Recent Episodes
Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons
Mar 2, 2025 – 00:28:31 -
The Power to Prosper During Famine
Feb 23, 2025 – 00:28:31 -
Rest in the Fullness of God’s Forgiveness
Feb 16, 2025 – 00:28:31 -
Believe It, Speak It, See It!
Feb 9, 2025 – 00:28:31 -
Faith Is Knowing Jesus Loves You
Feb 2, 2025 – 00:28:31 -
God’s Grace Empowers Right Living
Jan 26, 2025 – 00:28:31 -
The God Who Provides
Jan 19, 2025 – 00:28:31 -
God Can Renew Your Strength
Jan 12, 2025 – 00:28:31 -
Live Life with Great Faith
Jan 5, 2025 – 00:28:31 -
Make Room For Christ
Dec 29, 2024 – 00:28:31 -
Let Go And Flow In The Vine Life
Dec 15, 2024 – 00:28:31 -
Overflowing Life—Keys From Elisha's Story
Mar 19, 2023 – 00:28:14 -
#002 - Jesus' Gift Of Righteousness Has Made You An Heir
Sep 24, 2009 – 00:28:21 -
#001 - Boast Of The Lord's Love For You, Not Your Love For Him
Sep 17, 2009 – 00:28:21
Recent Reviews
LondonParisLadyMy life has been transformed!I was given the power of right believing almost 10 years ago and my life has been so changed ever since, I use to feel my life was always going to be bad and miserable and I didn’t have any hope until I read this book and I saw my Daddy God for who He really is and His heart of love for me through Jesus and all He did on the cross for me! I am so grateful that God has raised up Joseph Prince to preach the true gospel to this generation! We so badly need more of the truth and God is spreading it faster than ever before!! Praise the Lord!!
Dinahsty 82So blessed by the man of God teachingsI am so blessed and grateful for the teachings by Pastor Joseph Prince. He is spirit filled and the Word is so encouraging. I absolutely love how he breaks everything down. Thank you and God bless you always!!!
JP<><Thank youAmen Thank you <><🙏✝️ = ❤️😀
Ignacio E. LeonGod Bless Pastor Joseph Prince!Over the last 13 yrs, Pastor Prince ministry has radically changed and enhanced my view of God. My relationship is deeper and transparent. I’m very thankful for this podcast and highly recommend to others.
free free free freeeePro gamerHe made a pro gamer move <3 love u JP.
MilitoMamaA blessingThis podcast is such a blessing.
lov2trav4lThe way the message is taught has changed everything!Wow! I’ve grown up in the word, went to a Private school for most of my youth. I’ve been to so many seminars. And never understood much except that I needed to keep asking to be saved over and over. I was taught almost everything backwards and in a negative fear. Which caused myself and many whom I grew up with to fall out. That school closed down years later. And Yet no one has ever unpacked Gods word in the most simplest way to understand, the way Joseph Prince conveys the messages. I’ve been able step over major hurdles and keep moving. I love how God does this though others. Thank you JP!!!! I love to listen to your messages!!! Game changer!!!
dani.daniSTOP SHOUTING, YELLING, GROWLING!I used to love this podcast, great teaching, but for some reason pastor Prince started at some point this year just randomly shouting, yelling, growling during the sermons, just suddenly it's so startling and unpleasant. It's like he loses self control or has too much coffee or something. The power isn't in the volume, it's in understanding the word of God and that's difficult to do when someone is yelling. The wisdom of God is gentle, peaceable, open to reason.. the spirits of prophets are subject to the prophets.. I just feel this is not right to yell out of control. Please stop and have self control in delivering God's word. We do not want to be yelled at or shouted at. Thank you.
Uncle ReteSaved by TruthPastor Prince answered all the questions I’ve ever had. Forgiveness gave me His Grace to forgive myself! Changed my life. Pastor taught me that I am greatly blessed highly favored and deeply loved. My identity. Thank you Pastor for teaching the life changing Word of God ✝️💟✝️
AshOyayA true vessel of GodMy life has changed dramatically by Jesus and the message of the gospel of Grace! Pastor Prince showed me the beauty of my Savior and I’m forever changed by it and in loving relationships with him. Thank you Pastor for pouring out and being a vessel.
Mellamalikesnudes6969The joy of the lord is my strengthVery thankful to be able to access material like this. Grace based teaching with scripture from the new and Old Testament to back it up
Princess_Anna318BlessedThis podcast is a blessing and an encouragement. May you continue to produce more. God bless you all.
Pina G.The will of God.Those who want to do the will of God will know that what Pastor Joseph Prince teaches is the pure Word of God.
Perrie AnnaLove it!A great way to hear the true word of God.
Sharnae tAmazing Revelations!Pastor Prince is a true anointed servant of Christ, who delivers the ministry of grace that is much needed for believers. Your life will be changed when you hear Joseph’s teachings on grace. What makes him specifically unique is his ability to scope and identify groundbreaking revelations within the word through Greek and Hebrew interpretations and prophetic deliveries. Joseph has helped me maintain and become more aware of my righteous standing in Christ.
Blessed in NJThe best teacher of the gospelPastor Joseph Prince is one of a kind-a true servant of the Lord, who spends quality time with the Lord and pours out all he receives from the Father’s heart. He does not preach politics or man’s opinions-we are well fed and nourished after listening to his preaching. I truly love this man! 💯
reydawidWhy Not more? 😩Can you put more? 😟 like all of 2020-2018 or something like that. That would be like 200 preachings.👍
itstarkaAn Answered PrayerI ran into JP broadcast a few years ago and realized he was an answer to prayers I had been praying. Growing up under a legalistic teaching... I was bogged down with guilt and condemnation and a “works” mentality. I was exhausted and ready to give up. I’m so thankful for this ministry because God is still using it to answer my questions today. I am now free and basking in God’s love.
kona JimmyStay humblePastor Prince you have been blessed with a huge responsibility. Stay humble and relying on the Lord in all your study and teaching. Thank you for the encouragement at this difficult time in our history as a nation, may there be a great harvest. James 🙏🏻 P.S. I rarely give 5 stars so we can can all strive to improve.
Itainc.Thank you Abba that I AM the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, Amen!Abba pour the blood of Christ Jesus over Pastor Prince and his loved one’s, New Creation Church and continue to give him Your wisdom and knowledge to continue to touch all of our hearts around the world, Amen!
Grateful Michelle79So grateful!!I am currently reading 100 days of right believing and it has been a game changer in overcoming and mindset. I love that these podcasts are coming out on a regular basis! I listen several times a week on my yoga days.
Isaiah OdiliChange your mind towards God...#Repentance#Thank you Jesus for the gospel through Joseph Prince #Hesed
EliseoFosterGrace is JesusThank you Jesus for Using This Man Of God To spread your Loving Grace to all the world!!
mjusa75Thank youYou will here the love of Jesus preached!!! Feed on the word of God. Let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
rwithe1The true gospel!I thank God for Pastor Prince and the message that he brings to the world. I pray that his voice will continues to reach people all over the world because I know that they will be blessed by it!
ZisraelBeyond blessedWhen we need to be constantly reminded of His Love and the greatness of His free gift through His beloved Son Jesus Christ. Boosting about His love ensures that it’s all about Him and His love for us and what He has offered for us and not what we can do for him. Blessed and blessed.
YavetteThank God for Being under the New Covenant!I was under law with Church of Christ. I had experienced a encounter with Jesus when He spoke to me and told me to hold on after a attack from vertigo not only did he heal me but he also delivered me from a 20 year addiction to nicotine. He then led me onto His wonderful ministry of Grace! To this day it is an ongoing life change experience with Hope that I am IN Him moving, living, and having my being because of a Real SUPERNATURAL LOVE of God! Amen. In my 20 years of reborn , I never knew LOVE like This that I will NEVER let go of! I’ve learned from grace based teachings/sermons and have been delivered from the law upon accepting God’s free gift of unmerited, unearned, and undeserved Favor. My testimony is for anyone who has not accepted Jesus I guarantee you it will be the best decision you made to be free from bondages, curses, sickness and diseases physical & mental weaknesses and be led by the Holy Spirit trusting by Faith in Jesus and that God has declared and made you Righteous because of His obedience! I pray that anyone or everyone will sit up under Pastor Joseph Prince sermon and be in expectancy of an real divine encounter with Jesus my Lord and Savior..Jesus IS LORD! Grace to you and All Glory be to God! ✋🏾🤚🏾
Ric loves u and GodThis Man loves God and I pray you open your mind and spiMy name is Rick and I want to see this man definitely studies the word of God and I pray that everything that comes from his mouth is true that is on us in order to take what is true and what is not we are the filters I am blind last 19 years and I can always say Jesus and I pray that you do too thank you
AuntieAshley36Grace teaching saved me from a downward spiral!My sister introduced me to Joseph Prince’s ministry many years back. I had suffered from many years in my marriage(not abuse but just A LOT of terrible fights between us both to the point of near divorce), and I have always suffered from panic attacks and anxiety. After all the above mentioned issues among others, I got hopeless and felt life would get no better and cried everyday. I have listened JP before but when I committed to hearing the Word of grace I became a whole new, better person! I used to live under the law due to being raised Southern Baptist but now I live for Jesus and only by grace! Knowing I have been and always will be saved thru His grace has brought me peace and joy, an improved relationship with my husband, and a body no longer ravaged by stress and anxiety!!! Praise God!!! Thank you Joseph Prince for accepting God’s calling to use you to reach so many people that need to hear God’s word in a way that anyone can understand. JP is truly blessed and anointed! (Also, I had turned to Alcohol heavily but was delivered from that also and haven’t even wanted to drink in a very long time.) Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dano221Jesus centeredI can’t seem to understand why people can “warn” about pastor prince when his teachings always make the listener focus on Jesus. He brings Jesus to the center of all his teachings and makes unbelievers see their need to believe in him, and makes believers know they are secure in him. Forever! Yes I’m not afraid to say once saved always saved, because Jesus sacrifice was enough! His blood cleansed us once and for all! His teachings exalt Jesus and the finished work on the cross. We are forgiven, we are redeemed, we are holy because of Jesus and not of ourselves.
BarbiewheelsDelivered from anxiety!I was suffering from panic and anxiety attacks. My daughter told me to read JP’s book and she brought one over to me that day. I started reading and after reading just one chapter I was completely delivered. I went on to purchase his other books and started listening to his podcasts. Every time I listen I am blessed and I feel loved and tremendous peace comes over my mind and heart. Thank you Pastor Prince for your faithfulness to your call. Barbie W
katherinegearaLife changing MessagesPastor Prince I have no words to express my gratitude to God for your life! I sincerely have nothing but tears of joy and hope EVERY TIME i hear your sermons (during and afterwards)! Thank you so much for taking your time to study the word and then sharing your well-spent time with God with us.
extothezLife changingGod used this ministry to change my life and set me free from an addiction.
hillbillyjordanMinistry of GraceThe ministry of Joseph Prince has been an excellent gift to teach the truth of God’s love and grace. I’ve received so much knowledge and truth from his teachings and always inspired to reach higher and go deeper into the truths of God’s Word. Thanking God for this ministry!!!
Jd LopesPastor Prince a instrument of The LordPastor Prince is feeding the flocks with the Word of God !!
Mscha222His message is the truth!!I’ve been a Christian my whole life and I never understood why I struggled for so long. It turns out I was being taught about the old covenant law and not grace through Jesus. Ever since hearing Joseph Prince message about Gods grace through Jesus my life has never been the same! I no longer suffer from the same patterns of sin, depression and overall confusion that I used to have from being under old covenant Law teachings. It’s crazy how many Pastors out there really don’t know the truth and are preaching against Gods grace through Jesus! I’m so thankful that I happened upon Joseph Prince!! Thank you Jesus for this precious man!!!!
one that is blessedThanksPastor prince has taught me so much. I am a Christian, but went to some churches that never taught Grace. Hearing this pastor has taught me so much. I tell all my friends and family about him. Thank God that he has giving us this man. May God keep him safe and let him live long. We need him.
godsbeloved1010Highly FavoredPraise Jesus for Pastor Joseph Prince!!!
meamo89God is good!!I live in a state that has very few good churches and Joseph Prince blesses with me in ways that are just amazing! He is my go to for in-depth spiritual nourishment. I think God for him!
Rosie LoftonJoseph PrinceBeen a born again Christian for 29 years. I study and thought single parent bible study through my church for 17 years. I always have loved listening to great Preachers new on TBN... now on line, I have been listening to your teachings for about 9 mouths now I also have purchased some of your books. And found your Podcast‼️ I listen all the time. I feel like The Holy Spirit through your teachings have made me understand the the power of all JESUS DID ON CROSS” in such a deeper way. I love the anointing the LORD has blessed you with. Thank you all your studying for fighting to stay close to the heart beat of GOD. It pours out as you preach. Thank you thank you‼️
SpmossTruly amazing Holy Spirit filled insights! Hallelujah!Joseph has an awesome ear to hear from God. Gods word flows freely through these messages from heaven delivered directly to your device. Amazing hope filled messages of abundant grace!
Pearl 2Love the message of grace!JP is truly anointed. I listen to him every day and I am so blessed by the message of grace. Thank you Pastor Prince
DarreltonGrace winsI just want to write a review today for Jospeh Prince. Ive been listing to he’s sermons for about 2 years now. It transform me into a new believer. All the teaching I was longing for, he had for me. I thank God for letting him come in my path of hope for ever more. I’m truly blessed with he’s teaching on grace of Jesus Christ. I will always listen and gain more of he’s devotions. Thank you Joseph Prince, May you be blessed even more.
FrankiebernardJosephThanks for the great work you provide to the lord and the people of the earth who search for Jesus.Continue on this path serving the almighty.
JollyRancherCommandrWHY?!!!Why do you keep taking some of the podcast down?? leave them up, please. you had some old one on here they were really good and now you took them down...
Hotlizard55Life with PowerLive in a place with Peace. With the craziness around you can live in Peace with Christ.
dd@**What the heck?Content is great, but I am only seeing 12 podcast available. Is this correct? Good content Poor quantity
JasonK17Joseph Prince's message of God's grace is powerfulJoseph Prince makes it clear that God loves us, through the obedience of Jesus. Joseph constantly provides encouraging truth of God's grace. Thank you Joseph!
Horacio PradoI enjoy a lot to hear him.Always focuses in Jesus
kashmomKashmomI wish I'd heard these teachings years earlier. Understanding Jesus' love rather than fearing I don't measure up has set me free.
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