Cup Of Justice

True Crime #168

We all want to drink from the same Cup of Justice... and it starts with learning about our legal system.With tales from the newsroom and the courtroom, co-hosts Mandy Matney, Liz Farrell and Eric Bland invite you to gain knowledge, insight, and tools to hold public agencies and officials accountable. Beginning as bonus episodes to the Murdaugh Murders Podcast with analysis of the trials of Alex Murdaugh and co-conspirators, Cup of Justice launched as its own show in January of 2023 and debuted at #1 on Apple its very first day and continues to be a top rated pod globally.Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell from the #1 global hit True Sunlight (formerly Murdaugh Murders Podcast) and everyone’s favorite attorney Eric Bland take a hard look at everything from the state of news to important cases around the world. INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM Mandy and Liz are two of the most driven and talented investigative journalists who are revolutionizing how news is derived and delivered. Join them as they pull at threads and chase down leads to get the story straight. THE LAW With the expertise of Eric Bland, we empower listeners to understand their legal system in an entertaining format while providing tools to hold agencies and public figures accountable in order to give voice to victims and change those systems for the better. JUSTICE SYSTEMS We know that our justice systems are intimidating, but we will all encounter it at one point. Together, our hosts create the perfect trifecta of legal expertise, journalistic integrity and a fire lit to expose the truth wherever it leads. Learn more about our hosts and mission at Support Our Podcast at: to our free email list to get alerts on bonus episodes, calls to action, new shows and updates. CLICK HERE to learn more:*** Alert: If you ever notice audio errors in the pod, email and we'll send fun merch to the first listener that finds something that needs to be adjusted! ***Find us on social - - |*The views expressed on the Cup of Justice bonus episodes do not constitute legal advice. Listeners desiring legal advice for any particular legal matter are urged to consult an attorney of their choosing who can provide legal advice based upon a full understanding of the facts and circumstances of their claim. The views expressed on the Cup of Justice episodes also do not express the views or opinions of Bland Richter, LLP, or its attorneys.

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  • Law wannabe
    Kept trying
    I think too much of the focus has become bitter and defensive and somewhat juvenile. Re Lively v Baldoni, there are at least 2 sides to every story, but to pick a side because of your love of TS is a middle school vibe. I know you’re smarter than that makes you sound. You’ve done such great work - I hope you get back to it.
  • Maydinny
    Think you got B. Lively wrong
    Really enjoy podcast and advocacy. BUT after a deep dive into complaints and filings, I think your support and bias for Lively is wrong. I think she is manipulating the story for personal gain. If she falsely accused Baldoni it is disgraceful! Not only victimizing an innocent man, It will set back all the cases of women who have genuinely suffered. Please keep your journalist mind open.
  • onenicki
    Excellent Journalism!
    Todays COJ was perhaps my favorite. I laughed so hard. I don’t think I have ever heard the word doofus used more in an adult conversation. 🤣The points you all have made are excellent, based in fact and I sure hope that Judge Gergle is listening. I always learn from your podcast. I could have listened to you all talk all day. Keep up your pesky work! ❤️❤️❤️
  • Matt Fazo
    LFG Petty Liz
    Thrilled for the beginning of Liz’s Dis Track Era
  • Teach Apple
    Fantastic show!!
  • Scdoc9
    My favorite part is when they act like they know more than any lawyer ever
  • Hart 63
    Please seek different ad partners (TW weight loss)
    I love listening to COJ and TS every week. They are doing great work at great personal risk, putting light on not just important local stories, but stories that reveal much greater social and cultural issues that extend well beyond SC and US borders. I learn so much and feel inspired and hopeful every episode. However, a bit of me gets crushed every time I hear an ad about a weight loss product or cosmetic procedure. Knowing that women disproportionately are targeted by these industries, harmed by these industries, triggered by these industries (eg recovering from ED), and more women listen to true crime, I’m certain I’m not alone. At best it feels greatly inconsistent with the ethos of the podcasts to promote products that tell women their bodies aren’t enough. Whatever LunaShark is paid for these ads it is 1000% deserved and then some. But I hope they can seek other ad partners soon. And yes, I fast forward, but I like everyone have to listen for a couple seconds before I realize I need to—and am triggered by then. I would also legitimately like to learn about products I can actually support.
  • short episodes
    Interesting take on Blake Lively
    This was interesting to listen to a rush to judgement. I thought you were smart enough to wait for both sides. You kind of made your own assumptions, and Eric come on, your an attorney.
  • Rob Vale
    Not journalists…
    Isn’t the first rule of journalism to not insert yourself into a story? Murdoch and Steven Smith, you are inserted in the story in numerous ways but the stupid Hulu show? I’ve read the rough draft of the script, it’s best suited for Hallmark channel.
  • Hdhdhhhdbdbf
    Stop with the faux feminism
    No one fights for wealthy white women more than Mandy does. Her version of feminism is self serving and out of touch. Please at least stop pretending to fight for all women and then spend 95% of your time fighting for privileged white women.
  • RebeccaDutchess
    Love the POVs brought to the table … cups up!
    One of my favorite podcasts! Love the different point of views you three bring to the table, especially Mr Bland! His legal wisdom is always spot on and educational. I could do with less of the politics, though, as it seems you can get overwhelmed with the left media messages.
  • Southernchacha
    Not southern no more
    Oh look!! She lost her fake southern accent (you all)!
  • sewpp
    Luna Shark Team
    This team has been the catalyst for the exposure of Alex Murdaugh’s and all the others’ thievery. I’ve been listening for all along . It only gets better. Now we have Cup of Justice which is so enlightening. This team really does believe in the justice. Thank you to the entire group for taking the time to keep on keeping on.
  • RH Reader
    Cup of Justice
    Look forward to the updates on the different cases provided by this podcast. Stay off the politics train and there is never a good reason to murder another human being.
  • Hotrod&dolce
    Love this show!
    I never knew how bad people could be until I started listening. Life is better when you know more and have insight and facts. Nasty criminals need to be taken down. Keep it up. Appreciate you all. Ty ty TY!
  • MaeBoBo
    I did not come to listen to this podcast to hear political these
    I couldn’t even sit and listen to this whole show because you need to go back and listen to that guys speech he wasn’t trying to make women stay at home. He was just trying to tell them that it’s OK and I just I don’t have no words for you, girl, just my opinion hope you do better next week
  • MEQ0108
    I thought integrity in journalism & faith in the judicial system was dead.
    You prove uts not dead and there is hope in our corrupt (sometimes) judicial system. I love how this podcast brings FACTS…literal receipts. Your approach just hits in a different way. Journalism with proper fact checking, conversation between people who have different points of view at times but all points are valid and truly make the listener think. I also appreciate how the three of you listen to eachother and at times make eachother see things from a different point of view. It must be so stressful but you are changing history one good ‘ol boy at a time. (Yes I am very scared about the next 4 yrs- but we can/will do this!!!!) With an honest, moral attorney and two very talented journalists…I’m 100% invested every week. I look forward to our cups up ( mine is 4 shots of espresso) NOW I have to be patient & wait for True Sunlight. Another FAV!!! I love watching all of you GLOW up in your own unhurried & confident way. (David as well- the show would be lost without him) Please don’t stop! I’m from NY- and always wanted to retire down south. Charleston was my plan…not anymore. I don’t think I could live in a good ‘ol boys town……ever! But I will definitely visit! Keep up the amazing educational and informational work. You are shedding light on a dirty little secret a lot of Northerners don’t even know exists!
  • SafetyForKids
    I learn so much
    Love the show and thank you! Don’t go on Bluesky, Eric! Dorsey knew what Elon planned and Bluesky’s financial backer is Russian! Spoutible is the only option, no algorithms and trolls removed right away!
  • LululilyGF
    So good! And yes, come to Bluesky
    Been listening to y’all since the beginning. Super smart women and Eric (!) unapologetically callin like it is. Legend. Liz, you’re so sharp and witty, it’s wonderful. Constructive feedback if you’re open to it… I remember many episodes ago you said you didn’t like being called snarky. I was so surprised bc you seem to own the snark. I wouldn’t allow that from my kids or team at work bc it feels cheap and can devalue a message… There is an entertainment element to it. I value your knowledgeable contributions (you’re so smart) so I ignore the snark but if you were to omit that from COJ and True Sunlight, your credibility would reach new heights IMHO. Thanks everyone for all you do to hold corruption accountable!!!! The world NEEDS people like you to speak truth to power. It’s amazing what you’ve accomplished. PLEASE keep up your awesome and important work! And do yourselves a favor: Stop supporting Musk and move to Bluesky! I would follow you there 💗
  • jeannie_waitress
    Not that great
    If y’all are looking for an interesting pod, keep looking.
  • rikikiz
    Gets better every week!
    I have been a follower of all things Lunashark since the way back when, but I feel like Mandy, Eric, Liz and David just get even better as time goes on! Pesky for the WIN!
  • MelGWBenz
    Stay off politics. You are totally one sided.
  • Gymmll
    Mr. Bland
    It’s was Cleveland Browns🤓
  • Well:
    I’m truly shocked that MM was not listed in the defamation lawsuit. You are really backpedaling by stating that you didn’t go after BM for murdering SS. Please go back and listen to your own podcasts. You seldomly threw the word “allegedly” in there from the beginning. Also, how ridiculous is it to repeatedly mention the monogrammed cumberbund. Its the South! Everything is monogrammed! The trivial dribble you two come up with sounds like a bunch of high schoolers! This podcast was so good in the beginning. The drug smuggling background (jellyfish), for example, was fascinating! I realize some of these comments may be referencing COJ but both podcasts are repetitive. I thought y’all were going to highlight the Tucker Hipps case.
  • Hhuhhhoo
    Awful Show
    Get rid of Eric Bland and this would be a 5 star show for sure. Just lost all respect for that Eric guy recently, unfortunately can’t listen to your podcast anymore with him on. Hope you guys move on from that guy, you deserve better, a real leader.
  • MBS2022
    I Lost IQ Points Listening
    I just got dumber listening to this podcast. How are Mandy and Liz middle-aged women with such little life experience? Their lack of basic knowledge usually gained from living life is astounding. I can’t listen to this drivel. It literally drains IQ points.
  • Melissa 0330
    Your show is high quality information nutrition
    Your show vs mainstream is like eating high quality real food vs the the nutritional nothingness of fast food. Don’t ever stop!
  • just4khix
    Shopify ad
  • Jpolney
    Love Tuesdays!
    I love waking up on Tuesdays knowing there’s a new COJ episode to listen to. I enjoy all of them but live it when the 3 are all together. I’ve listened since the beginning of MMP and the way they have grown professionally has been impressive. It’s like a friendly group you look forward to getting together with. Keep up the good work and see you next Tuesday!
  • 226bh
    SC AG
    Why don’t yall go after someone that can actually do damage to this state. Such as the AG, he is going after legal fundraisers (Act Blue) and attacking abortion rights. Murdaugh will never get out of prison.
  • Mrsbrownie53
    Mandy’s grammar issues bug me so much
    How does someone get through high school, let alone college and a degree in journalism, and say things like, “Liz and I’s friendship…?” I’s opinion is she needs to consult a grammarian.
  • Holsters5
    Hard to believe these are professional journalists.
  • malutkiking
    Blah, blah,blah…
    Mandy, please stop with the bad habit of “blah,blah,blah…” as a thought filler.
  • Nothgirb
    Episode 92
    Love how you all decided to stay pesky!!!!! I agree I believe some whistleblower is going to come forward and there will be a movie instead of the wolf of Wall Street. It will be the Murdoch Wolf of law. Keep up the amazing work. I love to listen, I was a premium member a while ago went through a little bit of hard tight money times, but I’ll be going on to become a premium member again tonight you guys are amazing🩷
  • ruby ja
    Erik was the only reason I listened, no diversity, too much star chat.
    At the beginning, this was really good, but they started getting very critical of anyone who disagrees with them even has nothing to do with their original podcast, and they seem to never talk about women a color or anyone other than white people, that’s really upsetting and sad. It’s also really annoying that they’re talking about celebrities and places they traveled to, and they have a lot of ads about body modifications. not in alignment with what I thought they were gonna be doing and disappointing.
  • wwor22
    Still my favorite podcast and hosts!
    Every week, I eagerly look forward to COJ and True Sunlight to show up in my feed! Thank you for keeping up the good fight. You are informed, factual, diplomatic, classy, and kind. Anyone who says otherwise is a doofus and/or a criminal. ;)
  • DarlinHeSaid
    Podcast frozen or subscription?
    I could not tell if your 7/26/24 podcast froze with ad free subscription 23 minutes from end, or if it required a subscription to listen to the end.
  • lmcg218
    Feels different
    Not the same. I haven’t been able to get through the last few episodes and I was a huge fan. Not sure what happened but it’s giving me misandry. Eric is fantastic and why I attempt to listen. I also have issues with vocal fry and for some reason it’s been tough to listen lately. Sorry guys.
  • The Hamminator
    Double Standard
    Mande complained for months about Harpootlian and whatever it was he said about her….but they talk even worse about him and Murdaugh. Or is it ok for them to say it because they’re women? It’s hard to listen to with all there little rants and fake mad voice. If it wasn’t for Eric Bland, it wouldn’t even be worth listening to. ****Update**** It’s still terrible. Possibly even worse now.
  • Composition Books
    Unsubscribed. Endless Taylor Swift worship. I wanted to be here for justice for Stephen Smith, I’ll check back when there is an update. But I am done. Some of us don’t care about celebrities or how much you worship them. Jesus Mary and Joseph! If you like this pop star so much … just start a podcast about her! I’m not listening to a justice podcast for that!
  • tara wv
    Court reporter
    Is the clerk of court in myrtle beach related to Heather Elvis? Just wondering because it’s in the same area
  • akkw1997
    Information to Snooze To
    I listen to this podcast to fall asleep at night. I stopped listening to true crime because it was giving me nightmares. I enjoy Mr. Bland’s insights into the legal world, but there’s nothing on the show that I feel I have a “need” to know. Therefore, I doze off after about 15 minutes, and don’t have to worry about trying to “rewind” the next night. I just move on and start with the next episode, although I have started skipping some now that they are talking about the Royals. What do they have to do with everyone having a “Cup of Justice”?
  • dawn 066
    Todays episode
    Powerful and informative show today! Guest brought the receipts on DV statistics and the were shocking!
    2 bias fired bloggers and 1 Ambulance Chaser
    Also how about those 3 GoFundMe for 1 exhumation? Maybe the third was for EB’s knee replacement? What y’all think? These are the same grifters from the Murdaugh Murders Podcast. They’re bloggers not experts. They’re enjoying the grift.
  • Sharpenmom!
    Always up early on Tuesday a d Thursday
    I admire these 3 for standing up for what is right. My opinions don’t always match, because we are ALL DIFFERENT PEOPLE, but that doesn’t take away the fact that are working hard and frankly putting themselves in danger to get the truth. We know how people in power work. But they are helping to change that. I say you’re killing it ladies!
  • Dangedmanjr
    I used to love this show, but it is not what it used to be.
    The last few months this show has gone from informative and educational to a man bashing dramatic talk show. I am a child of DV, experienced sexual harassment in my years of military service, and am a woman in a male dominated career, but I don’t paint all men as evil. I hold each person accountable for their actions or inaction. Please spot painting all groups of people with broad brushes.
  • SuperMzFab
    Used to be a huge fan
    I have been listening since day one and have been paying for the monthly subscription. I used to be excited for the new episodes but lately it’s really hard to get through. There is so much self glorifying and putting down of others that it’s hard to get through. I haven’t stopped my subscription yet but it’s getting close. I am here for the facts and the truth, not opinions on what you “think” may be happening. The unbiased facts. No one should be led to a conclusion based on what someone’s opinions are. We just want facts. We as intelligent people can come to our own conclusions without being led.
    use to be good but it is awful now.
  • Deep South Listener
    Careful of falling prey to the siren song of The Next Big Thing
    COJ#84 I can't believe your frustration about the inaction of the SA and USAG around the Murdaugh case periphery! It is YOUr unique calling to "be pesky" about Duffy Stone and Carmen Mullin. It is YOU who has the depth of knowledge to effect justice. It is YOU who started pulling so many threads that have the potential to unravel the whole thing. Be careful of falling prey to the siren song of The Next Big Thing.
  • lnholland
    Tell me you didn’t actually listen to Harrison Butker’s speech without telling me you didn’t listen to his speech.
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