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PFresh2xSo GratefulSo grateful to Bishop Dale and his team for this wonderful podcast. Haven’t found a church home yet so this podcast keeps my spirit growing and filled with joy and insight from a real, genuine perspective. Some pastors these days are prosperity teaching mainly, but we as followers of Christ need knowledge. This podcast from Bishop Dale is legitimate and honest in its teachings. So grateful
aledsingerNeed frequent updatesLove the spiritual journey and very important information for my salvation
Luckky916♥️ AnnointedPraise God for Power for Living🙌🏾🙌🏾! Dr Bronners messages are Always powerful and consistent with the Word of God! All the way from Houston I don’t miss an episode. I look forward to visiting his church! Thank you for sharing. God Bless
ShemaaaAlways a great word!Love Bishop Dale Bronner
TrahbellsThere is always a FRESH WordBishop Dale Bronner’s teachings has blessed my life since i first started going to Word of Faith in 2003 in the Atlanta, GA area. Even though i moved to another state, I listen to his Daily For Living Podcast either when I’m starting my day or ending my day or both times. A Man of God that operates under the anointing of The Holy Spirit. Teaching, praying, prophesying, laying hands on the sick, pouring out so much wisdom and insight everytime he stands to minister. It’s always an “On Time” Word for me whenever i tune in. Thank you Bishop Bronner for all you do for the Kingdom. You help change the quality of life for so many people for the better. God Richly Bless you many times over in every area of your life and everyone connected to your life. 🙏🏽✨
Ava Neumann.🔥🔥🔥Bishop Bronner is a voice of reason in my life. He is so anointed and always on time with his messages. I’m thankful for his obedience to God.
Cookie89_Sound and Sober Word/Great TeacherIn a world of cliche and performance in the pulpit you won’t get that here. Bishop Bronner is a humble, solid, Holy Spirit and practical preacher of the Word of God. Substance is what he gives and I’m so proud that he is a trusted voice, mentor and a source of wisdom. You will grow and learn so much from his ministry!
Pwarrior55Best teacher everBishop Bronner is an intellectually gifted professor and teacher of the Bible! I love listening to him teach. His teaching keeps my attention with very focused life lessons!
BLashaun90A true shepherdI love the way Bishop Bronner is sure to give you a word from God. Wrapped up in truth and laughter. I usually listen to them more than once because God is always speaking through him. Keep letting Him use you Bishop Bronner. We greatly appreciate it.
Vernon ChandlerBishopBishop Bronner is one of the most anointed men I've ever met. He's full of integrity and wisdom and his messages are practical and applicable. He's been a blessing to my life. His ministry has saved my marriage and played a critical role in my children's lives. I pray God's blessings over him and his family.
Spell for Fun!Blessed 😇If you stumble upon this Man it was not by accident! Listen everyday and you will learn how to apply his teachings to your daily life! I love the Bishop! 🙏🏾
KingArthur1543AMAZINGWonderful wisdom!! Applies it practically for our everyday lives. This wisdom makes you ponder and reflect on your life. Makes repentance fun. There is a purpose in struggles Amen
ShakiralwgAmazing Amazing Teacher!!!Thankful for the day I discovered this man of God, wow! Teaching is always on point, powerful, challenges you, inspires, encourages, I could go on and on. Thank you for answering the call of God and allowing Holy Spirit to speak through you.
LT from MDAnointedBishop was anointed for this word/work!
1299;7ThankfulBishop dale Bronner is the real deal because he comes from the REAL DEAL ! Thank you god that you have sent your good servant to reach the gospel
Sent2WinKeep Bringing the Fire!!🔥🔥I listen to the messages everyday during my lunch break. Each message is filled with biblical truths and encouragement. I feel revived, renewed and realigned after each message. Thank you Bishop Bronner for your faithfulness. I pray God continues to overwhelm you with His goodness!
UziiyahGod Bless The BishopThese sermons have helped me get through the toughest phases of my life. At times I feel like he’s talking directly to me. Every morning I listen to The bishop for clarity and peace of mind. Praise God for using the Bishop to Bless the world. Glory to God!
Holyghost123Great teachingsBishop is truly being used by God. All of his sermons have helped me tremendously. Especially during the difficult seasons of my life.
Theshrp1ThankfulI’m so grateful that I found this podcast! EXCELLENCE personified at every level.
One SistahBlessed by the WordI don’t even know how to express how much I’ve gleaned from Bishop and the way God has him to feed our hungry starving souls. The wisdom, discernment he has been filled with to be poured out upon God’s waiting people is sorely needed in this world everyday! Thankyou Bishop Dale Bronner and all God’s vessels that help him do what he does. I’m so grateful that we can also laugh as we listen. Great humor Sister Charlene Mills Hawthorne Nevada
Tom-Tom1989Great CommunicatorIt’s fascinating how the Holy Spirit uses Bishop to teach and preach with such passion that resonate with each listeners soul. God Bless You Sir.
Blessed HumbleLife mental Changing Sermons.I’m so so Grateful an humbled to have stumbled by bishop Bronner on YouTube. I’ve been battling depression an anxiety all my life an I’m 42 yrs old now.. hearing Bishop Bronner preaching and teaching have done something mentally for me that Doctors an medicine couldn’t do and I’ve been to the best of the best doctors around. Ive been listening to him about 1 week now or less and the way I think have changed.. I also don’t take no more medicine for anxiety an depression. I’ve been unclogged mentally threw his teachings an preaching.
northwest supercasterMore please!I’m wondering when the bishops going to put out a new teaching, I feel Like it has been too long?
Dj Yogi in AtlantaThank youFound this podcast at the beginning of the pandemic. It has helped me get through this rough time. I have been a person battling depression for years. Dr. Bronner’s comment about avoiding people who are always depressed is lesson I am struggling to grasp.
Delightful EstesWisdomThank God for the wisdom that dwells on the inside of this vessel. I learn so much through him.
dads that careThank youI thank the Almighty God for allowing you to be used for the people and the Kingdom of God , may he keep blessing you and your family God bless !!!
Bucky Bee's BBQBest Speaker I have ever heard!!!Bishop Bronner has such a way with GOD’S WORD. You know without a doubt; he has spent time in GOD’S WORD, & in GOD’S PRESENCE! He has changed the way I minister. His lexicon is so appropriate for today’s believers. He can preach to the political men & women of our country, the blue collar worker, or the homeless on the street, & everyone of them would understand the message. I have the highest respect for someone who is humble, meek, but yet full of THE WISDOM OF GOD. He knows how to speak, when to speak, & who to speak too… Awesome Man of GOD!!!!
Jesus best friendChristianWhere can I find Shamgar. I heard it in the past. Bro Bronner preached it he gave God the glory
Personal Google PhotograpyBishop The Real Deal BronnerI’ve been listening to Bishop Bronner for a week via YouTube and I’ve been so blessed with the teachings of God’s Holy Scriptures through the power of the Holy Spirit and for this I give glory to our Most High Almighty Father 🙌🏽
Chris K RogersMy Mentor From Afar…..I thank God for allowing to be able to witness the glory that is on Bishop Dale Bronner life. I am blessed daily by his godly wisdom and insight. Glad to be in that number!!!! -Christina King Rogers
Lionyess~Practical, Powerful, Soul speaking lessons!I arrange for my schedule to be clear by 7:30pm/EST every Sunday to tune in to Dr. Dale Bronner! It is consistently the best 30 min. of bible teaching for the entire week!
Hammerking44Best bishop everI have to meet this man, he’s bought so much meaning, understanding and passion to my life..... his words are a direct connection to the holy sprit within!!
Rushme82Inspirational!!!!!Every message speaks life, wisdom & possibility to my spirit. I had never heard Dr. Bronner until he was being interviewed on the Transformational Truths podcast and was moved by what was shared there.
Diaspora 🇰🇪The gift that keeps on giving!Been blessed by the ministry of Bishop Dale C. Bronner over the years but this particular teaching was a specific WORD for me!! So blessed and challenged to be a better channel of the agape love of God 🙏🏾!
justjazz7Life Goes OnGreetings, This sermon is one for the ages: powerful and purposefully delivered. Wisdom has spoken, and I am a captive fan. Color me grateful.❤️🙏🏾
E ChildsHas changed My LifeBeen following for at least 10yrs....Can’t wait to visit and personally give a Love offering
Jaye1213Amazing Teacher of the Word of GODI love the teachings from Dr. Bronner. He teaches and preaches the Word of GOD in such a way that the Word comes alive. His teachings have dramatically changed my life. During one of the hardest seasons of my life his teachings and preaching is what helped me go through. After hearing him preach I am ALWAYS full from eating the Word of GOD!
peewee esquireD Scottamazing man of God
kjispresentBishop BronnerGod speaks through this man, love Bishop Bronner.
TallymikeOne of the greatest.Bishop Bronner is one of the greatest teachers of our time. I marked him as a spiritual mentor in my personal life.
💯ResonsChallenged but Changed!I really enjoy his teachings, there could be no greater lessons as this great man of God explains God’s word in such a simplistic way, thank you Bishop Bronner.
Tommys PeachesThankfulI have been so blessed by his sermons! He has helped me to know where to go , when my life has been on the wrong path. I feel the presence of Our God when listening to him. God has given this man a talent for explaining everyday problems , that can be solved by walking with Christ. He is a light in this world for sure! I love and pray for him everyday of my life.
precious1 2/9/13Can’t get enough!!I thank God often for the preached sermons and teachings of Bishop Bronner. My spiritual life has reached higher heights and my love walk with our Heavenly Father, deeper depths. Oh the love relationship that I now have! When you truly want to know and to sincerely grow, God will provide true shepherds that carry his heart. God has placed true gems in my life, to which Bishop Bronner is one. His podcast deliverers truth to me all day, anytime of the day. May God continue to use him mightily as he stays yielded and in God’s presence.
Pam from VAGod’s Garden 7:1 and 7:2I’m the daughter that Bishop Bronner and his beautiful wife didn’t know they had:) As with all of Bishop’s teaching, this message was on point and relevant. His messages always prepare me for what’s to come. The part about showing 5 acts of kindness was life changing. To make a long story short, I pulled out in front of a man, unintentionally, at the gas station. The man cussed me out and put up his middle finger. Although my flesh wanted to lay him out real good, there was one problem... Just when I started to let him have it, I heard Bishop Bronner’s message in my heart about kindness. The man and I ended up parking beside each other and went into the store at the same time. As challenging as it was, I ate humble pie and approached him and said “sir, I didn’t mean to pull in from of you. I’m sorry”. He began to justify why he gave me the bird. I said “sir sometimes people have things on their minds but I didn’t mean to do that. Let me purchase your items”. To make a long story short, kindness had this man asking me what church I attended and I was more than happy to share the details. Bishop Bronner, THANKS for allowing God use you to help little folk like me to be the gal that my daddy created me to be! God bless you, your family, your church body and all that God has designed for you to do! Kindness:)
Rookard-McGillLove this man of GoodHis sermons are so inspiring! I always learn something when listening and can apply it to my life.
best real estatePhenomenal LeaderBishop Bronner is a simpy put a phenomenal leader, and man of God. He has a heart for the church and Gods people
Humble42WisdomLove how Bishop Bronner cares enough to break teachings down to simplest form!
Se AsheScharlaThank you for this message. Helped me realize that thoughts plus action will keep me focused on God.
So_BellaMamaThe Best PodcastBishop Bronner is an awesome teacher of God’s word!!
grateful eternallyOutstanding MessageBishop Bronner is truly a Godly prophet for our time. His love for God and Gods children has blessed many undeniably!
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