Timcast IRL


Timcast IRL is hosted by Tim Pool and delivers hard-hitting news and analysis on politics, culture, and current events. Featuring a wide range of guests, the show tackles topics like government overreach, tech censorship, and political division from an independent perspective. Expect uncensored discussions and sharp insights into today’s most controversial issues.

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Recent Reviews
  • TPCansu
    Trump Ukraine
    Tim great conversation! Did you know Tucker dumps the 5 shows from Fox every day on Rumble?Sure they are a day later, but I watch Gutfield through Rumble.
  • KRFireFighter
    He’s a bully!
    I’m trying to listen to more content from the other side from my current position so that I better understand them. Though I appreciate some of the content of this show I am seriously disappointed by Tim’s bullying stance and his refusal to allow his guests to speak. He is clearly more interested in promoting his show than he is in having reasonable conversations.
  • MKF59
    It is nice to hear the truth.
  • ————-((((((()))))))————-
    Great show
    Dems will go down like Al Capone.
  • PegMcKJ
    Great Show! Keep it Up!!!
    Tim & Team - News comes at us all in the form of a firehose in the face, and you handle it swimmingly! I enjoy listening daily, a LOT of us do. Ignore the detractors, they’re upset the Podcasts (like yours) ARE THE NEWS now! They can get a grip or move the phukk on.
  • tinamdunkin
    What NO Show!!!
    How can I get through my week without it!!! Could use some different topics but you know it is the news
  • ScottM86
    Literally too much
    Phil, you say “literally” way too much. Said it 4x in 30 seconds. C’mon man.
  • TeamBubblegum
    Need to get back to it’s roots
    Have been listening less and less. The show was excellent early on in Covid and prior to Covid. Over the last 2 years it’s gotten less and less interesting and accurate. I find myself turning it off before 1/2 way or skipping 80% of it because they don’t seem to be discussing anything REAL. A lot of his opinions don’t even seem attached to reality recently.
  • TKBorgo
    Interested & congratulations on marriage and baby Tim :)
  • SoonerCW
    His cap hides his lack of hair and a brain
    Dude is just ridiculous. No sense in wasting your time with this “never was.”
  • Philip buttsworrh jshvsvsjjs
    Show 2/4
    Was unbearable . Phil is a great guest but as the main host not so much . He is long winded and repetitive.. and the woman from war room was so long winded and hogged the whole show … I was yelling stop talking and spit it out … please do something this was my favorite show
  • Eukaryote69
    I used to like
    I used to like this show. But lately it’s been a bunch of dumb people who spout nonsense. Tim, you can do better.
  • BLG615_02
    Sam Tripoli
    We love sam more Sam
  • Melisssssa13
    Phil 👏🏻
    Phil you are getting better and better each time you host!!
    The show is dieing
    The secondary cast is stagnant and without merit.
  • piclklypoo
    Get well soon little buddy
  • alannoy
    Great episode
    Love Matt Walsh
  • Semper Fenton
    Great Show
    One of a few shows that I listen to daily.
  • Kareberg
    Thank you
    Always excellent.
  • Major Armstrong
    Timcast IRL or TimRants IRL?
    Listened to Tim since 2016 and IRL since it started. IRL was always pretty good (guest dependent) but I stopped Tim’s daily for it since Tim started to rant more. Tim’s rants even on IRL now seem to be becoming more frequent though and spent one night just ranting how he makes all this money but can’t afford IRL? Then seemingly fires Hannah Claire and ads via podcast listening double? Also he’s kept on Ian seemingly even though him and Phil both keep scolding him now for derailing the topic. Kept on through the election hoping things get better since that meltdown stream he did but not sure how much longer I’ll keep up with him now. Update Dec 30: it’s been even less news discussion now. More and more often Tim seems to keep diverting discussion of news to religion.
  • RoutineDrop
    Claims to be a libertarian, yet has neo-conservative takes on many things.
  • tomshairpiece
    Libby, and I mean this in a constructive way, you have insight and make great points, but you have to let people finish their thoughts and not talk over them. We know you are intelligent you don't have to jump in the middle of somebody's point to let everybody know that you know what they're talking about.
  • AngrySiriusSubscriber
    It’s weird now.
    Tim needs to wash his beanie. We don’t care you are balding. Take it off man. That thing must smell like a porta potty at a construction site.
  • sodawnko
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for about six months. Today I’ve decided that I’m done with it. Great guests that are constantly interrupted by the host who is arrogant and sickly demeaning to many of his own people. I’ve read lots of the comments about Tim’s personality and sadly it is true, in at least how he comes across to this listener. It’s really too bad because he is intelligent, seems to know a lot of things. Problem is - He seems to think he’s the only one who does. Maybe I’ll try back in a few months and see if anything has changed.
  • eNF0Rc3R_d3m0N
    Im sorry but im with Ean when it comes to the 911 buildings collapsing i was a freshman in high school and was watching the live coverage when the buildings collapsed also my bro served 2 tours in Iraq right after 9/11 and he told me what everyone was saying about the buildings collapsing. Tim there’s millions of people that see like Ean as well.
  • rinohater
    Experts that aren’t
    Your so called expert on hypersonics isn’t an expert, you need a dedicated anti hypersonic anti missile system to defeat them, and we don't have them.
  • jack_ceo
    Cohost Troubles
    Libby needs to let the guests talk
  • mario_renzo
    The cops are not the problem the district
    Guys slow down! You were going after the wrong group when it comes to law-enforcement. The cops have to do with the supervisor tells them, and the district attorney you have to put the blame on the correct perpetrator get it right guys.
  • JenniferK310
    Please bring HCB back and get rid of Elad
    Show was better with HCB. Bring her back or someone like her and get rid of Elad. It’s a fair trade. When you bring back someone like HCB, I will update my review. I’d rather listen to Tim talk by himself on his Daily News podcast than this sausage fest.
  • markdwilson71gmail
    Block This One How?
    How do I stop podcasts I’m not interested in such as Timcast from showing up in my suggestions?
  • Ahtiggep
    Always interesting
    Love the show because of the mix of ideologies which helps keep me from living in an ideological bubble. Always learn something new here. Tim & friends are honest and I appreciate that.
  • Frosty-Doc
    The Best Podcast
    Always engaging with a wide variety of guests to discuss current news.
  • sickasme
    Make Timcast great again…
    Timcast has literally raised my raised my IQ. My critical thinking has improved tenfold since i have been listening. The show hasn’t been the same since Hannah Claire left. I was tempted to give a four star rating because she is gone but the show is still top tier. Make Timcast great again, bring back Hannah Claire.
  • 226bh
    Russian spy
    Useful idiot. Along with everyone who listens to this garbage. I’d love to live my life oblivious to actual facts, but unfortunately I have a brain that doesn’t allow this.
  • Rabble Rousing RZA
    Like night and day
    So, I have paid especially close attention to the flow of the show since the loss of HCB. Now, between Ian, slow talking Phil, and whoever else, it’s gone considerably downhill. Watch your ratings take a big L, but don’t wonder why.
  • $WD1
    Good stuff
    It’s the greatest show. Everyone agrees. That’s what I’ve been told. Hanna Claire was intolerable btw.
  • JesseBelly
    Slow talker Phil
    Please stop that guy from talking. He thinks if he just says common sense things slowly it makes him smart.
  • MotorIntegral3
    If you like the TRUTH
    Tim Pool has the most truthful and honest show of any podcast period. “The best show on so I’m told”
  • Bestevarr
    Timcast IRL is the best
    Best podcast ever, everyone agrees. At least, that’s what I’ve been told.
  • Matty D2
    ian NEEDS TO GO
    This show was good until Ian started taking too much latitude and ruined the flow. C'mon Tim, he can barely put together a coherent thought. It's pretty clear to anyone listening Phil and HCB hate him. I can only imagine what Seamus thinks Ian, no one cares what your mom says on politics and we're all not super secretly subservient to the British monarch. So, take your stupid graphene and professors at Rice University and go away
  • Nels4790
    Are you stupid or something?
    That’s a line from the movie “Forrest Gump”, and the response is: “Stupid is as stupid does”. Tim Pool is stupid if he thinks firing Hannah Claire Brimelow is a good idea. Sure Tim, fire your most talented employee; I’ll bet that works out great. I’m cancelling my Timcast membership, go take your millions of dollars and live in a van by the river like you keep saying you are going to do.
  • tpm4lakeview
    Old People
    I found your show after watching you on Joe Rogan withe the twitter people. Enjoy the perspective however I’m an old guy so stop saying old people don’t listen to your show.
  • Tmccoy89
    Great show
    It’s the greatest show ever, everyone agrees, at least that’s what I’ve been told.
  • cashwise
    Daily Wire Acquisition Target
    After Tim famously told Jeremy “I don’t need you” and then made fun of Destiny for an online melt down, he goes and melts down live on air and just slams his employees publicly then comes back like nothing happened and says we’re looking for CEO/COO. He made himself look absolutely terrible and like a worthless leader who takes zero accountability for his companies performance. If I were daily wire, I would stay away from this show because Tim’s in decline and what he did on air certainly can be forgiven, but it doesn’t fit in with conservative values. The market will punish him. Tim is spot on when it comes to identifying trends and reading between the lines. He’s one of the best, but the on air meltdown savagely going after the people he took responsibility for isn’t something I can forgive yet. I’m not aware of a public apology to his staff and listeners and that’s the place to start.
  • Lance acton
    The greatest show ever
    It is the greatest show ever! Everybody agrees! There has never been a better show than this show!!
  • whatshertits
    Or so I’m told
    Best show beside fleccas .. or so I’m told
  • Mr Blind
    Your ‘Thumb Theory’ is spot on
    Same thing happening on Reddit as on Twitter when Elon took over. Suddenly the slant is not as liberal as it was last week. Maybe because their stock price is now important….
  • The Real Throat
    The absence of Hannah Brimelow and Libby Emmons has turned this podcast into the Tim and Seamus comedy hour and I want no part of it.
  • rdcu8mbdt
    Infomercial or podcast?
    Do all the episodes start with talk plugging a sponsor? I guess it’s all about the ad revenge and not the audience.
  • Salted Sam
    Moderate is now extreme
    Excellent panel! Fun guests, and a century’s worth of history crammed into a single decade. Hanna-Claire and Phil are the perfect duo to co-host with Tim. If you can withstand the nonsensical Ian, the conversations that are had are thought provoking, insightful, and honest. Real opinions based on real stories written by real propaganda agencies. Looking at you, CNN. Honest no-knees-bent conversations. YouTube can get bent, though. Don’t tell me how to think, Google. Keep up the great work, Tim and crew!
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