The Megyn Kelly Show


The Megyn Kelly Show is your home for open, honest and provocative conversations with the most interesting and important political, legal and cultural figures today. No BS. No agenda. And no fear.

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  • Evans_Kelly
    #1 Best Podcast
    Finally we have been given a reliable source for the news. You are such a fighter, Megyn. With a strong, passionate voice you deliver a clear and mature understanding on our worlds current events. Most outstandingly, however, you are NOT. AFRAID. You are bold, confident, and well-prepared on all that you speak on. Thank you for being a voice so many can not express. Love you and your show. All the best.
  • Second Variety
    Bloody Megyn
    No sane woman would have anything to do with a malevolent narcissist lying man who insulted her on a worldwide tv broadcast that she has menstrual ‘blood coming out of her eyes, nose, whatever!’ Except…Megyn Kelly.
  • annoyed pulse user
    Toxic to society.
    This nightmare of a woman consistently being harmful, selfish and toxic to society needs to find a new line of work. Obviously she has emotional or psychological issues that has caused her to behave in such a manner. Her constant lying, belittling others, being vindictive, or causing harm without remorse is cause for concern for our society since she’s on display to the public.
  • Oldmanjenkins84
    My wife and I love listening to you everyday and look forward to each episode. Thank you for all that you do
  • Idea Bear
    Trump Trump Trump
    Megan I just recently started watching your show and I love it! You make sense. You get down to core values. You expose people for who they truly are. Robert F Kennedy said it right the Democrats have demoralized this country. People are desensitized, and nothing is surprising or shocking! I hope you will bring out the truth about the statue that was hung up in Las Vegas. The true reason someone would do such an evil thing and what this means. Sincerely, Teresa
  • jacobsjj
    Love your show but I can’t take listening to any more Harris clips including her loser husband. I’m literally getting sick 😩
  • Candyapple133
    Ads for Kamala??!!
    Megyn, I love you but you need to speak with your media sales team. Kamala campaign ads are running all over your program, multiple times. Make it stop please. Honestly it's not a great look.
  • Gradheid
    So sad to listen to this podcast. Megan is everything she accuses everyone else of. She’s a hypocrite. She doesn’t talk about how Trump had his ridiculousness with Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan, and many others supporting him in the Republican national national convention. Oh, that’s right they would not be elite or intelligent.
  • Gdub205
    Megyn is the best!
    Megyn is the best in the business. But what’s with all the Kamala Harris ads?
  • Ocean1185
    You are a terrible person, Megan
  • Ajo11246
    Emily Jashinsky
    Voice is unbearable. Megyn, have you investigated whether this person is trans?
  • Susan Spring
    Love this podcast
    I look forward to listening to Megyn each day. She is so intelligent and such a fighter for the truth. She is passionate about protecting women’s rights, safety and spaces. I get my news each day from her and follow her “lives” during unfolding and frightening events. I feel safer knowing there is someone like her out there in this world fighting for people like me, a quiet 73 year old mother of five and grandmother of 7. I’ve been afraid for our country and this world for awhile now and Megyn gives me hope for my progeny’s future. She makes so much sense and is the most intelligent woman I’ve ever listened to speak. She can put the thoughts of the everyday people into perfect words that make sense and completely lays out the issues we face today in the United States and the world. Thank you Megyn for your thoughtfulness, kindness and insight, for giving us hope, for standing up for the truth. We need you.
  • shadow1951
    Becoming a citizen
    Megyn I recently spoke to a German who explained to me there are 3 and 4 generations of Turks living and born in Germany that are not German citizens. They are Turkish. They even have Turkish politicians that come to Germany to solicit their vote!
  • Pinot Grigio is my confidant
    Rob Schneider
    Wow… I had no idea that Rob is such a brilliant patriot. Very brave as well - to risk it all after being “cancelled” by the current clueless & toxic media regime he once loved & trusted. Wishing him & his family well.
  • Luke T J
    Question from a humble listener
    Would Megyn give us her top 10 questions she would ask Kamala Harris in a debate? There are so many, but Megyn does such a great job of concisely breaking down issues. Would love to pose these to a friend😉
  • Liyutyang
    A great choice for daily news
    Great guest, excellent topics; very professional. A great interview with Prof Alan. D. Great high quality show Like the topics in the podcast. I am an Asian and I don’t like the culture revolution happening in the US. Like the show about anti semic and black on Asian . All the discrimination against me are from Blacks. Go figure. The United States is not a racism country, it does not mean no racism. The podcast is literally high quality. I recommend it to everybody. A loyal listener from the start. Brave journalism。true journalism. Great interview with Dan Bongino— brought the book. Great program and nice interview with Leri Lake.
  • SavannahG93
    Megyn Only
    Love a Megyn Monologue a show just her is the best!
  • dc32889
    Kamala adds
    Hey, enjoy listening to your show, I listen to it on Apple podcast and your recent episodes have multiple Kamala Harris ads throughout each episode. Wasn’t sure if your team was aware.
  • marty45camp
    Awful host and awful show. Meghan is a idiot
  • Bucky in NE WI
    Love the show
    You and a few others are our main source of legit info. Absolutely love your candidness and willingness to call a spade a spade. Keep it up!!
  • Bertha Rials
    Big Sigh
    Kamala stole Left Eyes, of TLCs, line from the song, Waterfall. “Dreams are hopeless aspirations in hopes of coming true believe in yourself, the rest up to me and you”. There is a lot of ‘hopes’ ‘aspirations’ and more ‘hopes’.
  • tessastin
    Thank you!!
    I can’t thank you enough for bringing awareness to our food crisis! BobbyApproved is a fantastic free app that lets you scan barcodes and find out if the food is healthy to eat. It also tells you why the food my not be approved and lists the harmful ingredients. It has been a huge help when grocery shopping!!! I have been a fan for years and I am so grateful for all you do!!
  • skincareyogi
    Love this show - but hear me out!
    Megyn- can you please draw attention to the fact that the film “A line in the sand” being available exclusively on the TCN is NOT getting the word out? The people that need to see this film will never see it. I love your work and honest journalism. But dems and liberals don’t listen to your show and they certainly won’t listen to Tucker. We have to reach the other side!!!
  • arhmatey
    Favorite news source
    I appreciate that Megyn is willing to talk to anyone and ask tough questions, even to people on “her team”. I relate to her as a mother of young children and as a patriotic American. I have especially loved seeing her highlight the MAHA movement lately. This topic is especially personal to me as I have seen the impact of taking our family off artificial food dyes—just one simple diet modification. My eight year-old is no longer oppositional, depressed, and wishing she had never been born (a sentiment she used to express every night as she would cry herself to sleep). Big Ag, food, pharma, etc. are such important giants to take on. I pray for the safety of the people willing to address these issues and am so, so grateful to Megyn for giving them a voice. Thank you.
  • Blazing Asian
    Best News show!!! Fair on the Right and Left
    This show is wonderful, truth without an agenda. Love your take on the current events happening and the guests!
  • TN Pats fan
    Enjoying the show
    Megyn, I haven’t seen much or heard from you since you left Fox for NBC years ago. I gave your podcast a try and am really enjoying the shows. Your analysis remains incisive, your funny, passionate, and have interesting guests. Keep it up! Jim
  • Wordsmith Annie
    Enjoy Your Show, mostly
    I listen often, and mostly enjoy you. BUT I am totally turned off when you or others drop F bomb and/or use profanity or cursing. There simply is no need for it, and the crazy progressives throw this gutter talk around all the time. I want to believe you are better than that, Megyn! May I add, it seems to me, recently, that you have cleaned up,your language a bit, and I’m so grateful. Now, to get your guests to do the same… Thanks, and good wishes! Ann B
  • DebDAG
    Amazing most of the time
    I wish Megyn would do a little more research before naming brands. After mentioning flouide she said “get a britta” Britta will filter some of the I chemicals that make water taste aweful. However it doesn't filter fluoride.
  • Motherbear!
    During the formula shortage my newborn was dairy intolerant. I started giving him soy formula and began researching what else I could possibly buy to feed my baby. I researched the risks of a soy only based diet… not good. But because there were limited options with the formula shortage, I was desperate. Then I researched European formula. The differences are MIND BLOWING. Europe prohibits palm oils, artificial coloring/preservatives, pesticides, sugars. Which are basically standards for American formulas. OUR NEWBORNS ONLY FOOD-SOURCE is absolute poison!
  • shutterflylongtimecustomer
    Eye- opening conversation with Nicole Shanahan
    Thank you for this eye-opening conversation today. I learned a ton of information that really aligns with my own experiences.
  • Shwolfe
    Please kept so mental health help for your rage
    This show is nothing but another right wing propoganda arm. Looking for actual conservative values, look elsewhere!!
  • Caitlin CC.
    She used to be a decent journalist but she’s been bought.
  • Jen Kup
    reminds me of middle school
    I had hoped Megyn would offer a more moderate view of the world - especially after everything she went through at Fox News. Even if I agree with several of her opinions - I find the titles of the episodes to be inflammatory and the communication style to be a series of rants. I’ve also noticed a lot sound bite grabs and “mean girl” mentality when speaking about other famous women. There is a recent episode that involved Oprah’s GLP-1 use that felt like middle school all over gain. You don’t have to like what other people stand for, but when you use cheap shots you sound cheap. It’s too bad the topics are so often derailed into oblivion by mocking others. I’m saddened this isn’t an intelligent offering of discourse but rather click bait in the TMZ style. I suppose that is what sells, so I was naive to hope for something different. Skip this one and head over to “Honestly” with Bari Weiss if you crave thought and respect from across the table.
  • Free Patriot Tim
    Just try using the VA’s automated help line.
  • Madame Lexy
    Just awful 😣
    If you’re looking for another reason to feel sick to your stomach about what’s happened to our MAGA-stained country, then look no further. Heavy audible sigh.
  • Zoe61
    You should be ashamed of yourself
    Megan, you’re a mess
  • Addi keener
    If you want the truth about American and foreign matters, this is your woman!!! She always has remarkable guests and only speaks truth! Megyn Kelly does an incredible justice to country. We are blessed to have her intelligence and diligence. I wish for every American to hear her truth.
  • PoseidonSLBM
    Question about oprah
    Love your show but a question , I’ve never watched Oprahs old show but has she always sounded like the foghorn on top of coastal lighthouses ? Rather crash into the rocks then hear that again geez
  • redport.
    She is in it for the money and doesn’t care about content just the ratings. She did go after Trump and kudos for that.
  • Merlz621
    Love it!
    She says it like it is and stands up for what’s right. I appreciate her tenacity to underline the topics that should matter the most to our beautiful nation.
  • WoodMorger
    Maureen Callahan is a Star!
    Have to say that Megyn & Maureen make a great team! That podcast was informative and easy to listen & follow even with the sensitive topics. Well done! Hope to see you two team up again!
  • Lookin4Truth
    Alternative View
    I listen to Megyn Kelly’s as a counter point to the bias of mainstream media. I feel it’s necessary to listen to both independent and corporate media to get some semblance of what the truth actually is. I like Megyn’s background in law which adds value for coverage of legal stories. Some of her guests seem a bit sketchy however, and I could use less of her angry takes on some stories. Overall, fairly good conservative take on the news of the day.
  • MichelleRN
    Shrill, dated hate talk
    She’s over - been over- sold out journalism to low brow tabloid- she doesn’t even sound genuine in her pseudo indignations - a shame.
  • birdgang1420
    Trash person. Trash show.
  • L Christine
    Can’t stand TC
    I don’t like hearing anything about Tucker Carlson. Don’t lay down with dogs, Megyn. As conservatives, we need to be very careful with whom we choose to partner.
  • Veldkamp
    Love your show!
    Paul Gazelka was the Minnesota State Senate Majority Leader from 2017-2021. He has a new book out called Behind the Veil: A stand against Governor Tim Walz. Please have him on your show. His experiences with Governor Walz is eye opening. Thanks for all you do!!
  • SGrisales
    Megyn Rocks
    Megyn Kelly has it all; brains, beauty, and fierce determination for the facts and truth. Absolutely love listening to her podcast and what an inspiring role model for all women. As long as she keeps going, I’ll be tuning in and encouraging my daughters to do the same!
  • beard beautiful
    Scum of the earth
  • RiskGal
    Who Needs Cable
    Megan has replaced my cable news. She has well rounded guest from both sides. She brings a logical brain to the mix. Megan is my new hero! This is my #1 listened to Podcast. Thanks Megan for bringing clarity to so many topics. You are the best!
  • MomofSevenK
    Why gambling ads?
    I support and love what Megyn is doing but am very disappointed in the fact that the show was supported by many ads of online gambling sites. Gambling is just as destructive as any other addictive vice- why not have pornographers advertise? Or drug sellers? Or alcohol ads? I hope you will consider what you are implicitly supporting and choose different advertisers. Thank you for reading this review.
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