being pushed in corporate media should be paired with prison time. How is that load of dung legal? Thank you and please keep fighting the good fight!
  • Alec Leamas
    Topics intriguing, delivery tedious (see Karen Friedman Agnifilo)
    There’s an old Monty Python joke that goes as follows: “well, as a conservative candidate I just drone on and on and on until I start to froth at the mouth and fall over backwards.” That’s Karen Friedman Agnifilo in a nutshell. The only problem is, she never froths at the mouth and falls over backwards. Let’s be plain. Let’s be clear. The entertainment value of this content is amazingly high, Michael Popok (when Ben finally throws to him) is spot on, clear and concise, and furthermore extremely informative. I’m not saying Karen Friedman Agnifilo needs to drop off the face of the Earth and take her sorry delivery with her… I’m just asking she get her sinuses checked out.
  • Fk nickname requirement
    Please please please pronounce KAMALA consistently correct. Thank you
  • MarkG342!
    Best legal Podcast by Far
    If you want to understand the workings of the American Legal System and it’s impacts on politics and everyday folks lives - then you MUST listen to this podcast. Entertaining and Educational at the same time - it brings it all together for non lawyers. An absolute must listen to !!!
  • Coloradoorbust18!
    Thinking persons legal analysis
    So impressed by the depth of expertise & commentary. If you follow the news, but want a truly informed analysis of ongoing legal stories, this is the podcast for you. All my lawyer friends are listening! Love the show HOWEVER .. please get rid of this Dena person - awful
  • Ma_2356
    Love the podcast
    As a legal professional - 11/10!!
  • goodvsevil
    Can Beyoncé
    Go after Trump Campaign for using her music?? And if so, how much? $100M?
  • Wizeowl
    Michael you restoreth my soul
    This podcast is my daily lifeline. It provides essential information delivered with intelligence and honesty. Thanks to you and the Meidas brothers for creating this network and for the mission you are all committed to.
  • tmccaffr
    Thank you Ben and Popok. I appreciate your analysis and depth of knowledge.
  • beselice
    So Informative.
    Mr. Popok, I so appreciate your informative insight. This particular podcast is so to the point, it’s scary….and should be.
  • midwestBlue
    july 31, 2024
    quid pro mf quo! when is trump the dirtball criminal freaking going to lose his secret service privileges & get locked up in guantanamo for gov crimes!!!!! sick of waiting for accountability of trump’s blatant breaking the law. when will the people get justice against this US traitor!
  • Sh@wn123
    Are you forgetting your listeners?
    I’m a day one Meidas Touch and LegalAF podcast listener. I was so disappointed to have to hear 3 videos of dead air today. What’s up with that, even MT is playing lots of videos with no audio? Really?
  • Nickelbaggafunk
    Listen to them all during my DoorDash shifts! Helping us all save democracy!! Gen X here for all of it!!’💙💙💙
  • There here everywhere
    Enjoy ALL MTN podcasts. Get REAL news and insight from you all.
  • Taralainee
    Love Michael Popok.
  • Cynthia St James
    Subject Matter Experts
    I love this show. The analyses are based on facts and the legal expertise is from top notch prosecutors.
  • lilsal42
    Unhinged in the highest form
    Holy cow, there’s something seriously wrong with you people. You are deranged
  • Sully's Stache
    Would be 5 Stars without Popok’s Performance on 7/4/24
    Popok’s analysis of the presidential immunity opinion is unbelievably naive. Yes, with a normal Court, his predicted outcome is probable. But he completely ignores the facts on the ground with this Court despite everything we’ve seen over the past few years. It’s obvious that the Court will have every opportunity to manipulate their incredibly vague rule and analysis. That was the whole point of the evidentiary discussion in the opinion. And the majority has already telegraphed that admittedly criminal conduct does not change the analysis for core powers conduct (i.e. taking a bribe for a pardon). As bad as that analysis was, Popok was even more naive, maybe willfully ignorant, with his discussion of Biden’s faculties and ability to win in November. “People are voting for an administration, not a single candidate.” What?! Could you be any more wrong? Presidential elections are a pure popularity contest for the vast majority of voters. Should it work differently? Sure, but it doesn’t, and every pollster and political scientist would tell you as much. Just a staggeringly ignorant take. And to double down on the take, Popok says that Biden has earned the right to stay in the race even if he can’t win. And if the American people punish Biden and the Democrats for that, so be it. Again, WHAT?! It’s almost like Michael has forgotten the consequences of a Trump presidency despite analyzing the Trump Court and district judge appointees on a weekly basis. It felt like Popok just went out of his way to take the opposite position of Karen so he could try to prove how much smarter he was than her. He also decided to walk all over her in the process, telling her to stop talking so he could finish his point, and then interrupting and stopping her from making her point literally 30 seconds later (and other points throughout the episode). I know Popok loves to hear himself talk and is probably used to bullying opponents, but he should focus on being more of a podcast host and less of a lawyer on this show.
  • aircav2nd ACR
    I love watching there shows but what the show needs is a Q&A segment
  • A UK fan
    Thought we listened to your Saturday show live
    But apparently it is pre recorded - very disappointed.
  • HDH-D is for democrat
    Hate to say it but
    Love this show but Popok has become too dismissive and disrespectful to Karen! Do better or I am out!
  • OU812666
    Hillary might be a little corrupt?
    Have you lost you fn mind. WTAF is wrong with you.
  • HigherEdAlicia
    A Must Listen
    A beacon of light in a sea of legal and moral storms. Rely on Karen and Michael to break down complex legal matters in a very approachable and reliable format. I love that they don't always agree in their interpretations of the law but they always demonstrate their experience and knowledge.
  • Walks talks and sews
    MP- let Karen TALK uninterrupted !
    You are dominating Karen , STOP IT! I am so irritated by MP today, I can hardly listen to the whole podcast. I’m listening bc of Karen .
  • CookieManster
    SCOTUS immunity decision
    I’m siding with Karen on this. Also, you really must give her room to present her argument Michael. Now that you have a daughter, you must learn that you should never interrupt women when they are presenting their point of view. It’s a fundamental principle when raising daughters It’s called respect. You would never do that to a man. I know you’re friends but, that’s not a good reason to interrupt. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.
  • mrs mc gonagall's sister
    Love all the podcasts
    Thank you for your calm and cool. Your network is vital. 🇺🇸 talented Americans coming forward to help us all.
  • aunpam79
    Keep it up
    Keep informing the public of the truth. (Tell Michael Popok we want to see his baby )
  • Appanuis
    Favorite podcast
    Look forward to new episodes each week! Always interesting and informative. Fun to listen to the expert hosts and guests! So thankful for all your hard work to make legal issues easier to understand. Also congrats on the new baby to you and your wife!🌻
  • 19541945
    Love the show ? Since trump is a convicted felon, according to his probation rules isn’t he supposed to stay away from other felons, if so how is it right for him to have felons join him on stage at his rally’s
  • martinschroman21
    Great podcast!
    Great argument about the Supreme Court not in the original constitution
  • howaboutthis1?
    Love Popok’s hot takes.
    👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻. I laughed out loud (while walking with the podcast) when Popok did his Tinman impression 🤣🤣🤣 I used to listen to Ellie Honig’s little Friday update on Cafe, but got increasingly annoyed with his commentary. Berating the GA AG for bringing her case, always being so negative about everything and everyone, except for his opinion. I stopped following him when his arrogance became more obvious than his opinion was worth Also Anderson relies on him too much on CNN
  • Tiniwinibikini
    Beavis and Butt-Head
    Matt Gaetz looks like “Butt-Head” from Beavis and Butt-Head. Very creepy. Yuck!
  • Socty
    Top shelf podcast!
    I love these guys and gals who create these timely and factual reports that keep me informed on the daily machinations of the MAGA cult and how we can destroy them. Keep up the excellent work!
  • NotTheRealBatman
    Good info, weird tone
    There are some legal insights here that I just don’t get anywhere else. As someone who never formally learned law, I appreciate how certain topics are presented with context and examples to help me not just understand but learn. But I’ve got to say sometimes the handholding is a bit too much and I feel a lot of time is spent reiterating the same points over and over again and the pace of the podcast suffers. Even weirder though is the self congratulations, and this is throughout MeidasTouch, where a pat on the back has basically become a segment in each of their podcasts. I often roll my eyes as they hammer some right winger’s ego and then immediately pivot into stroking their own. It’s just weird. Congratulations on all the success, it is well deserved, but it speaks for itself.
  • Jorgerolis
    Best legal podcast
    I love the way u guys had teaching us about the law with real facts, keep up the good job, thank you for your time in each podcast
  • Biggixyz
    Thank you a thousand times!
    I would like to say thank you to Karen for pointing out the real two-tiered justice system that we have in this country by comparing the way that Trump and his Family were treated vs the way that Diddy’s and other familie of color are treated. It reminds me of the Chapelle skit Teon Carter’s Law and Order!
  • Bexterjohn
    Smoke or Sunshine,,,Get Real
    I’m blinded by your smoke and sunshine
  • Larry App
    A Plus-1 Lawyer
    Clarity and deep legal knowledge. He is a big winner‼️
  • Irish Lace
    So Repetitious!
    Popok brings some good, clear information and explanations of the relevant legal news of the day. Unfortunately, he repeats every point until I actually begin feeling insulted. It’s as if he either thinks his listeners are stupid or he just loves the sound of his own voice.
  • Hart Wilke
    Bumper Music
    Great podcast, but ads are popped in at random. One minute, you’re hearing about Trump’s crimes, and suddenly you’re hearing about silver-infused bedsheets inspired by NASA, hot chocolate mix with Nano-CBD, or Moink meats whose bacon is considered the best in the world by Mr Wonderful. Please! Take a breath between shifting gears! I’m getting whiplash!
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