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bobdangalowMuch better than the TV ShowsGreat podcast: updates on daily news with a slightly conservative slant. Far better than the coverage from on-screen drama personalities of Fox News
karen doleyap yap yappity yapif ur looking for a good republican podcast listen to the bulwark
MosquitoSwarmKacap CentralYawn.
pc_haterDana PerinoIn your October 29 podcast you talk about interviews and what’s funny is Trump never answers a question. He passed on the 60 minute interview because he didn’t want to be fact checked. He couldn’t answer the question on Joe Rogan regarding What proof do you have about the 2020 election and all he could say is “ oh I have papers you should see them “Listen to those town halls where people asked very specific questions and all he has is “drill baby drill“ he really has no plan. And as far as at the MSG rally, there were so many disparaging, racial, misogynistic comments from the performers. It was a red meat party.
Ken DahlRecommendedGreat guests, ones many of us are not familiar with. Treats listeners as adults. No red meat. No bloody shirt.
888wattAdsI subscribe to this podcast and paid the fee, but I’m still getting ads. I’m gonna have to break up. Bye.
Md713Fox News Rundown: A Daily Dose of DrudgeryA prime example of what happens when you take the sensationalism of cable news and try to stretch it out into a podcast. Unfortunately, what might pass as compelling television doesn’t translate well into audio form. The show is a tedious parade of recycled talking points, shallow analysis, and predictable narratives that seem more interested in echoing the network’s established viewpoints than offering any fresh or nuanced perspectives. The hosts often sound like they’re going through the motions, with forced enthusiasm that barely masks their lack of genuine engagement with the topics at hand. The segments are poorly paced, and the transitions between them feel clunky and awkward, making it hard to stay focused. As for the content itself, it’s a regurgitation of the same headlines you’ve already seen plastered across Fox’s TV screen, without any additional depth or insight. If you’re looking for a podcast that offers anything more than the surface-level spin, “The Fox News Rundown” will leave you sorely disappointed. It’s like listening to a news channel on autopilot, and not even the fast-forward button can save you from the monotony.
Samleed123Does Fox Want to Report Accurately or Misguide with Sensationalism?Usually I find this reporting pretty fair, but today (8.5.24) I listened to “Recession Fears Roil Markets” with Lydia Hu and the entire episode was Tengler Laffer consistently restating that unemployment is numbers are good, GDP is good, recession is unlikely, etc and every comment was met with a disappointed Hu trying to reposition the conversation into a catastrophic narrative. What are we trying to do here? Thanks @ Tengler for being a level headed contributor. I’ll seek alternate podcasts for my daily rundown before clicking on another episode hosted by Hu. And who is writing your headlines? Total mismatch for the content of this episode.
Runnin on 7DisappointingNah, moving on.
OkMediocreLow information propagandaLong winded and low information GOP Talking points + CIA propaganda.
Niuncentav0I don’t believe Nellie BowlesAfter listening to her on this podcast I searched for her online and found an episode with her on Morning Joe. She is either confused or duplicitous or simply promoting her book to all audiences. On MJ she fit in perfectly with hypocrites who see the faults of others and blind to their own. Latte liberals indeed.
Mog255Great in depth reporting, know what’s going on!My only issue is with the extra, it might be longer, but feels like the same thing. Maybe just leave the whole thing for the weekend or don’t make it too long. Keep up the good work paying no mind to negative listeners who are no longer listening.
PB and J CinciNeed more Jared Cohen insightLoved the interview with Jared Cohen, need more with him! He should start his own Fox podcast- I could listen to his info all the time!
jujuinorGreat PodcastLove your podcast and I really enjoy the brevity of getting the news in short and concise matters. One suggestion I might offer, however—-it may not be a good idea to only have a Spanish-speaking only advertisement right after a story on immigration problems. Just saying! otherwise great job!!
Book Club LoverScam!I did not know I was paying for this! I am not charged for any other podcast. This is a scam. I never even listen to it.
ByeFelicia777Rundown One Topic at a TimeThis is not an alternative to NPRs UpFirst or another update about news and alternative look at Progressive narrative News as I’d hoped. The show spends way too long talking about the same thing every day, it’s not very well educating. If the topic is Hunter Biden again then it’s pretty repetitive and sometimes irrelevant for example. In short, it’s pretty boring.
average joe that guyHalf new, half fear mongeringHalf of the podcast has good standard news with minimal right wing twist. And then they have right wing tinfoil hats on to scare the old people. But it’s good to know what your crazy uncle is listening to
AmtayaUgh I can’tI literally only listen to this so I can deprogram my grandparents from whatever nonsense you’ve tried to put into their heads this week.
knife60Comments on Daniel PennyWhy is it that you always say Daniel Penny used a chokehold? He did not choke this man. It was a submission hold that cut off the blood to the brain causing someone to lose consciousness not choke them by cutting off the air supply harming the windpipe. By improperly phrasing this as a choke hold you put Mr. Penny in a legal bind as a chokehold would be considered illegal and a submission hold is used often I MMA fights and never considered illegal.
LoganfoolGood jobWith all due respect, I’m going to give you the respect of knowing why I am deleting you from my life.
Mr. MytzelplixGood review of current major storiesI like the longer (medium) format for these major stories. An expansion of these important topics without being too expansive.
JTWNSCSolid news updateSolid news update, though it is biased more to the right and could stand more variety in guests. Nevertheless, quick wrap on the current news.
Matt Harvey of the NY MetsUnfollowingUnfollowing due to Tucker’s firing. You don’t understand what your audience wants.
mydoulaBye Bye FoxAfter the Post Election Debacle and Tucker Carlson ouster… it’s time to kick Fox to the Curb… See Ya
abdikadir qayloosthis pocast of the fox news rundown is mot 3.5 rates is five starsi love all fox news rundown &i like to lsten this podcast becouse of fox they know me so much &this 3.5 rates is some using my podcast even when i subscribed they can do unsubscribe so please check what i comments$cutchup thirt person between me&fox news rundown .thank you all
Epsilon the Plastic BagSOCIALIST PROPAGANDA!This Podcast Is so Far Left! All it just does is say communist propaganda and lies all day!
Terry & SaraChallenge Your Guests!I like this podcast overall, but it can be a bit frustrating in a couple ways. First, the hosts tend to ask rambling, long winded questions. I mean, ask a concise question and let your guest answer! Second, when the guest answers by not answering, or with a twisted & spun answer, challenge them!!! Whatever happened to real journalists who push for the truth and don’t settle for political sound bites? I mean, you don’t challenge your Democrat or Republican guests! By the way, you’ll love this podcast if you think Republicans are always right and Democrats are always wrong. Fair & balanced? Not in the least!
Blackshoe81Fox News Shifting LeftWith a few prime time exceptions, Salem and Newsmax seem to have taken the lead on Conservative contributors. I have listened to and watched Fox for a long time simply to see a second opinion on issues. This podcast has slowly shifted to CNN light content, which is fine if it suits your needs. Everyone sees things a little differently, and this particular show is no longer one I’m very interested in.
LTiger999DELICIOUSPro lifing, republican conservatives. They talk about free speech like they don’t have it but bar us lefties from saying anything remotely sensible. Oh also gun rights are horrible abolish the second amendment cmon
burntoutongreedyappsGreat News PodcastIt’s funny to me the “pride” commercial is put on this podcast. Like every listener isn’t skipping it. But let the alphabet folks keep wasting their advertising dollars.
Rdyrbl1967Speed talkJust subscribed but not sure I’ll continue. Sounds like the news is playing at faster speeds and is not normal. Can’t listen to the news “speeded up”. Why???
layla r123😋Just stopPlease stop spreading lies about, well I mean everything. You are making citizens dumber.
Ghosts60Fox NewsLove Fox News
MWRTXGotten WorseFox News is all over the place these dates. Half the time they have idiot leftist propagandists on here and the hosts just go along with whatever they say.
TextdghJuan Williams is a Race BaiterI would give it five stars, but Williams dragged it down by 2 stars. Keep putting that jerk on and I’ll keep taking stars off.Why in the world is fox keep employing dumb liberals? I know they want fair and balanced, but good grief, get somebody with half a brain
TTVtrevThis is the bestI have always loved the news and I can’t get it on my car radio so I listen to this when I can cause I want to listen (or see) what’s happening in the world
Benuboy546782Is Fox news going liberal?Please spare us from having to listen to the lying liberals. We can hear them on any other station. We don’t need more of the same.
GrooipieNice ChangeThis is an excellent option for unfiltered news without prejudice of a political point of view. Add this as a “must” listen to your podcast list.
California Titans FanAwesome reportingReal news that’s accurate.
KimAdele13Seriously fox!!We have to listen to some lunatic climate guru. Now Syria is a desert because of climate change. Egypt is going to implode because of tension between factions because of climate change. If I wanted to listen yo propaganda, I’d listen yo CNN. Do better!!!
"Kalifornian"GratefulThank the Lord I no longer have to expose myself to the NPR branch of the DNC. Finally something worth listening too on my way to work.
Texas GranMaSuperficial ReportingJulie Kelly is doing In depth investigative reporting on January 6. You might have her on your show for the rest of the story.
bekiebooooooCheck the audioI tried listening but all I heard was diarrhea noises.
ajgb392I have a ideaMust people that listen to fox believe in conspiracy same as qanon what is the difference
***sciguy***Diligent DanIs an idiot
Alee510Extremely disappointedI am daily Fox Rundown listener and hearing headlines that sound like advertisements for the vaccine and masks is a turn-off. This is what the media has literally reduced the Covid equation to. Masks don’t really work. Viruses can still sleep through, and they muzzle young children who are not at all at risk. The vaccine, while quite possibly effective, is problematic. Side effects are real and efficacy is fading among those already vaccinated, now requiring booster shots. So stop being a part of the propaganda machine for Big Pharma, and start being HONEST!
qrrweeSound Quality is AwfulInsanely bad sound quality
Diligent DanBiden is NOT the president!The guy who does the evening edition is TERRIBLE! Get someone who has some animation to their voice! I'm SO sick of what used to be the voice of reason promoting the FAKE NEWS that Biden is President! I just fast-forward and curse under my breath. Next: Fire Jessica Rosenthal! She's a biased witch that puts words in people's mouths and then moves on without letting them rebut. I don't think she has an original thought in her head. Everything is "interesting" then she acts like a mind reader. If she hosts a show, I will delete it. If she hosts a segment, I will skip it. In my book, she and Chris Wallace are the worst reporters (term used loosely) Fox has.
rrdwtrsdyysdwddTrashMore trash from the propaganda machine
FoxNotsoUgghAdvocated for the most extreme right wing talking points to ever infect the air waves. Screw this.
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