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Lady.J.Blind PleaDeven’s story was interesting. I like that the podcast shared her story while also educating about the intricacies of self-defense with the dynamic of domestic violence. I wish that the counter arguments that came up throughout the podcast were explored more. Liz would bring them up then immediately shut them down with kind of a “ugh I don’t think that happened/Deven said that didn’t happen, so it didn’t happen” instead of exploring if the surrounding factors indicate whether it was true or false.
JM2005GMGood storyline!The storyline and the telling of the story are put together very well. The reason I only give 3 stars is because the episode John, Barry, J and some other episodes have some false information! I can’t tell if it was political or if the fact checker just didn’t actually research! Definitely seems like liberal fake talking points though! Otherwise this is a good podcast!
The Passenger444Very Moving StoryThis was a very detailed, superbly reported, incredibly emotional story about a woman whose color in rural Alabama determined the outcome of killing her boyfriend after years of horrific abuse. I’ve heard this story many times before, but Liz Flock does an excellent job telling Devon’s gut wrenching experience . I found it a bit long and the bonus episodes did not add anything to the story. I actually found them repetitive and just a way for the listener to pay for a subscription. I resent being a paid subscriber and having commercials only in bonus episodes. Especially when they’re not very “bonus.”
melik31280IckAll the things John would say on night of his death remind me exactly of what my ex would say in his drunken rage’s. Thank god I finally left. My heart goes out to Deven.
MarathonRNAmazingTragic story presented in an amazingly insightful way with commentary about issues bigger than a single story.
KRhoadieGreatEnjoyed this listen. Well done.
Ugh111Deven's responsibility?Dosent seem like she takes agency for any of her choices. She moved to AL due to John. She was an alcoholic due to John. She had a baby due to John. She stayed in the trailer 24/7 due to John. Does she take on any responsibility? The trope about AL is from liberals who have never been/lived in the South.
Tammy KearneyGreat podcastI enjoyed this podcast very much and so glad it ended the way it did!
MylandinoHeartbreakingThis was difficult to listen to at times. I found myself yelling at the investigator and prosecutor. And seething with so much disappointment with Alexis and her obvious lies. I had to walk away from listening a couple of times and found myself googling Deven before I could power through the rest of the episodes. It is heartbreaking and eye opening with how women are still treated this day and age, from other women and law enforcement. Will it ever change?!?!
LisaIspaLiz and producer too inserted into the storyI’m r Too old fashioned perhaps but I liked the beginning way more than when I started hearing Liz talking about herself.
JLK100An exceptional podcastThe pod had me seething at various points. The racism, the bias, the lack of resources for people experiencing domestic partner violence…all of it. Job well done. PS avoid Alabama at all costs.
Your momma 18Racially chargedI thought it started out as a good podcast I can tell if I’m gonna enjoy some one from the first few sentences in it. I did. But then the podcaster was blaming every thing of skin color. We don’t need to know all of that. Just tell the story. Not your opinion of why it happened the way it did. She killed some one white black purple yellow, it was a murder. Could have done with out hearing any of it.
wfhmamabearFabulous PodcastThis was so well presented. At times sickening and hard to listen to at the treatment Devin received. Somehow she kept the faith and stayed positive. I’m glad she survived.
mfdsnGood listen!Really liked this podcast , could totally relate being a domestic abuse survivor . I also really liked the host . Would def recommend
PreciousDetinaSo Hard to FinishListening to this podcast has been so hard because everyone assumed Deven was guilty and lying from jump! If she was a white woman, things would be perceived differently and we all know it. If this story were told as if she were white, people would have a different opinion. Melhoff disgusts me! He’s sickening! He literally is what Alabama is. I live here, I know! I’m from Birmingham but went to college at Univ. of Montevallo IN Shelby County! I couldn’t wait to leave. I’m originally from NY too and moved to AL as a teen. Worse mistake ever, although I didn’t have a choice. Alabama is embarrassing to live in! The people and politics here are backward-thinking and backwoods-thinkers. I wish Deven would have never stepped foot here. She was far better off in NY. People keep saying she could have left, she didn’t need to kill him. People are so ignorant and know nothing about victims of domestic violence. Even John’s family members knew he was abusive. And Alexis!! Ugh! She is a liar and should be ashamed! And Melhoff, matter of factly stating, “You know Alexis did that, right?” in reference to the shotgun evidence in the trailer. He says he knows she did it because Alexis said she did it. A white woman’s words, who was on the phone at the time, carries more weight than the black woman who was actually in the situation. Tell me how racism doesn’t play a part? Anyone in these reviews who is upset about the way Deven is portrayed is racist too! Check yourself!
TerleeherExtremely biasedThe case is very interesting based on the evidence presented. The problem is the extreme bias on the part of the podcast. While I empathize with Ms. Grey, it’s obvious that she didn’t kill her abuser in self defense, since he was sleeping and face down when she killed him. The most obvious bias shown is the constant droning on the supposed racism in this case. The podcast paints the county and the court system as racially biased with no evidence at all. This could have been a good podcast had it stuck to the evidence and left the bias behind.
kaylafbabyyyyyWOW!!First of all, incredibly done. I’m on episode 5. Let me just say, Alexis is a lying, two faced, conniving female. I can literally tell exactly what kind of female she is just by hearing her talk. The fact that she tried to turn it around & make it about herself is INSANE. She knew exactly what kind of person John was & what he did to D. What a loser. Anyway. That’s all. GREAT JOB 👏🏼 on all the investigative journalism. Hands down, one of the best!
catemcaranGreat PodSuper well done!
LysgibbsBlind JusticeAs a listener, I was deeply moved by “Blind Plea,” particularly by Liz Flock’s incredible work and Deven’s ability to endure. And still laugh and smile despite of it al. Liz’s exhaustive research and her genuine, personal interviews shed light on the dark corners of domestic violence and the glaring flaws within Alabama’s justice system. Hearing about Deven’s struggles and resilience struck a chord with me, highlighting not just an individual’s fight for justice, but also the broader implications of systemic failures. Liz’s dedication to uncovering the truth and giving voice to those who often go unheard has not only informed me but inspired a deep sense of empathy and a call to action. This podcast is more than just a series of stories; it’s a powerful examination of important issues through the lens of real human experience. Thank you Liz. Deven, very best. Live in the light!!
Lee CypherThorough & EngagingEnjoyed the research detail and interviews but episode about John seems to absolve him of his history of abuse.
DaniKirk1Hooked after the first episodeHooked after the first episode. I have to wonder if Devin had been a white woman would she be in prison? Doubt it. The head policemen had his mind made up before he laid the charges down. Sweet home Alabama . . . Sigh
KdelphiesAmazing and informativeI am a domestic and sexual abuse advocate at a DV(domestic violence) shelter. I’ve seen so many cases that could have ended up like Deven’s. I’ve seen people who didn’t get the chance to save themselves, people who are broken beyond comprehension, and people so strong that it’s amazing considering the situation and both, though that’s another entire podcast. As someone who is very involved in another part of the world that Deven found herself in, along with being a DV survivor myself, this podcast is remarkable. It delivers the world as it really is, while educating people about the frightening reality that most of society doesn't understand, and allows you to see a side of the system that is deeply flawed and broken. I will be sharing this podcasts with all my co-workers, friends and family. Heck I’ll even share it with random people on the street. Education is one of the biggest factors in preventing domestic violence and helping people recognize the situation that is happening, which for victims especially, is surprisingly uncommon and this podcast does that extraordinarily well.
salem-altSkip it.This podcast was beyond boring and misleading at best.
Grateful for your showFantastic jobThis is an important topic and I realized that it will take those who have not been a victim of the criminal justice system to join forces with those who have.
JJalonzoThis Podcast!!! You have to listen!This postcast is filled with so many ups and down! Our system is beyond flawed but thank you for sharing Deven’s story!! Deven I am praying for you, I want you to succeed!!!!! Prayers and blessings to you and your baby!! Si Se Puede!!!!!! Rooting for you from Austin, Texas!!!! ❤️
KRISTY8492927492Would be better without the woke narrativeIntriguing story, but could have done without the woke woman narrative.
Browndude1Racism? Self defense?The story pushes a racist agenda constantly. Why does racism exist? Leftist journalist like this. The fact is, a lady shot her boyfriend in the back of his head while he was asleep, that’s murder no matter your skin color. The narrator also makes Shelby County out to be the most racist county in America with very little diversity. I have always lived in Shelby County and this is farthest from the truth. What you have here is a leftist journalist that didn’t like the conservative values of the county. She has the right not to like the county but to label it racist and portray everyone in it racist is inaccurate.
EmMaeJohnsonLovedJanice is the best “character”. So happy for Deven and her family.
GD 100594Interesting… could have been shorter.I think this was a very interesting story. I had a hard time listening sometimes because of how unfair and hypocritical the justice system is. It could have been shorter, but it was a very engaging listen.
RumorS0607Misleading synopsisThis is not a story of self-defense against domestic abuse. Whether or not you believe her story of abuse, she had many chances to get out and get away from the situation. Shooting someone in the back of the head while they are sleeping is not self-defense. This is not a story about racism either. It’s a story about a woman who made her own choices and paid the price. The “Blind Plea” she took - was her own fault as well. If you are not smart enough to understand the plea you are taking - maybe don’t commit crimes if you’re not smart enough to navigate the system or have enough money to hire an attorney. This whole podcast is a waste of time. She committed cold blooded murder and didn’t do much time. Sorry I didn’t pay attention to the reviews before I listened!
samgraves2Narrator tries to steer you away from an obvious outcome with race and emotionI have no doubt that Deven suffered all of the abuse mentioned in the story but, the narrator makes every attempt to use emotion and race to lead the listener into believing that Deven shouldn’t have been found guilty of murder. It’s nonsense and outrageous. She mentions plenty of times that John would leave their trailer home for days at a time. She chose to stay when she had every opportunity to leave. And on the day of the murder, he was passed out drunk. Asleep! By her own admission, for around 5 minutes. So take the gun AND LEAVE. If he wakes up and does something, THEN she could have shot him. But he was asleep and she shot him in the back of the head. I have sympathy for her in that she was abused but the prosecution is right that she should have just left - or at the very least attempted to. It was an interesting story but the more of the story I heard, the more convinced I became that Deven flat out murdered John. In the end, there was so much bias and unnecessary over tones, I mostly just didn’t trust the narrator anymore and I wouldn’t listen to more of her podcasts.
Kim WazHereSo goodThis was such a great podcast. It made me for for Deven and other women in a similar situation to hers. Thank you for bringing her story to light. I hope the best for her and her daughter.
1starrevVocal FryThe story is good but the vocal fry is hard to listen to
Prada1692Such an engaging podcast!Liz and her team surpass expectations in uncovering Deven's incredible story. Many domestic abuse podcasts leave me with lingering questions, especially regarding prosecution and defense choices. Liz tenaciously sought answers with a graceful determination.
pleasestayopenPodcastLove the podcast! Wish an episode covered how to help a love one who is currently in a violent relationship. How to help someone who doesn’t want help. My sister was physically and emotionally abused. She never said anything. She got lucky he died of health issues.
Hey-you!Longer Than it Needed to BeDecent podcast, it was dragged out longer it needed to, and it was a bit too dramatic at times, but I've enjoyed overall.
s+chesterTears of joyJanice is an absolute angel on earth 😇
mrccgnDefending a murdererThis podcast is a shame. There is no reason to doubt she was abused. There is also no reason to doubt that she murdered him.
Avengers93Same story told a thousands of timesWhat would be interesting to me is a podcast investigating the reasons behind this EXACT same story that’s been repeated multiple thousands of times throughout history. Why are soo many men driven to this disgusting behavior. What is it in their rearing, their education, what about our society is making them so vulnerable and weak? and… On the flip side, why are sooo many women drawn to this type of man. What was it about THEIR nurturing, in our society that allows them to time and time again to walk into almost certain danger? I’m sorry but you’re not doing any good in using these people’s terrible experiences for entertainment and consumption. Use your resources to help us understand why this same story is always happening in every country, state, neighborhood on our planet. That way people can have a better understanding of what to look for in each other and maybe we can avoid repeating it until the end of time. Be proactive not reactive
T and a for yaDeven be guiltyThere’s a whole lotta gray between black & white… and, while I don’t doubt that she was abused by John, she was (is) a jealous, conniving woman. Say whatever you want about John, he never shot & killed Deven. After 5+ years living together and she happens to find herself shooting him in the back of the head while he’s sleeping, just months after he started stepping out on her… come on dudes!!
Tifstone80Rising from the ashes!!Deven you are a survivor. You have overcome so many challenges and the journey ahead will not be easy but it will be worth it. So many things in your journey touched my life. Things I too have experienced. Thank you for sharing your story and keep up the good fight. You are inspiring more people then you know.
jmhart77Fantastic, eye-opening and infuriatingJanis!
Sissarae27Not journalismWhen you try to fit all the facts into your own narrative, it’s not journalism. Could have been a good story to be told, for Devon if indeed innocent if not for the clear agenda against white people and the police.
3esMommyOutrageousIt is unbelievable to me that abusers’ past behavior can be omitted from testimony in domestic abuse cases. This story is well investigated and well told.
Loopy Moonstar100p worth the listeni love how this podcast elevates a story that’s all too common and needs to be told. domestic violence survivors deserve better from our society
SWAGG FRYShe’s as bad as the people in the jailShe has said zero positive things about law enforcement, jails (even when the “journalist” breaks all their rules but it’s always LE’s fault. Prison isn’t made to be pleasant, especially one that houses death row inmates. Do you ever consider the victim and their trauma? Everything is wrong with the system . Not a single friend or family member came for her parole hearing. A life was taken, you should serve more that a couple of years. Corrections isn’t just for rehabilitation- it’s punishment as well. Retribution to the victim/society.
ClaireH924Podcaster’s voiceI also tried to give this a try and didn’t make it past the first episode due to the podcaster’s voice. Not sure if she’s intentionally doing that Britney Spears vocal fry but it’s pretty distracting and sounds juvenile.
kaereeves1418Reality!The hardest part of listening to this podcast is the sgt Melhoff and his preconceived ideas of who’s telling the truth — hearing his father state “ I just turned the tv up if his son beating on the mother of his granddaughter got too loud” the reviews on this podcast are idealistically what’s wrong with society. If it were a black man who was shot and killed by his white girlfriend the empathy and warm regard for her would line this peanut gallery! But because those who disliked this podcast didn’t like that her stand your ground plea wasn’t substantial because she was a black woman and it would shake you to your core to admit that a jury of all whites did that your guilt in knowing that is WRONG is why you didn’t like this podcast. Liz, being a white woman who review and presented the facts even liar liar ALEXIS Bernstein LIED! crocodile tears she had for dramatics loving a woman beater. If you don’t want to admit that the justice for DV and DV victims who are black is slim & they aren’t seen as victims because of the color of their skin then you play a role in every injustice too Good work Liz.
mmchapThe Intro Tells You All You Need To Know…The fact that the description of this podcast describes the person who shot the other “as a Black woman who shot a white man in Alabama…”. Capital B, lower case w. That is not by accident and it tells me this story will be presented from a liberal, social Justice point of view. Does not say allegedly abusive relationship, it labels it as a fact.
RegmeyetVery well done!This was such a thoughtful and informative podcast. It does bring to light that domestic violence is a very different beast and ultimately should be looked at differently within the justice system. Unfortunately, due to the facts in the case self defense was hard to obtain. Devon really seems to be a very kind person that got taken advantage of and felt trapped. I wish her and her family a blessed life and healing.
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