Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff

Games #96

Podcast by Kenneth Hite and Robin D. Laws

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Recent Reviews
  • JeffSiadek
    Ken and Robin Rock
    This podcast always has one segment that feels like it was aimed at me. The other segments always are interesting also. These two fine fellows are real gamers and well versed in the rest of the world. My gaming and game design is all the better for being a listener.
  • Hyper_lexic
    Always insightful
    It seems that surely everyone in the gaming community subscribes to this by now by in case they don’t - this is not to be missed. Ken and Robin are both amazing game designers. The standard format is to have 4 segments on a rotating series of topics (or “huts”) - starting almost always with the Gaming Hut, but among their many huts you’ll find Conspiracy, Elliptony (crazy theories), Espionage, Cartography, Film, and Food.
  • Isearn
    Apt, funny head candy from game writers
    I heard Robin at another podcast and had to go check out his show. It features system-neutral delves into fancy gamery and off-the-wall content ideas.
  • Nael Simmerhorn
    Tour de force of creativity and edutainment
    Great work, illustrious honorables!
  • Ziczar
    Ken and Robin!
    You are both insane and I love it! Keep up the good work!
  • danmunkey
    Eclectic awesomeness!!
    Ken and Robin bring a mishmash of gameable material to you each week on such a varied range of topics that they prepare the common story teller or player to hit the ground running on almost any topic that might come up at the gaming table. Their movie reviews are insightful, and their cooking tips make me look a little more intelligent in front of my wife. Finally, their insights into GMing and writing give you an open door into how two of the leaders in the gaming industry make the magic happen.
  • Le0hart
    A brilliant podcast by some great people deep in TTRPGS
    Gotta get it outta the way- Ken, why did you forget/lump Millennials in with your Gen X players or Zoomers??? Always interesting and fun! There is usually something brilliant that will spark the imagination and help in your own TTRPG games. But also, just fascinating topics! You’ll definitely learn something and be entertained every episode!
  • ernie4703
    None Better
    Simply. The. Best. Year after year,
  • Drunk Satan Robot
    Ken and Robin are awesome!!!
    Best show about nerd stuff, ‘nuff said’.
  • DrAtlantis
    Great for gamers, players, designers and storytellers
    I'm late to the party, but hopefully there is much more to come. This is a brilliant show by two very clever guys. Both are game designers and writers and have crafted a fun show composed of (usually) 4 segments of 15 mins about gaming (and gaming-adjacent) topics. If you like gaming, want insider details on how to make and publish games, tips on how to solve GM issues, details on what movies are good "trope trainers" for genre, or just want to hear guidance on how to craft enjoyable and satisfying stories then Ken and Robin should be shoved into your ear-holes like that little worm thing from either Night Gallery or Star Trek 2. Player's choice. Enjoy!
  • Galieo
    Still like it in small doses, I’m not woke enough
    Much more overtly political and RDL seems to dominate KH on those topics. Perhaps it is the insanity that is Politics today, but wouldn’t mind if they dialed that backs bit.
  • Matt McDime
    Best rpg podcast ever
    This podcast has single handedly reinvigorated my interest in rpgs. Quality discussion every single week about various aspects of gaming.
  • Chet Brinko
    If there were two people at the UN doing for them what Ken and Robin do for richly textured and well-researched discourse on tabletop roleplaying games, we’d probably have world peace by now.
  • BoardgameDad
    The Golden Ticket
    “Come with Ken And you'll be In a world of Pure imagination Take a look And you'll see Into your imagination We'll begin With a spin Traveling in The world of Robin’s creation What we'll see Will defy Explanation” KaRTaS is, by far, my favorite RPG podcast! It is filled with virtually everything that fascinated me as a kid, and each episode gives me so many ideas for my games. Listen to won’t be disappointed!
  • Zac Gross
    The Highest Level of Academia in Gaming
    Ken and Robin are the most vocal tabletop academics that I know of. They bring decades of both industry experience and personal gaming experience and share it all. I hardly ever know anything about the topics they bring up before the segments starts but after it's over I have a complete understanding and my mind is already going towards story ideas.
  • Vincorine
    Simply Amazing
    Listening to just one episode of KARTAS makes you appreciate the irony contained in the title. These are two of the most articulate, literate individuals I've ever had the pleasure of sonicating my ears with, and the "stuff" they talk about is fantastic. Do you want to feel smarter while learning about how to make your roleplaying games betterer? KARTAS is the podcast for you!
  • Daniel Stewart @tabletoptapes
    A must listen for game design
    If you have any interest at all in game design, player psychology, or hilarious/weird moments in history and how to turn them into games, this podcast is for you. End review.
  • RoryMiller
    First twenty minutes are usually decent enough as long as you are interested in the topic... then they start wandering. And then you start wondering why are you bothering? And if you turn to podcasts to escape the political nonsense and left bias that is constantly thrown at you from everywhere, well tough because here they come with more of the same. "What will happen if Trump doesn't lock the doors to all his businesses like we think he should when he takes office" and all the same crap you see on Facebook where some uninformed person attempts to parrot what some tv personality read off a cue card. If they cut all the rambling and all the unrelated stuff out it would be a pretty good 20 minute podcast, instead it's not worth wasting space on your device.
  • megovillemaster
    Great on every level!
    This show dives into everything, history, politics, conspiracies, cooking, the occult and so much more! Most of it is with an eye for tabletop roleplaying, but I recommend this show to anyone with diverse interests. Ken and Robin are so kind, funny, and intelligent it's almost supernatural! There's always something new and interesting to learn from these podcast/roleplaying maestros!
  • Greylurk
    Fantastic writing triggers and insanity
    Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff is the single podcast that I *really* look forward to. Every friday, I refresh my pod catcher constantly until it shows up. Excursions into the Eliptony hut are my favorite part of the show, but I love just about every segment of the show. Even the parts that are not so directly applicable to me often have fantastic digressions on fascinating topics.
  • Karl S.
    A gaming podcast for everybody
    Despite being nominally a KARTAS records conversations between the two hosts (and occasionally even guests) on a range of topics — movies, history, occultism, occult- and science-adjacent flimflam, and even food. The two hosts, gruff Chicagoan Ken Hite and non-gruff Torontonian Robin Laws, are respected figures in the field of tabletop roleplaying games. Their focus is often on how some historical fact or facts can be adapted for use in a role-playing game, but the erudition they display in selecting and analyzing their topics, and the wit they display in their presentations, make this a worthwhile podcast even if you aren’t a regular gamer. The hosts’ ability to keep the show moving and natural make it fun to listen to. I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced “NYAR-lat HO-tep,” though.
  • Leftahead
    Ecclectic and Erudite
    This podcats is a weekly dose of the best smeinar you ever attended at a tabletop hobby game convention, with a wide and varying range of topics that range from directly to tangentially relevant to creating and enjoying role-playing game characters, adventures, and entire designs. Robin's well-read self-effacing Canadian affect is the perfect compliment to Ken's gragrious Midwestern varacious autodidacticism. I can't recommend this highly enough to anyone with even a tiny interest in tabletop role-playing and the literature and pop culture it's steeped in.
  • caddy1071
    Amazing hosts equal and amazing podcast
    This is a tremendous podcast for gamers and history buffs a like - the industry expertise, game inspiration suggestions, and excellent segments such as Consulting Occultist and Ken's Time Machine are incredibly entertaining and as well and full of potential plot hooks. Ken and Robin are obvious RPG game industry titans and put on an amazing show - check it out!
  • Loiosh1313
    Great fun had over wide-ranging topics
    True to it’s title, Ken & Robin really do talk about “stuff” - ranging from weird conspiracy, alternate history, real history, current events, spies, RPGs, occult characters, etc. Fun to listen to just for the subject matter, but the two also share a good rapport which makes it all the better.
  • WellMustachioed
    So good, sometimes I listen to each one twice
    I nearly gave this one a pass due to the unassuming title. Ken and Robin are overlapping Venn diagrams of awesome, each with their own perspective and expertise.
  • Yoo-Hoo Tom
    My Favorite Podcast
    Listening to this Podcast has made me a better GameMaster, Gamer, and Nerd.
  • Gregory S. Sanders
    An eclectic discussion of roleplaying games, culture, and history.
    Ken Hite and Robin Laws have both more than paid their dues when it comes to roleplaying game design. Whether you're a designer, GM, or player, there's much to learn. That said, the podcast covers much more. Most likely, some segments will be more of interest to you than others, but their playful repartee enlivens all of them. Also, strictly in my opinion, Ken Hite is probably the closest you can come to getting Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation as a game designer, and if that's not worth listening to, I don't know what it is.
  • witamous
    Quality Topics, Great Discussion, Engaging Entertainment
    My initial trepidation with a podcast by game designers was being greeted with a litany of product placements. Instead I found a show of surprising depth. I'm less likely to learn about the latest line of games than a line of British queens (and then how to play them). It's far more a gaming philosophy podcast than the latest news, and I am drawn to its alien buzz each week like an investigator to a cyclopean pyramid containing that which humankind was not meant to know.
  • ohbejuan
    I never miss it
    I never miss this podcast. I get great GMing advice, learn about new games, and always get a an interesting history lesson. Ken and Robin have a great rapport. They do all of the above while being very entertaining.
  • AtomicOvermind
    This Podcast Will Make You Smarter
    The Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff podcast two incredibly accomplished and well read people discussing interesting things in about the wittiest and more erudite, yet still accessible and usually hilarious, way possible. Every episode teaches me something, and gets me thinking. HIGHLY recommended.
  • Corwyn Pendragon
    Makes me want to join the conversation
    This podcast is incredible. Ken and Robin are intelligent, well rounded and insightful as they discuss a wide variety of topics. Even when I am not feeling up to a typical gaming chat, the other "huts" bring me back to this gaming table. And their advice on gaming is always above and beyond. Keep up the great work!
  • CarpeGM
    One of my favorites!
    Kenneth Hite and Robin D. Laws get together and talk about a countless topics, including but not limited to, gaming, game theory, politics, history, current events, even the correction of real world problems through time travel. A very cerebral podcast, but what else would you expect from intellectual heavy hitters such as Hite and Laws? Great Show! -Dan (IF you are a podcaster, AND, you ask for ratings and reviews, PLEASE support the community, and rate and review the podcasts that you listen to! –Dan@
  • Fort Grizzly
    Top shelf stuff.
    I heard about this podcast from the YSDC podcast. Ken and Robin's creative chops are amazing. As a huge HPL and general horror and weird fiction fan, i find the content very relevant. Thanks guys.
  • mtmorse
    Wonderful podcast
    I don't often come across podcast that I enjoy listening to more then once. I'm currently making my second round through the previous episodes and enjoying every minute. Absolutely on the top of my rpg podcast list.
  • jkl;adfs
    Shower in Genius!
    Ken and Robin are some of the funniest, smartest, and most creative people working in the RPG industry. Listening to them rewires your brain, making you more creative. Do not hesitate. Subscribe and allow the dulcet tones of this duet to wash over you like a summer rain while wearing a Star Trek uniform.
  • The Singing Lumberjack
    I was excited when I first heard about this podcast and I wasn't disappointed. The podcast is about two of the best game designers (Robin Laws and Kenneth Hite) talking about games, gaming, history and pop culture. I have already become a better gamer from listening to the first two episodes.
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