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ecnocFun for Oscar fansI have grown to really enjoy listening to their Oscar predictions and takes. I love that their predictions are based on their read of the current horse race and not necessarily on their personal preferences. The hosts don’t take themselves too seriously unlike some other podcast hosts in this genre who arrogantly push their personal opinions and political agendas. I was at first put off by their dynamic but I now really love their dynamic and banter.
dstinsShocked at some of these reviewsThis is my favorite awards season podcast specifically cause of Chris and Joyce’s dynamic. Surprised to see some people complain Joyce is mean when she’s obviously just dry and they read each other as friends the whole time. Obviously they enjoy each other and bring totally different viewpoints. Anyway, Joyce is the goat, so good at her predictions and I love how unserious they keep things throughout the season. Reminds you that this is all just fun and games, everyone!
cmdmit cd be more boring…but i don’t know how…
MissionManSFSooo mediocreIs this like a parody (add vocal fry)?
randall-25A great showLove this show!
orwellllI can’tSo disorganized and incoherent with “like” said between each word. They also say “I could see it happen” for all scenarios, including blatantly absurd ones. I tried several times to listen because I love Oscar season, but this podcast is unlistenable.
natascha_cJoyce needs to goLong-time listener here and wanted to say this podcast needs a revamp. Joyce is so awful and condescending to Chris, I can’t stand it anymore. I don’t care that she’s knowledgeable if she can’t be kind. Please, please find a more respectful co-host.
mrmrcleland👏Loving these Oscar recap episodes!
Pita Pan PiperOscar retrospectives!Longtime lurker, first time commenter. We must be of similar generations because we remember very similar highlights from ceremonies past. Love the cohosts' easy chemistry and how they always seem to be in good spirits, because, c'mon, we all love the Oscars but this isn't nuclear warfare we're debating! It should be fun and that's exactly what you bring to the table. Thanks!
PrettywordTotal fluff and disorganizationI hoped for a thoughtful, in depth review of the Oscars and got explanations like “they just liked the movie” or “I guess they didn’t like it enough to vote for him”. No kind of going through the results either by movie, or category so that comparisons could be made. No thoughts like maybe Tom Hanks was really the main character in Elvis which affected voting for Austin Butler. No description of the themes of the movies just an unbelievable repetition of the word “narrative”. This is the last episode of this podcast I will ever listen to.
stubeef1789Strangely MeanI love the awards race, but one of the hosts is so condescending and mean to her counterpart I couldn’t get through an episode. It’s seriously bizarre to hear someone be that smug and that mean. I would recommend The Big Picture, Oscar Wild, or anything with Wesley Morris if you want to get into the Awards Race.
I try but cannot finishGold Derby website better than podI like the quick podcast posts after awards shows, but I have ZERO interest in hearing about how Chris did with his personal picks. I can't finish these episodes and listen elsewhere.
RyPa88Want to like it…I really like the idea of this podcast. I really enjoy the topics they discuss, but I had to stop listening today. The female host is too eager to point out mistakes or make the male host seem like an idiot. Then she giggles about it. It seems very immature. He takes it pretty well and plays along. They interrupt each other too much. She says “ umm” and “like” way too many times while looking back at her notes mumbling. The Vanity Fair podcast is better.
ElohinoPassive Aggressive RacismI used to like this podcast but the more that I listening to podcast the more I start to realize how passive aggressive the hosts are when it comes to black artists and performers. They lean towards the white artists which is really frustrating and annoying. There’s always some type of doubt when they talk about the black actors, producers, director and writers. This gold derby podcast has always had a history of this passive aggressive racism. Don’t listen to this podcast if you are black. There is no representation. 0 out of 5. But since I’m required to at least give a star, 1 out of 5.
Fes123456They can do betterThis is an award show podcast but their comments are sometimes asinine and they would do well by actually talking about the films outside of this, they used to do this with editors more and it’s disappeared. They also lack diversity of perspective.
FrankkVFJBLove The Gold Derby ShowLiterally my favorite podcast for my commute. I love listening to Christopher and Joyce speculate on Oscar and Emmy noms and then eventually winners. It’s really fun to hear what they personally enjoy also, shout out to The Mighty Ducks for Best Picture! I just love entertainment focused content and Christopher and Joyce make a really nice show. I’m also loving the Oscar revisits because I’m learning so many new tidbits and playing along with them with what/who should have won but didn’t and why. I hope this podcast is around for a long time to come.
AppleUser83CodacastThis is a pretty good Coda recap podcast. Someone told me they occasionally talk about other movies but after several episodes I haven’t heard it yet.
olliethebHow Many Times Will Joyce Cut Chris OffLove the show. Super informative and entertaining. But Christ Almighty, Joyce needs to stop cutting poor Chris off. I want to scream into my phone, “let him finish his sentence, woman!” But overall a great podcast.
Boneno913Pretty goodIf they could say “like” a little bit less, it’d be much easier to enjoy. Wow. It’s so distracting that I counted at one random point — 53 “likes” in 2 minutes. Like 3 stars is like really generous because like I can barely like follow what they are like saying.
Bye Trump!Enjoyable But…I could listen to Joyce Eng wax intellectual about the Oscar race for days. However, her counterpart, Christopher Rosen, is a bit too earnest and comes off more like a bar dude from Promising Young Woman than someone you can trust. Unfortunately for Rosen, trust is currency in the world of Oscar race obsessives.
Julian SpiveyContent is great; Sound quality is horridI’m giving 4 stars because I enjoy the content, but some of the contributors need to try a little harder than calling in from a Starbucks.
lllllljjjjnSound quality is not greatHi all, I do enjoy your content but would really appreciate your improving the sound quality. It is really not great to listen to. You all have different volumes and clarity. Pls try to fix that. I had to turn it off yesterday. Thanks.
LarryFlickNo frills fun!There is nothing fancy about this podcast, and that is just fine with me. The content is what counts, and this show has it tenfold. Love it.
Allothernamestaken1124The gold standard for Oscar PodcastsPlus the website is excellent too
man is matterGood Guests But Tom O'Neil Is Painfully BanalThere’s a dearth of Oscars podcasts out there, so those seeking an aural awards fix are limited to a handful of options. I’ll forgive the audio quality on this as it seems like Google Hangout is the best the site can do on their budget. And the guests they invite are great, basically all of the major players in Oscar punditry. The podcasts’s major flaw is unfortunately its omnipresent host Tom O’Neil. While his guests offer thoughtful commentary, this past season, Tom sounded like a mindless broken record. How many times did we need to hear about how Christoph Waltz has “won everything he’s been nominated for?” Or how De Niro can’t win because he hasn’t won anything thus far? Or how the “steak eaters” are going to vote for the “hot babe”? Or how Oscars “loves little girls”? Or how Braveheart was the first movie that year to send out VHS screeners? It’s just endless regurgitation of these same little factoids over and over, spouted as if they were engaging thoughtful commentary. I hope he doesn't find solace in the fact that he was right about some of these; it doesn't matter if you arrive at the right answer if you did so in the horribly wrong way. I get that he’s at a disadvantage when he’s on every show and his guests just have their half hour to give us their take. But believe me that Film Experience and In Contention are able to sound fresh week after week in spite of the same voices returning. Tom needs to take a break, find a new host to take over duties most of the time, and just show up once in a while.
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